Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 62 Not Even My Fated Mate

62  Not Even My Fated Mate

Ophelia had fallen into a deeper slumber than anticipated. She didn't think the journey had tired her out to this extent. The only thing that woke her up briefly was the shouting outside of the carriage doors. Through blurry vision, she heard bright cheering.

"Praise be with the sun, His Highness, Prince Everest of Helios Empire has come back."

"It's the Second Prince! He has returned!"

"Welcome back, second Prince!"

Seeing as it was no big deal, Ophelia went back to sleep. The last thing she heard and thought about was the tightening of a grip on her waist. Then, the murmurs filled the air.

"Is that—"

"It really is!"

"Oh my god, it's Alpha Mavez… What in the world is happening to our empire for him to be here?"

- - - - -

Killorn's ears rang from the irritable chants and whispers of the people that eagerly greeted Everest. However, when the townspeople saw Killorn's presence, everyone hurriedly hushed and bowed as low as their heads could go. A few even dropped to their knees in fear, for none could match the aura of the most ruthless Alpha across the lands.

"I don't know if I should be offended or humored that my people are more scared of you than me," Everest said whilst watching Killorn carry his wife.

Killorn said nothing and brushed past all of the awaiting palace servants who greeted them brightly. But the second they saw Killorn, the servants yelped and dropped to the floor, their heads nearly gracing the ground.

"That way," Everest stated, gesturing to a grand house towards the right of the main one. "That palace was long awarded to your father previously and you've inherited it by right—hey listen to me when I'm talking!"

Everest's shout fell on deaf ears. Killorn sharply turned the corner, quick to bring his sleeping wife inside. He paid no mind to the other carriages that were approaching in the distance, most likely carrying delegations, other Alphas, and Vampire Heads alike.

Wherever Alpha Mavez went, so did the werewolves. Even the royal palace guards greeted the man with the utmost respect, saluting the towering figure, and straightening without hesitation. Not a single person in the empire dared to offend the ruthless man whose reputation was coated in more blood than a vampire house.

"Welcome, Alpha Mavez."

Killorn only briefly paused to see the aging head housekeeper of the house, a man with white and gray hair combed neatly into a low ponytail. His red gaze was wisely kept to the floor.

"Ensure all my men are settled and have servants draw a bath, including fresh change of clothes."

"Yes, Alpha."

Killorn didn't bother to pause or wait for the butler. He knew the man well enough. From all of his childhood spent in the castle, training, and fighting, Killorn had grown to know his way around the place. It certainly didn't help that the boy the butler once knew was no longer there.

Killorn advanced up the staircase. It had been a few years since he last set foot in the place, for he opted to stay in other parts of the main palace. However, since Ophelia was with him, Killorn had sent word for this place to be cleaned, swept, and thoroughly polished.

"Ngh…" Ophelia stirred.

Everyone froze. Killorn stopped curtly on the stairs, watching the servants pause and hold their breath. They had not known Killorn for long, but word had traveled far and wide of his fondness for a single human girl.

Ophelia stirred briefly in his arms, but didn't open her eyes. Killorn's grip tightened on her tiny frame. Immediately, she melted against his hold. He continued carrying her like a bride up the grand staircase, his attention glued to the bedroom. Once he was inside, he lowered her onto the mattress and tucked her in.

Killorn remained by her bedside. He saw her brows were gathered tightly, as if she was experiencing a horrible nightmare. He clenched his teeth, feeling more remorse than anything. He swore to keep her safe. He swore to not put her in harm's way. Yet, he was not fast in time to keep the goblins off of her.

Killorn sharply exhaled. How many times was he going to fail his duties as a husband to her?

When Killorn heard a curt knock on the door, he opened it and saw it was Beetle who was all freshened up and ready to stand guard.

"The lady is still sleeping," Killorn coldly stated. "She better remain that way when I return."

