Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 24 Your Men Will Hear

Instead of responding, Ophelia shyly slid her palm over his hand that gripped the seat near her thigh. At her touch, she felt his knuckles tighten harshly. He groaned and bent his head. The sound was primal, filled with desires that shouldn't be indulged in a carriage.

"You make me crazy." Killorn bent and kissed her forehead.

Killorn placed a knee in between her thighs, whilst placing one foot firmly on the carriage floor, and then, grabbed her waist. Yanking her closer, he pursued his mouth down her jaw and towards her delectable neck.

"M-my lord…" Ophelia was frightened when she saw the window on the door.

Killorn's silhouette was large and took up the entire window frame, but the people outside would know. They'd hear her. And she was more than mortified.

"Just a taste, Ophelia." Killorn squeezed her hips. He continued his wet and hot trail to her jugular where he felt her swallow.

"B-but y-your men…"

"Can be damned." Killorn licked a sensitive spot on her neck. She cried out sweetly, clutching his shoulders. They had barely done anything and his head was already dizzy with desires to breed with her until her stomach was round with his child.

"N-not there," Ophelia said through a ragged breath. Her heart was racing a thousand beats per second. She couldn't think straight with his hair tickling her skin and his mouth exploring dangerously. All she could focus on was his passionate kisses.

Suddenly, Killorn bit the area.

"My l-lord!" Ophelia whimpered, just as he swirled his feverish tongue upon the bite. She hated her traitorous body. She tilted her head, giving him more access.

"It's Killorn," he growled upon her neck, angrily nibbling on the area. Her body arched and she gasped, pleasure spreading throughout her body.

Kissing and nipping at the spot where her pulse lay, Ophelia realized what a mess she was.

A few taunts here and there, then all rationality left her thoughts. Ophelia felt a familiar ache in her lower belly as something awakened once again. Dangerously, he pulled down her gown, until the valley of her breasts was revealed.

"Y-your men will h-hear," Ophelia worriedly whispered, just as he kissed her collarbone.

Killorn crushed her lower body tightly against his, grabbing her thighs and forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist. He laid her on the velvet chairs of his carriage.

"They won't."


The more she pleaded, the greedier he became.

Killorn was eager and urgent, sucking and kissing at her chest until red marks formed. Ophelia writhed in an attempt to escape, but his mouth grasping at her soft skin. And then, his hand wandered lower, until it slid under her pooling gown.

Within seconds, Ophelia's body jolted upwards. She loudly gasped, feeling his thumb forcibly tearing through her underwear. The coldness of his gloved fingers made her squirm.

"We s-shouldn't—"

"I can't wait any longer, Ophelia," Killorn groaned, grabbing her inner thighs and parting her legs. "Let me love you, my lady wife. I will be gentle."

He was lying and they both knew it.

His whole platoon of men could watch the carriage shake and rattle if it meant having her. No one would be able to see her face anyway. But they'd hear her screams as she cried out his name… and how delightful she'd sound.

- - - - -

Ophelia could begin to feel fire consume her body. It was a familiar one that made her curl to his touch. Her heart lunged at her ribcage and all she heard was the clink of his armor and his greedy lapping.

By now, Ophelia was certain there was a bite mark near her nipples and red marks all over her chest. Despite how good it felt, her stomach clenched. His overwhelming passion bore fruit in the evidence of glistening gloves coated with her moisture. But the thought of embarrassing herself before his men further terrified her, for she had already made a bad first impression.

Warning bells went off in Ophelia's head.

"I-I want t-to stop."

Killorn paused.


Heated and hungry, Killorn's eyes were gleaming gold. Ophelia felt her limbs freeze in horror and shock. The color was brief, for it burned like the angry sun—he was far too turned on to stop.

Ophelia blinked and he was back to normal. His pupils were the darkest shade of blue, electrifying and keen. By now, they might as well have turned sapphire from his emotions.

Killorn's breathing was heavy.

"I-I don't…" Ophelia stuttered, knowing this was going to get her a strike in the face.

