Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 26 Defenders Of The Empire

Everest left without another word at Killorn's command. Ophelia didn't see where he headed off too, but she tried not to think too much of the man and his familiar voice.

The journey from House Nileton to Mavez Dukedom took two days, where Ophelia and Killorn barely spoke to each other. They seldom made any stops.

Ophelia was still in her auction gown, but now, she was sporting a long winter coat with a fur hood that he had covered her with at all times. Not that Ophelia complained, for the fur was good as a pillow and she slept the entire ride, barely leaving the carriage. She had been exhausted from all of the previous events and her body desperately needed the rest.

As they neared the mountain that overlooked the Mavez Dukedom, Ophelia was startled awake. The carriage was severely tilted and the wheels had been broken from the strenuous ride. Once he had checked Ophelia was unharmed by the incident, Killorn was the first to exit and he turned to help his wife down with the tenderness of a lamb.

Everyone watched it happen in disbelief.

"Let me," Beetle came forward, offering his assistance.

"I can do it, Beetle," Gerald insisted, approaching the lean man.

Ophelia shifted her hood back for a good look at Beetle, but made sure to keep her hair still hidden. She was self-conscious of how unnaturally silver it was during the colder seasons and didn't want to alarm the other werewolves.

Before Killorn could stop her, she laid eyes on Beetle, who was a tall, handsome man, with unkempt dark blond hair, and hazel eyes. Freckles dotted his nose, but his jaw was tight, and he was a charming fellow appearing in his mid-twenties.

When Beetle caught her gaze, he flashed her a wink. Ophelia had been in deep shock when she first met Beetle outside the auction house, although his name had struck her as odd. This was the first time she had really noticed his handsome appearance and he seemed to be in the habit of winking at her. Ophelia blinked, not realizing her husband also saw that Beetle had paid her attention. Killorn's grip tightened on her waist. She felt the temperature around them dip even further.

"Relax, Commander. I won't steal her from you. Have some confidence—ow!" Beetle cried out when Gerald shoved past him.

"Hmph, out of my way," Gerald grumbled as he bent to inspect the carriage wheel alongside Beetle. "You look like the wind could knock you over. How would you possibly fix something like this?"

"Oh, I'll knock you over alright," Beetle grumbled as the other knights let out a sigh of relief at the sudden break in the long journey.

Ophelia curiously glanced around at the barren winter trees. She was amazed by how boisterous the werewolves were, despite traveling for this long. They joked and grumbled amongst each other, laughing at Beetle and Gerald's bickering, whilst chatting with their peers.

Ophelia was shocked when Beetle lifted the carriage with a single hand like it was no big deal. Her lips parted, for the carriage was at least the weight of two horses! Her eyes bulged at his sudden muscles showing through his tight shirt.

"I have bigger ones," Killorn grumbled from beside her, grabbing his wife by the wrist and pulling her to the side.

"H-huh?" Ophelia naively asked, confused by her husband's glowering stare. She froze, for he was on the verge of murdering the poor man. She wondered what could've caused this sudden anger.

"Come and look at the view," Killorn responded, quick to change the subject.

Ophelia blinked at his ears that were suddenly burning red. Was he embarrassed? He awkwardly rubbed his neck, but then grabbed her wrist to guide her towards the edge of the mountain.

"W-woah…" Ophelia breathed out in astonishment from the edge of the cliff.  She took in everything with large eyes. Her heart skipped a beat at the enormous territory surrounded by stone walls that stretched for miles. She was at a loss for words and slowly blinked.

"My Dukedom," Killorn coldly said, his arms grabbing her waist tightly, worried she'd slip and fall without him, even though she wasn't even on the ledge. He pinned her close to him at all times in the event she ever fell. He would always be there to catch her.

"Defenders of the Empire," he bitterly added. "We're only four hours by horse from the Empire. The Mavez Pack I'm in charge of is the empire's ultimate defense in the event they're invaded from the mountains by neighboring nations."

"W-what a majestic Dukedom." Ophelia couldn't peel her eyes from the beauty of the Mavez territory. His lands stretched far and wide, almost enough to form an empire itself. Even from on top of the cliff and hills, she could see teeny tiny houses that resembled ants from this altitude.

Large mountains surrounded the Mavez territory on all sides, making it difficult for humans to ever attack them. The trees were enormous and topped with snow, for winter was at its peak. Beneath the cliff was an enormous village and if she squinted, she could see chimney smoke.

A hawk dashed past them, screeching with its wings spread. The bird flew towards the sun with glory that welcomed them home.

- - - - -

"Our Luna is quite interesting," Beetle said, referring to her startling hair color, but Gerald didn't seem to understand, despite their decades-long friendship.

Seeing Gerald's lack of response as he attempted to fix the wheel, Beetle opened his mouth and continued talking. "Isn't it fun to see him all irritated, despite knowing our lady is glued to his side?"

