Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 76  Naked On The Bed

Chapter 76  Naked On The Bed

Despite how Layla felt around the second Prince, she couldn't help the fear that grappled over her veins, chilling her blood. She felt her face pale when his sharp red eyes flickered in her direction. His smile stopped her dead in her tracks, in the same manner that the strange boy in the library did when he brutally grabbed her and pinned her against the wall. In the same manner, Layla feared for her life. She swallowed hard and glanced away, wondering if he knew what she was thinking about.

Layla had grown up with the foolish rumors that vampires possessed the ability to read minds. Now that she was a trained witch with overwhelming powers, Layla knew all of that was nonsense. However, when it came to the mysterious and mischievous second Prince, Layla could not help, but wonder if it was true.

"This Duchess Ophelia," Reagan spoke ever so softly, his voice ripe and mature as the largest tree in the forest. "You seem quite fascinated by her. Dare I ask why, beyond her unnatural appearance?" Everest tilted his head and pretended to think about it for a split second. Then, without warning, he was walking again, urging the duo to accompany him in the moonlight. He found it intriguing that when he crossed under the trees with curious thoughts about Ophelia, the moon was suddenly shrouded behind thick and tense crowds. Ah, was the delightful moon shy of his own behavior?

"You would find it difficult not to be captivated when you lay eyes on her. I know it is not my space to command you, even if I am royalty, Reagan," Everest said in a charming voice. "But I must implore you to meet her and experience what a treat she is."

Reagan's brows rose. Not many people satisfied his taste, for the youngsters these days were just so rude. He missed his youth where children actually treated elders with respect. Now, it was all about the werewolf and vampire hierarchy that squabbled with pitiful humans. Every day, Reagan's students would come to him with some sort of bruises caused by the inhumane supernaturals. And everyday, he'd remind them to be strong, but never use their magic for wrong, such as harming a supernatural.

"I know you do not meet people outside of your circle often and it is practically impossible to get you to acquaint yourself with anyone besides your pupils," Everest said. "Which is why I must personally ask you to take a peek at her."

Slowly, but surely, Reagan was curious. He was always fond of meeting greatness and people who'd make history. Surely, this Ophelia Eves Mavez would one day go down in the pages.

"I can promise you that she won't be a disappointment," Everest stated. "Even though her face is an open book and she struggles to elaborate her thoughts, you'll find yourself drawn to her in many ways than one."

Layla didn't need to hear any more, she already had her suspicions confirmed just now. Shadows crossed over Everest's face, created by the sprouting tree branches they passed under. And when he finally left the path, even the moon didn't dare to show her face around this heinous man.

Eventually, Layla and Reagan went their separate ways. She escorted her mentor back to the tower, as he was growing old and she hoped to support him every step of the way. Soon, she found herself glancing over her shoulders.

Everest was also not walking. He was glued to the floor he stood on, as if vines had sprouted from the soil and rooted him there. He was staring at the Mavez palace with an unreadable expression.

Without warning, Layla's heart stopped in its tracks again. She almost found her feet planted to the floor, frozen and unable to move. Much like him, she was caught by an invisible force. Except this time, it was because Everest had caught her looking. His stare was so cold, she was certainly not even the north's winter storms could match his temperature. "Pay him no mind, Layla," Reagan informed her in a low and intelligent voice. "He has made a sacred vow to never harm a magician—it is the pact that a royal must uphold. You will be fine."

Layla swallowed hard and repeated the words in her thoughts. But when she had seen Everest's aloof expression, the blind greed in his eyes, and his eerie smile, she was certain he wouldn't hesitate to hurt and tear down everyone in his path if it meant obtaining what he desired. From the way his fangs had protruded out of his lips, Layla could only pity the poor human that'd serve by his bedside tonight as food for the hungry vampire.

- - - - -

"Father, I've returned," Everest said the minute he waltzed through the doors of his father's bedroom.

"A-ah, Your Majesty!" a voice squeaked just as Everest watched a human girl clutch her dress to her chest and dash off of the bed in shock.

