Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 39 We're Not Finished [2]

Ophelia wasn't sure what Killorn's intentions were that night, but he got exactly what he wanted. They did it until the sun came up, and even, he was still brimming with energy. Sweat coaxed his tense body, her legs dangling off his shoulders whilst he tightly grabbed her thighs. But by then, Ophelia couldn't do it anymore.

"Ophelia…" Killorn panted, his eyes thick and laced with desire. He was still not done, even though her insides were filled with his seed.

Killorn hugged one of her lovely legs, just as the other slid and thudded on the bed. Her inner thighs were still twitching from how intensely he made her come.

"Why are you so lovely, my sweet wife?" Killorn murmured, pressing his lips upon her skin. She shakingly glanced up at him.

Killorn rested his weight on his knees, for he had just roughly penetrated her again and again. His hips raised, his muscles rippling, and the red veins on his hips pulsed with the urge to claim more.

"One more time," Killorn stated, even though they had done it until he lost count. No matter how many times he wanted to stop, it was difficult. Each time he slid into her warm and wet entrance, he was like a sailor listening to a siren, unable to pull away from her.

"Y-you are insatiable," Ophelia weakly told him, barely able to hold on. Her limbs had gone slack from exhaustion. His hair stuck to his forehead in a charming manner.

Killorn was still wide awake and sharp with desire. In fact, each time he unloaded inside of her, he had more clarity than previously. Embracing her internally gave him a burst of strength unlike any he could've described.

"Once more," Killorn promised her.

Ophelia swallowed hard. How could she ever say no to him? He was staring at her with so much earnestness that not just her entrance was full, but so was her chest. There had never been so much devotion from within a man.

"I-I can't feel my limbs…" Ophelia mumbled.

"Can you still feel good?"

Ophelia weakly nodded.

"Then, that is all you need."

With that said, Killorn penetrated her once more. Ophelia cried out, clutching the mattress. He let her legs fall to the mattress to her relief. But then, he covered her body with his. She whimpered and sobbed, for the pleasure had been overwhelming once more.

Killorn embraced her as he glanced down at her ecstasy-filled expression. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted in that lovely o-shape, and her breasts bounced with each rough thrust of his hips. She couldn't even cling onto him like she previously did, but he didn't even mind.

"Ophelia, you are so beautiful," he groaned whilst picking up his speed.

The sound of slapping skin deftly filled the air. She writhed in delight, wanton noises leaving her parted mouth. It was music to his ears and further motivated him to continue diving inside of her entrance. He couldn't even fathom doing anything else.

"I-I'm near…!" Ophelia choked out. "O-oh my g-goodness…"

Killorn gritted his teeth as he maintained his pace, for this was the perfect one it seemed. He was overcome with passion and desire to breed her until she was with his child. With a woman like her, he could not help her.

"A-ahh!" Ophelia's eyes snapped open, her stomach tightening, and then she gasped. She was met with blinding white light once again. Not a second later, his powerful body buckled and he released a rough grunt.

Killorn was breathing hard. He gulped in air greedily whilst his body slowly relaxed. He groaned on top of her, then dropped his head. She went slack on the bed, not even able to utter a single word.

"Ophelia?" he whispered, pushing the hair away from her forehead and fondly kissing the spot.

Ophelia closed her eyes. She didn't even have the energy to respond to him—that was how drained she was. Not a single drop of his stamina was depleted, but he saw she could no longer hold on.

"My lovely wife, you must wake up and use the bathroom," he murmured, for he had heard somewhere that women often needed to as it'd protect them down there.

Ophelia's head rolled to the side in exhaustion. She wasn't sure if she could even move. Then, she let out a soft snore, the exhaustion completely taking over her.

Killorn only stopped when she was asleep and unable to comprehend his actions. She lost count of how many times she screamed his title. Her throat was hoarse and she was knocked out in a deep slumber.

"U-uhm…" Ophelia had only woken up once in a daze when she was suddenly cold. She felt him cleaning her with a wet towel, but closed her eyes before she could even respond.

The last thing she remembered from that day was how determined he looked in the bed.

Killorn Mavez in all of his glory was an insatiable beast.

- - - - -

Ophelia was startled awake by the sound of furious knocking on the doors. She was entangled in Killorn's limbs, for he hugged her tightly from behind, his face buried into her shoulders. He grumbled profanities left and right, whilst groaning against her skin. Her heart skipped, for not a second later, he pulled away.

"I'm coming!" Killorn growled, silencing all the sorts of complaints. He bent and picked up the nearest towel he could find and wrapped it around his waist.

"Well, good morning to you too, Alpha, you're finally awake—"


Ophelia gasped, shooting out of bed, and hugging the blankets tight to her chest. She turned, but could barely see who was at the door. Killorn had opened only a large enough crack for him to have swung at a man.

"My perfect nose!" Beetle howled in disbelief, clutching it just as he felt something wet drip down from it. "I was just being friendly, Alpha!"

"Go to hell!" Killorn seethed, able to slam the door shut enough to break Beetle's face too.