"I wouldn't know about that," Gerald muttered. "Did you not hear of the second marriage?"

Beetle's smile died down. He had nearly forgotten the massive offense. Glancing at his fellow soldiers who were laughing amongst themselves whilst taking a much-needed break, he let out a sigh.

"It's good the Alpha showed up first alongside our best men. They've been with us for so long and know better than yapping their mouths about the incident," Beetle responded.

"Alpha warned them not to let anyone else know of what happened at the ceremony—especially the fiercely loyal youngsters," Gerald stated whilst inspecting the wooden wheel. "They would not understand her logic, nor respect her for what happened."

Beetle nodded whilst bending to pick up a tool. "Step aside, you large baboon, I'm slender and my fingers can fix this in no time."

Gerald rolled his eyes and rose to his full height. He took a final glance back at the couple.

Their lady was a child compared to their Alpha's height. Even so, their fearsome Duke bent his head to hear her more carefully. Everyone could tell of the warrior's affection for the young lady.

Their lady spoke slowly and softly, her fingers trembling on his forearm. She held onto his shirt, but he was already resting a hand on her waist. Then, he bent and kissed her cheek, a rare laughter ringing from him. Her face went red and he grinned.

Gerald was momentarily awestruck. He felt a punch through his heart, for the Commander was rarely happy. In fact, Gerald could count how many times Killorn smiled on one hand. And he had known the man for eighteen years.

It was then Gerald realized something: Killorn smiled less than five times, but when he did, it was always because of his wife.

"He looks happy," was all Gerald said, just as Beetle paused and let out a defeated sigh—the carriage couldn't be fixed.

- - - - -

"Alpha, the carriage will need to be carried back by horses later, it can't be ridden now, we don't have the proper materials to fix it!" Beetle shouted at them, running and waving his hands like a flag.

Killorn sharply frowned.

"Leave it be then," Killorn coldly remarked.

Killorn was irritated, but couldn't blame the transport as he ordered it last minute from an unreputable source to bring Ophelia home. "One of the men will fetch it when we return to the Dukedom."

Ophelia naively blinked, but then perked up instantly. "A-are we going on horseback?"

Killorn paused. Her eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning and she had the largest presents under the tree. Seeing her excitement, he felt an indescribable lightness in his chest.

"Yes," he murmured in defeat, grabbing her cold hands. He frowned at her frozen fingers, but she was quick to grab his sleeve in joy.

"R-really?" Ophelia gasped out. "I-I have never r-ridden a h-horse!"

Killorn's lips twitched. He could barely keep the smile off his face. Eventually, he broke out in a grin and nodded. He was willing to do anything to continue seeing her enthusiasm.

"Come, let me show you the beast." Killorn slid his palm upon hers, then entwined their fingers, but she didn't even seem to mind. In fact, she even had a light hop to her steps. By now, his cheeks were hurting from his attempt not to show his happiness. It was difficult, for Ophelia had seldom smiled this entire journey, until now.

Ophelia was led by her husband to a majestic horse. She gasped at the sight of the large stallion with a chestnut coat, so dark, it was black as night. Underneath the sun, the animal was huge and rippled with muscles enough to trample a man to death.

"His name is Eggshell."

Ophelia blinked. A horse named Eggshell. A man named Beetle. Killorn sure had strange acquaintances…


Killorn's head snapped back to Ophelia. His lips twitched when Eggshell snorted in response.

"Don't stroke his mane, he bites." Killorn grabbed her hand before she could reach out. He linked their fingers together and pulled her behind him.

Ophelia's eyes widened at the beauty of the dark brown horse, who was the color of chestnuts. Eggshell was more muscular than any other animal she had ever seen. His black mane glistened with health, his coat shiny, and just begging for a pat. He was a majestic beast and knew it—just like his owner.

"Eggshell has been known to gnaw the fingers off of grown men." Killorn stated it in a boisterous tone that only made Ophelia gawk. He found that funny?

"E-eggs are t-tan… Why the name?" Ophelia hesitatingly asked, whilst her inner hatred for herself grew.

If the auction had not happened, would she have continued stuttering this much?

"People walk on eggshells around this buffoon." Killorn stroked the horse's mane. Irritably, the creature trotted to the left and right, throwing his master's hand off.

Ophelia breathed out in amazement.

Killorn glanced to see her eyes wide and lit up like a child. His chest ached at her curiosity. She was too dazzling for the eyes to see.

"You let your guard down around this thing and he's charging for you," Killorn explained. "It took me an entire year to befriend him."

Ophelia liked that he said befriend instead of tame. She supposed Eggshell thought the same. Finally, the horse settled down and rubbed his wet nose upon Killorn's gloved hands.

"H-he's beautiful," Ophelia whispered, her eyes large with fascination.

