Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 92 Out of Here

Chapter 92 Out of Here

Killorn's words haunted Ophelia. He turned her around and watched as her dress swished like falling petals around her. He fondly stroked her face and pulled her close.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he demanded. "I could've fixed it for you much sooner."

"I-I'd have no e-evidence," she admitted. "T-they're vampires and—"

"I would've believed you regardless!" he insisted, his voice rising. "I would have—"

"I-I told you I had no l-lovers, t-that Neil was no one, b-but you didn't believe me!" she cried out, her tone also growing. He was shell-shocked and speechless.

Ophelia hugged her arms with an aggrieved face. "You didn't t-trust me once, w-what makes me think y-you'll listen this time?"

Killorn sharply exhaled. "So it's my fault."

Ophelia opened her mouth to deny him. Then, she selfishly glanced at her feet.

Killorn slowly nodded, almost in understanding. "I've failed my duties again, Ophelia. I swore I'd protect you and look at what happened."

Ophelia's lips trembled. "Y-you did w-well today."

"Not well enough, I wasn't on time," Killorn reflected. "I shouldn't have questioned you when you asked me to come."

Ophelia felt her shoulders growing smaller by the second. She didn't utter a single word.

"I'm sorry, Ophelia. I'll do better."

Ophelia felt her chest tighten. She shook her head. "N-no, I should've told you earlier too, I—"

"Don't forgive me so easily, Ophelia!" Killorn reprimanded. He bowed his head in defeat, for her readiness to forget hurt him more than her rejection.

"You—" he paused. "You're too good for me, Ophelia. Too good for anyone in this damn world, and I just… I don't know how to cherish you enough."

Ophelia's breath hitched. Killorn grabbed her shoulders and lowered his gaze painfully. She had never seen the top of his head before, until today. She could feel him going through an internal struggle.

"How can you so easily admit it's alright?" Killorn squeezed out. "Your heart is far too soft."

Ophelia tentatively reached for him. He froze like a block of ice. She slowly approached him. Quietly, she raised her arms and embraced him tightly, causing him to grow even tenser.

"B-because it's you," Ophelia admitted in a quiet voice.


Ophelia had fallen in love with him first, not knowing, he fell harder. She slid her palms up the plains of his strong shoulder. She clung onto him like her life depended on it.

"Please don't give me this many chances, my sweet, you'll spoil me rotten." Killorn's voice came out hoarse as a soldier who lowered his sword in the battlefield. He strained every fiber on his body to feel her properly, for her fingertips were light as a feather.

"O-one last one?" Ophelia jokingly said.

"One far too many," Killorn corrected with a strained expression. He ran a hand down his face and could do nothing, but stand there like a statue as she hugged him.

Killorn knew nothing and no one in the world deserved Ophelia. He'd worship like a goddess if she'd let him. He could do nothing, but shamefully remain in his position, his arms by his side, and his face hung with failure. Even so, Ophelia embraced him, her face pressed to his chest, whilst he felt his entire world begin to crumble, his heart finally beating to life.

Ophelia brought back the human side of him.

- - - - -

Meanwhile, in the heart of the palace…

"Killorn did that?" Everest took a slow drag of his goblet, where he swished the red drink before taking a sip. In the corner of his eyes, he saw his sister stare out the window with disgust. She hid her scowl behind an opened fan, her expression irritated before she hid it as quick as the emotion came.

"Who else would have the gut?" King Claudean deadpanned whilst rolling his eyes in irritation.

King Claudean remained seated in his study, watching his two children barely interact with each other. Elena crossed her arms around her stomach and glanced away from the window, finally tired of watching the barking bitches.

"Hmph," King Claudean continued. "That damn Alpha Mavez became too gutsy to turn one of our own into animals like his kind."

"At least the werewolves would never dare to disrespect his wife," Everest commented with an unrecognizable expression. To think he had done enough for Ophelia, but then Killorn one-ups him.

