Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover

Chapter 318 - Hint Number One

Chapter 318 - Hint Number One

Word was out. It had been almost a day since pictures of them together were posted but thankfully, her face was not visible. Her fans had yet to figure it out and frankly, they wanted to reveal their relationship on their own.

None of this, being coerced into doing it. While their options were limited, Katherine was at a stage where it would be easier to reveal their relationship. Cage and Katherine sat in front of the laptop with Stephen on the side. On the video conference, his public relations team was prepared and monitoring all social media platforms and news outlets.

When the pre-recorded video started to roll, it was the beginning of mayhem. Katherine had posted on her social media that she would be doing this and had asked her followers for questions. So, she did a question and answer video with her boyfriend. The catch? Cage's face was animated by her personally. It was not magnificent, but it was enough to satiate anyone who saw it.

In the meantime, she brushed up on her skills learned from the animation course she took.

"Hello, my aliens!" she greeted. "This is my boyfriend," Katherine said, pointing towards the man on the screen, still in his animated form. She had painted him to be one of those ugly men from hentai videos, purposely to mislead the audience. They had never seen him, but the assumptions in the comments had been polarizing. She wanted to enjoy it a little longer and Cage didn't mind. He got the joke, even.

"Hello!" Cage said, producing a thick Transylvanian accent for some reason. She turned to gawk at him for a second before laughing and going back to character. Katherine didn't know why this was kept in the video, but Stephen insisted that it showed off their relationship.

"Today, we are starting backward..." she looked up, contemplating. "Which means, I will be doing the artwork after I shoot this video. As you know, I take a picture of a real person and turn them into a character in my own style. But today, I will be doing the exact opposite. I will be slowly revealing who my boyfriend is." She paused and gave the camera a wink.

"All of you have been dying to know who my boyfriend is and I thought, well... Let's do a Q and A. But it is also like strip poker?" Katherine looked a little confused herself. Cage, on the other hand, was snickering, still holding onto his deepened and very fake voice.

"Well, we won't be stripping any clothes, unfortunately," Cage commented from the side, much to the audience's delight. So far, the comments were positive and excited. They wanted to know more. Knowing the content creator, she never failed to surprise on these things. "So, I asked you guys what you wanted to know about my boyfriend and you guys had a ton of questions..." Though she sounded excited she knew that she would be sitting on that chair for a really long time. "It's currently ten at night," she informed after looking at her phone.

"What do they want to know?" he asked, almost nervously. He had commented from the sidelines from time to time but never really made an appearance on her channel...

"A lot. And you have to answer honestly." She gave him a blinding smile.

"Okay," he nodded his head.

"You all have asked me if I can animate and well, while I have a whole video on that, I thought we could do it this way, as well. So, enjoy!" Then she paused. "Are we in focus?" she asked, cutely craning her head and looking at the monitor.


"Hold on," Katherine said and skipped away, leaving Cage on the screen for a split moment. "You sit there, being all handsome," she cooed from further away before she bounced back into the frame.

"You're really happy to have me in your video," he grinned and she nodded her head vehemently.

"Well, you don't sound like yourself. And you won't look like yourself in the video, so... this is going to be hilarious."

"So, what is the first question?" Cage prompted.

"It's a comment actually... the person asked me to show your face immediately and not pull a stunt," she said, her lips spreading into an evil smile.

"You evil, evil woman. You will break their hearts by doing exactly what they fear!" Cage said in a low voice. Katherine's eyes darted to him, hoping that the audience couldn't see the mild l.u.s.t in her eyes. Who knew that the Vlad Dracula accent could turn her on. But then, everything Cage did turn her on. This was no exception.

"Someone also said that it was LazerBoi," she laughed loudly, thinking about how many people actually thought that. The comments burst forth with shock. It wasn't LazerBoi? Who else could it be? Hadn't everyone made it very clear?

"Hint number one," Cage started. "I am not LazerBoi." His voice was actually filled with possessiveness. Even the viewers heard it.

"A lot of you assumed that it was him, but sorry to break the ship, guys! It's not him." She interjected quickly so that it was not too evident. Cage was looking very smug at the moment. A little bit of his body came into view, his black hoodie in the frame. It was an expensive brand, so there were a few comments about that. "Just in case, I'll check with him before posting the video." She bit her lip to keep herself from laughing, but Cage was actually tilted to the side, holding his stomach as he tried to stop himself.

"He's an attractive man, no doubt, but just... we knew each other before so..." he trailed off.

"Oh, honey. I've been waiting for you my whole life," Katherine commented cheekily. This was when the audience would find out how sappy this couple was. "Question two: Is he really your boyfriend or just a friend who is a boy?" she read the question and then turned to the camera with a stern expression.

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