"Wait wait, breakfast is starting soon and then there is morning training. You've just returned, and so many people are eager to see you at the center. Like all of the pups, uncrowned knights, trainees, and—"

"I get it," Killorn snapped.

"No, no, you should really come downstairs, Maribelle is already waiting for you to begin the morning sessions—"

"Wait, Beetle, come here."

Beetle blinked. Then, like he was a fool he was, he came closer.


Killorn slammed the door against his third-in-command's face. He heard a loud cry of pain that barely. His lips curled at the slight satisfaction, but it wasn't enough.

"Knock one more time and I'm shoving your breakfast down your throat!" Killorn shouted, for he could practically see Beetle ready to knock the door down with a hammer. For good measures, he made sure to deadbolt the damn thing.

"Why don't you come down to join breakfast with me and Maribelle, then you can shove something else down another person's throat—"

"Yeah, your sword," Killorn snarled under his breath, shapely turning to see his wife. He was furious, for this wasn't how he imagined his morning would be.

Killorn had pictured morning cuddles and questioned if she was feeling alright. Instead, they were rudely awakened by a brat who didn't know any manners. In just two days, they were interrupted three times. He was going to put a guard dog at these doors any day now.

"Ophelia, are you awake?" Killorn softened his tone when he heard Beetle's footsteps disappear down the hallways.

Killorn was certain he heard her gasp awake earlier. But now, her bare back was facing him and she had buried her face into the pillows. How cute. Her hair was sprawled down her neck.

"Hm?" Killorn approached the bed.

Ophelia couldn't even bring herself to respond. She had suddenly been reminded of Maribelle, the mistress. She was so distracted last night, she had forgotten about the woman.

Ophelia couldn't help, but wonder. Two years had passed between them, of course he found another woman to satisfy his urges when she wasn't around. She wanted to know the truth. Did he kiss the mistress on the lips, but never Ophelia's? She could never picture herself ever being as energetic and confident as Maribelle who wasn't afraid to backtalk Killorn.

Ophelia's mind was filled with wild thoughts that weighed her heart down. Painful thorns spread throughout her chest, until she could no longer breathe, and felt like dying on the spot.


Ophelia pretended to be asleep. She didn't want to face him. Yesterday, Killorn spoke to Maribelle in a fondness that he must've not realized. No one dared to talk back to the fearsome Commander. No one dared to speak to him like that, but the mistress was given permission.

Ophelia was already an inferior woman—despite being his wife.

"Ophelia, are you asleep?"

The bed next to her dipped at his large weight. Killorn placed a knee on the bed and gently peered over her shoulders. He heard her soft exhale and saw her closed eyes. Frowning deeply at the action, he turned her over. Her body fell limply, her lovely beasts rising with each inhale.

"Hey, don't fall asleep on me now." Killorn slid his rough palms down the outline of her body. He parted her thighs and intended to wake her up one way or another.

If Killorn had to lick and lap at her until she was wide awake and shaking, he wouldn't mind. In fact, he couldn't wait to see her trembling and unable to speak again like yesterday.

"Ophelia…" he warned, his voice growing dangerous by the side.

Killorn cupped her hips, just to tease her. He could hear her heart skip and was certain she's wide awake. Then, he began to pull back the blankets. . He knew his wife was modest. She'd be mortified to let herself be exposed to him. God, he could practically smell her sweetness. Her juices were practically glistening by the time he raised her underwear higher, until the fabric dug into her entrance.


Ophelia didn't even flinch.

Killorn groaned at her reaction. He dropped his hands and touched her face. He wanted to wake her up pleasantly. She was too far gone. Sighing under his breath, he grabbed the fur comforter and covered her with it.

"At least sleep in my arms for one last moment before I have to go downstairs," Killorn grumbled.

Killorn kicked off his boots and joined her in the bed. He grabbed her and hoisted her against his chest. She let out a small noise of complaint and writhed away from him. Immediately, his expression darken. A low rumble emitted from his body.

"Where do you think you're going?" Killorn's voice turned dark and cruel. He yanked her against him, until he was hugging her from behind.

Ophelia's heart skipped at the terror lurking over her shoulders. He was furious. She tried her hardest to not shake. Instead, she squeezed her eyes tightly and prayed he didn't smack her.

To Ophelia's relief, Killorn simply tightened his grip around her body. He buried his face into her mane. She was surprised to feel his soft sniff as if attempting to memorize her scent.

Killorn couldn't explain it, but everytime he hugged her, he felt a surge of strength coursing through him. He was filled with energy whenever his lips met her skin. What was this feeling? It didn't feel like the normal bond that his men usually had.

Regardless of what it was, Killorn sought comfort in knowing she was with him. In the worst times of war, he could only picture her. Ophelia was his solitude in the deepest and darkest moments of his life.

After a few minds of holding her in his arms, he was certain she was actually in slumber now.

"Sleep well, my lovely wife," Killorn whispered. He slid out of the covers, put on his clothes, and left, leaving a cold and lonely bed behind.

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