Everest held up the barking and kicking puppy by his nape. He narrowed his eyes at the beast, for this thing was growing at an alarming rate. Hmm… What creature did she say it was again?


"Get that thing out of here!" King Claudean huffed, irritated that his son was back talking to him again.

Everest pressed his lips together, indignation flashing on his face again. He had worked so hard to catch the darn puppy, and his father called it a thing like it was nothing. He lowered the creature onto his crossed legs. The animal was quick to run, but he palmed his hands onto the spine, forcing the beast in place.

Irritable thing. Everest couldn't understand why Ophelia would be distraught over a disgraceful animal. Something as precious as her fingertips should be grazing over white fur and a placid pet, not this creature kicking his legs whenever he could get.

"Everest?" King Claudean demanded, his voice growing impatient.

Everest reluctantly raised his head towards his own father and tried to hide the hatred in his heart. Elena stiffened from besides him, obviously seeing past his facade.

"The maids on the streets must've been the ones who trapped her upstairs during the goblin ambush, instead of letting her into the bunker yesterday," Everest noted. "I can imagine how furious Killorn must be right now."

Everest had a good feeling it wasn't this reason, but something else. However, it was easy to blame it on the maids than Ophelia. This was a more worthy reason for such a lengthy punishment.

King Claudean snorted. "Well, if his wife hadn't been a human rights advocate, she would've had a seat as secure as your sister in the lower level where its the safest, but atlas, she was being a stupid little girl."

Everest's expression shifted for once. His lips curled and he opened his mouth.

"Noblesse obligation," Elena interrupted, coming around the couch to where her brother sat. She strolled to them, her fingers elegantly sweeping the outlines of the couch, warning Everest to be careful.

"The art of the privileged to act with generosity and nobility towards the less fortunate," Elena softly said, her voice ever so sweet that it even tranced her own father. "She prevented a potential human uprising with her actions."

King Claudean's brows shot up. "Now, she has the humans of the palace on her side. What good could that be?"

Everest narrowed his eyes at the games his sister was playing. Just what was this little manipulator of his up to? He tried to catch her gaze, but she turned her shoulders and continued.

"The humans only listened to us out of fear, but now, they're inspired to obey by looking up to her," Elena effortlessly explained. "They'll think she's their savior."

King Claudean's gaze grew frigid. Elena rested her hands infront of her and forced an innocuous smile. Her father let out an irritable sigh.

"And what does that do for us?" King Claudean questioned.

"Although human, she'll be one of us soon enough," Elena expressed.

"One of us?" King Claudean echoed.

"A noble questioned by the public," Elena explained. "The humans will think she's their ally, but in reality, she'll be on our side. Afterall, she eats our food, lives under a roof supplied by us, and with your permission, father…"

"Go on," King Claudean reluctantly said, just as Everest stiffened.

"She'll mingle with us," Elena stated. Her aloof expression melted into a warm smile. "Let Ophelia attend our ball tomorrow. Introduce her to our people, let the public think she's on their side on the surface, but underneath that, she has become one of us—a noble."

King Claudean hummed, for he could reap the benefit of this. "Yes and that'd prevent an uprising from the humans?"

"We've controlled the humans with fear long enough," Elena murmured. "If we give them this newfound hope that a woman can protect and save their kind, then there would be no resentment."

"My good daughter, only you seem to have a brain in this family," King Claudean relented with a nod of his head. "It will do us good to have the potential Direct Descendant pledge loyalty to us. In the near future, she could be of good use."

Elena forced a smile, bowed her head, and lowered into a curtsy to appease him further. She excused herself, grabbing her brother by the wrist and dragging him outside with her. Today, she learned two things.

One, Alpha Mavez was willing to go above and beyond for Ophelia like a foolish husband. Two, Everest was beginning to be charmed by Ophelia like a town's fool.

Just what were these two men thinking?

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