Her wetnurse said to never deny the determination of a husband. Ophelia was to remain dedicated. She was to allow his hands to deftly touch what belonged to him. Her body was no longer her possession, but her husband's. Her wishes were to align with everything her husband wanted.

Ophelia was unable to say no. The auction house had shoved the wooden stick deep enough in her throat for her to never repeat the word.

"You don't?" Killorn repeated intensely.

Ophelia's lips trembled. She forced herself to nod her head. She didn't want her first impression with his soldiers to be a wanton one. They were his comrades, his men, his people… she wanted their respect. She didn't want to be ravaged in a carriage with an audience.

"Tell me yourself, I won't be mad," Killorn insisted.

Ophelia's brows tugged together in confusion. "R-really?"

"Of course."

Naively, Ophelia pressed her lips together. Then, through her lashes, she timidly mumbled.

"I-I don't w-want your m-men to hear."

Killorn smiled in satisfaction. He leaned forward and kissed her tenderly on the forehead. He heard her cute little breath stop. Then, he pressed another upon her cheeks, until she was gripping his tunic in surprise.

"We'll stop as you wish." Killorn's delicate tone made her heart shrivel up and die with disbelief.

Ophelia waited. She waited for the taste of metal in her mouth, for his hand to whip her across the face. She held her breath, believing he was going to violently react.

Ophelia understood his rage resembled the calm before the storm. It took a single blink for everything to snap. She saw how fierce his gaze appeared. How feral and fast he behaved… just what was he going to do to her now?

"Come here, my lovely wife." Killorn hoisted her back into a seating position, his arms gently around her.

Ophelia was a stone statue, paralyzed by whatever fear was instilled within her. He could tell her mind had gone slack.

Killorn stroked her lower back sensually. Her mouth was stiff and he wondered if he had pushed her too far. An uneasiness grappled at his heart, his chest aching at her sincere expression.

Just what did they do to her in the auction house? She was even more frightened of intimate actions.

At her silence, Killorn adjusted her dress back into place. He was slow and careful, showing he meant no harm. He wasn't sure how long he would be proving himself, but with the way she'd shaken like a brittle branch around him, he was certain it'd be a while.


Ophelia jumped. She didn't dare to meet his eyes. She glued her gaze to his shoulders, feeling her bottom lip wobble. Couldn't he just hit her now and get it over with? Did he have to be this collected even in the face of his fury?

"What did I say about eye contact?"

Ophelia felt like a child being scolded. His reminder was hard as the rest of his body. She jumped when he roughly yanked the curtains on the window closed.

Suddenly, he pulled her onto his lap. He had her full attention now. In her astonishment, Ophelia looked right at him. His smoldering eyes clashed with hers, filling her with a tempting thought.

"Will you tell me why you're frozen?"

"Y-you… When, uhm…" Ophelia wanted to dig a hole and bury herself in it. Could she stop stammering for once? When was his patience going to run out for her? She didn't want to test the limits of his kindness towards her.

"Well?" Killorn pressed.

"I-I denied y-you your r-rights," Ophelia said in a tiny voice, for even she didn't want to hear how horrendous her actions were.

"My rights?" Killorn firmly repeated.

Ophelia weakly nodded.

"And what do you suppose those are?"

Ophelia squeezed her fingers together. She felt her emotions reach an all-time peak. She didn't want to tell him, for he should know it by now. Which man didn't when they got married? Overwhelming guilt overtook her. He was a good man wasted on a horrible wife.

"T-to my b-body…" Ophelia blurted out.

Killorn let out a string of curses that made her ears bleed. She flinched back, not from fear, but from unfamiliarity. Although people insulted her, they never said such profane things around her.

"Ophelia. You—god fucking damn it." Killorn ran a furious hand through his hair, clenching when he reached the tip. "You never—"

Killorn cut himself off. He opened his mouth to say something else—anything was fine at this point. Did she think that horribly of him?

But before he could respond, there was a commotion outside, and then, a voice loudly cried out.


Killorn straightened. What was that noise? He placed her onto the seat and reached for the curtains. Suddenly, he heard his men reluctantly greet an irritating man.

"Praise be with the sun, His Highness, Prince Everest of Helios Empire is here."

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