"Bah, ignore him." King Claudean reached for the ripe and young girl, but she was already frightened, the desire no longer present in his eyes. He was irritated and reached for her hair, but Everest continued speaking.

"Just as I've predicted, the Mavez Palace oozes with a sweetness that blinds even the most rational of men," Everest said. "I was on my way to meet Killorn when the scent suddenly stopped and was masked by him instead. I can only assume it was intentional."

King Claudean let out an irritable sigh whilst he slumped against his headboard. His leery gaze fell on the maid who was now scrambling for the door. Without warning, when she brushed past Everest, she tripped over her uneven shoes.

"Careful," Everest warned, grabbing her by the waist seconds before she planted the floor. Her pale cheeks became bright red in embarrassment and she bowed her head, quick to flee.

"Stop right there," King Claudean seethed, causing her to whimper and pause dead in her tracks. "Crawl back to bed, I am not done with you."

"P-please, Your Majesty," she sobbed out, her eyes wide with fear.

Everest sniffed the air, disgust causing him to curl his lips irritably. He glanced and saw there was a slight graze on her long and lean neck, where King Claudean had almost sunk his teeth into.


The human girl pitifully bowed her head and reluctantly walked to the bed.

"Ah!" she cried out in pain as King Claudean yanked her hair and dragged her onto his mattress. She sobbed and cried, salty fat tears dribbling down her face. Her naked body squirmed on the bed, her limbs failing, revealing her entrance as well, but Everest kept his eyes forward.

"Now that your suspicions are confirmed, I should go see for it myself," King Claudean decided. "I'll summon her to court and have a taste myself."

Immediately, Everest tensed. He watched as his father greedily licked his lips and gaze at the human girl in his bed. He gritted his teeth, his hands tightening into fists behind his back. "N-no!" she screamed in fear, but it was too late.

King Claudean grabbed her by her breasts and sank his teeth into her neck. Everest tightened his jaw until a sharp line formed on his face, watching with an indifferent stare as the human girl clawed and writhed in pain, naked on the bed. He watched life being drained from her eyes, much like the blood in her veins.

Everest pictured Ophelia. He imagined her helpless and vulnerable plea, naked on the very mattress, her pale skin too lovely to be married. He pictured her gazing deep into And unlike now, Everest pictured himself stepping forward to cleanly rip his father's head off.

his soul, her lips parted in both fear and anticipation, whilst her hands reached out for him for help.

And unlike now, Everest pictured himself stepping forward to cleanly rip his father's head off.

"Killorn would not approve of the audience you'll seek from her tomorrow," Everest explained.

"To hell with that brat, I—"

"He is our nation's last defense," Everest reminded his father. "Without Killorn and his impeccable training, we would not have half of our army. Almost our entire militia obeys him. Losing Kilorn is like losing the winning chess piece."

"Then what do you suggest?" King Claudean irritably said, spitting upon the corpse and throwing her to the ground.

Everest didn't even flinch. He simply shifted his expression into a languid and lazy one. "We let her be," Everest softly said. "Let her live her days out in peace and when the time comes, she will come to help us."

"And how can you be so sure?" King Claudean demanded.

Everest had never once lied to his father. The thought didn't even cross his mind, no matter how horrible and sinister the man was. But for the innocent-eyed Ophelia, with her timid smile, and tiny shoulders, he would. He couldn't imagine seeing her lovely skin punctured by fangs or fathom the thought of her blood being sucked mercilessly.

Instead, Everest had a vision—one where she was slumbering peacefully in a meadow, undisturbed, safe, and protected.

"She is loyal to her husband," Everest stated. "As any wife would be."

King Claudean's brows shot up in disbelief. "And?"

"As such, if Killorn tells her to stay, she will, and if he tells her to go, she'll ask how far," Everest explained. "Thus, an audience with her would be impossible, but one day, she will learn to stand on her own two feet."

"Hmmm…." King Claudean was half-convinced, until Everest opened his treacherous mouth again.

"And when the time comes," Everest concluded in a solemn voice. "Ophelia will have to make her own decisions—including accepting the privilege of an audience with the one and only shining sun of the Helios Empire, King Claudean."  

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