"As a foal he was a runt compared to the other foals bred at the same time." Killorn ran his fingers through the horse's tangled mane and frowned. He'd have to comb it later. The harsh wind of their journey must've matted the hair.

"Now, come, my lovely wife. You must be hungry." Killorn boarded the horse first.

Eggshell remained standing and didn't voice a single complaint. Ophelia admired his broad shoulders and muscular chest. The horse was built for both stealth and power. Seeing the lack of fatigue on Eggshell, despite the other horses' exhaustion, Ophelia concluded his stamina matched that of his Master.

"Eggshell is friendly to no one else, but me, so I suggest you don't—"

Ophelia revealed her empty palm to the stallion. Eggshell instantly came forward, sniffing and snorting. Then, he licked her palm, earning a slight squeal and giggle from Ophelia. At the sound, he nudged his face against her hand, wetting it even further.

"—don't get near it."

Killorn narrowed his eyes on the beast. So it preferred women too.

"This traitorous thing. I should have it put down."

Eggshell snorted, nearly rolling his eyes. Then, he rubbed his face closer to Ophelia's wrist, testing her boundaries. She let out a soft laugh, her fingers gently detangling his mane.

"I think it l-likes me," Ophelia muttered.

"It doesn't like anyone, but—"

Eggshell licked her face. Then, he nudged her shoulders, his mane tickling her skin. Her soft breathing only made him step closer.


Ophelia peered up at the animal, her gaze large with fascination. When she was younger, she wanted a pony. One as small as her. But everyone denied her this wish, especially the Matriarch who spanked her hands for daring to ask for such a thing.

"He's doing this on purpose," Killorn deadpanned. "He's usually not like this."

Eggshell snorted, as if doubting his master's words.

Ophelia's lips twitched in amusement. "O-oh I believe you, m-my lord."

Killorn narrowed his eyes.

"Don't just stand there, let's get you out of this cold." Killorn was betrayed by the beast he had spent years with. This disloyal brute. Eighteen years of friendship and the thing betrayed him in a single moment.

"H-he's nice…" Ophelia commented.

Killorn jumped off the horse. Seeing as Eggshell didn't mind her presence, it would be much more comfortable than him hoisting her onto the horse from above. With his feet planted on the ground, he firmly lifted her. Her instincts kicked in and she quickly sat on the horse.

Testing Eggshell's reaction, Killorn then grabbed the saddles and hopped on himself.

Ophelia was at a loss for words. He was so close to her. Heat leaked from his chest. He held onto the reins. Her heart skipped. His muscular arms were on either side of her, caging her in. His tense thighs pressed tightly against her skirts. She could feel the strength of his callous body.

Trembling, she tried to steady her breathing. All she could hear and feel was his quiet exhale and his thick presence. Though this wasn't their first intimate moment, it felt like it. With his body leaned forward, he was bracing her from the thunderous ride.

"Hold on tightly." Killorn's mouth brushed upon her ears. She shivered at the warmth of his breath. Wherever his lips touched, her skin burned with delight.

Ophelia let out a shaky gasp, her lashes fluttering. She felt a familiar ache begin to churn below her stomach. She stared up at him, bewitched by how handsome his features were.

His brows were full, his eyes glowing warm as flickering flames, his nose strong and crooked from an old fight, and his lips just begging for a taste. She leaned in close the same time he did. But before their mouths could touch, a loud shout was heard from behind them.


Ophelia jumped at the unexpected screaming. Her eyes widened when she turned her head and saw a large array of men emerging from the forest. She was mute with fear, her heart trembling. Was it another dispute?

"Took you lads long enough!" Gerald bellowed, but his eyes were warm with welcoming. "Our break here finally gave you enough time to catch up."

Hundreds, if not, thousands of men stepped out of the forest. Some were on foot and others were on horses. Ophelia wondered why there were knights without a steed. She saw a few of them were breaking out in a heated sweat that glistened down their foreheads, as if they had run all the way here.

Five men carried banners and flags, indicating they must've returned straight from some sort of battle. When she glanced at Killorn for answers, he said nothing.

"They traveled in wolf form," was his only response.

Ophelia swallowed and glanced back at the frightening bunch of muscular men and women. She couldn't imagine how Killorn's army would look from a distance. If she saw them, she'd run for her life.

"We're heading down the mountain now," Killorn coldly said, his arms encircling her as he held the reins. With his large thighs, he pinned her legs close to the saddle in case she ever fell off. He would always be there to catch her.

Killorn pressed a final kiss to the side of her head. Then, he urged the horse forward. Eggshell broke into a furious canter, kicking up snow, the world a blur. He, too, understood his Master's urges to head back to the Dukedom, but from the man's persistence, the beast wondered if it was to go home or to find a flat surface—like a bed.

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