Beetle wryly glanced at him. "You're turning one of your best soldiers into a bodyguard. Don't worry, Alpha, I'll be able to kill people in the quietest manner possible."

Killorn scoffed in disbelief. "I'll believe it when I see it."

Without another word, Killorn walked past Beetle. But then, he paused and glanced over his shoulders, deciding there were only two men in the entire world he trusted.

"Guard her against the inside," Killorn stated. "If I so much as see a hair out of place, I'll come for your head."

"I like woo women, but never a married one," Beetle informed him with a dry smile whilst saluting the Alpha. Beetle slipped into the bedroom just as the doors closed and their Alpha was gone.

Immediately, Beetle was going to retract his statement. His throat tightened and he tensed at the insanely sweet smell that filled the air. He let out a shaky breath whilst wicking blinking to focus. What the hell was that scent? He glanced around and saw there was no diffuser or aromatics in the air, nor was there a hint of smoke coming from the cracks.

No one was trying to poison Beetle.

Even so, Beetle let out a string of curses. "What the hell…"

Beetle didn't know what brought it upon him. He stumbled forward like a fish being reeled out of water. He was unable to control his body, his gaze dizzy. The sweetness penetrated his mind, taking over his rationality. To him, it smelled of freshly baked bread offered by the sensual wrist of a woman, but he wanted to sink his mouth into something else.

Before Beetle knew it, he was by the bedside of his Luna.

"I must…" Beetle felt his body begin to lower. His canine slid out of his mouth and he bent his head.

Suddenly, the black puppy jumped onto the bed with a loud yelp.

WOOF! WOOF! The puppy barked and growled, despite how tiny it was compared to the grown man.

At the noise, Ophelia began to stir in her sleep again. "Ugh… K-Killorn…"

Beetle froze. He snapped out of the trance and jumped back in fear. He clutched his chest in disbelief, feeling it race. He scrambled to the door, as if caught by a rope. He was unable to even stand still.

"Fuck, I must've lost my mind." Beetle ran a hand through his hair, feeling himself beginning to regain control of his own body. What just happened?

Beetle's attention snapped back to their sleeping Luna. She had moved in her sleep, now lying on her side, with her back turned to him. Her silver hair cascaded down her shoulders and revealed her neck. Long and curved, she had the most inviting skin he had ever seen.

For a brief moment, Beetle was enticed to throw all rationality out the window. Beetle gulped and held his breath, worried the scent would infiltrate him again. One thing was for certain—their Luna no longer smelled like Killorn.

"I must let him know the second he returns," Beetle worriedly whispered to himself, for the consequences would be dire if he did not.

Beetle had been friends with Killorn and in his wildest dreams, even believed the latter was like a brother to him. Beetle may have teased and poked at the grumpy bear, but he would never fathom going after their Luna. Beetle knew how appealing and attractive she was, but he was no fool. He wouldn't have made a move without knowing the consequences of his actions.

What happened just now was no coincidence. Beetle was certain something was amiss with his lady. And if he, a man who was like a brother to Killorn, was tempted by her to lose all logic, then Beetle couldn't imagine what the other Alphas and Vampire Heads would do.

"Just now, this came out…" Beetle rubbed his sharpened teeth, feeling his canines beginning to retract. He licked his lips in fear, for the worst nearly took over him.

If the Luna hadn't just called out Killorn, Beetle knew he would've been a goner. Werewolves only let their teeth out like that for three reasons—to intimidate, kill, or… to mark a woman as their property. The latter sounded horrible, but it was an action reserved for werewolf mates—something that Beetle knew was not possible between him and the Luna.

"If I almost marked her when she's not even my fated mate…" Beetle didn't even want to think about the consequences. He squeezed his eyes shut, praying and hoping that their darn Alpha would finish his meeting soon.

If not, who knows what'll happen to an unmarked human girl in werewolf and vampire territory?

The mysteries surrounding Ophelia thickens omo  

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