Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover

Chapter 8 - 600 lbs

Chapter 8 - 600 lbs

Lily had come home early that day and made sure to freshen up and put on the television. Katherine knew that Cage Cavanaugh was making an appearance in a variety show to promote his movie, so she wasn't surprised that Lily had wrapped up her work for the day and come home early.

She head Lily scream from the other room to come in and watch the show. "He will be on in a bit!" she screamed, just to drive in the point. Katherine had already set her television to recording mode so that she could watch it later, the love of her life was on the television and yet she had to finish designing the cover of a stupid erotic romance. No doubt, she had chosen it herself, but at the face of looking at Cage Cavanaugh or designing, she would always choose to lovingly gaze at him.

"Recording!" she screamed back, taking a moment to relax her limbs. Her neck would sometimes hurt from continuously looking at the illustrator and using the pen to draw. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Lily enter the room with the remote in her hand.

"What?" she asked absent-mindedly.

"You are drawing smut again. Don't you think it would come to you easier once you saw the divine face of Cage Cavanaugh and wanted to throw your panties at him? The emotions you need to draw would come easier," she teased.

"Your one true love needs you, Kitty!" she bellowed, clearly stifling her laughter.

"Out," Katherine said, suppressing her own smile, knowing that she would succumb to the temptation and go and sit in front of the television. "I have work to complete."

"And when has that stopped you from taking your time and gazing at him?" Lily asked, confused. She realized that there was something more going on. "I know how you work, Kitty. Is something the matter?"

Katherine shook her head in denial. But deep down she felt a bubble of animosity bloom.

"Is it because I texted all those people thinking they were Cage?" she sighed. Katherine shook her head. "I know you, I have known you since you were in diapers. You feel like I spoke to someone while you were left out, don't you?" Katherine pouted.

She was peeved that the person she had texted online had yet to reply to her. It was a childish thing to think, but not getting a reply within twelve hours was pretty humiliating and usually meant that she had freaked out the other person with her freakish babble.

She could have strangled Lily for getting a reply if it weren't for how much she loved her best friend.

"I know I have been texting you the raunchy details of what I was talking about to this person, but you do know he is not Cage Cavanaugh, right?" she asked curiously. Katherine nodded. "Then what is bothering you?"

"The game. Someone didn't reply to me on the game," she pouted yet again. At this rate, she would have a constant grimace on her face.

"And you are pissed because?" she giggled.

"I am a goddess. Not used to rejection or ignoring tactics." She had not been rejected for a long time. Her high stats and OG status on the server had made her quite popular among the players. Everyone messaged her and asked her for help, but there was a person who had escaped her eyes and had played better than her, moreover they had mostly ignored her. What gamer took twelve hours to reply. Definitely not a dedicated Cage fan, she thought.

And then she remembered that there was a high probability that this person didn't even like her true love.

"You are unused to rejection." She snorted. "Do you want to go clubbing today? It's been a while since we last went and you look like you are in need of some attention." Katherine groaned at the insinuation.

"I know I haven't dated in a long time, but that doesn't mean that I am lonely and looking for validation, Lily. I can handle myself just fine." She gave a playful glare to her best friend and was going to go back to work when she felt her friend put her arm around her shoulder.

"Haven't you moved on from Jonathan?" she asked, distressed.

Jonathan was Katherine's ex-fiancé who had been caught cheating on her a couple of years ago. They had been together for a year and the boy had dropped to his knees and asked to marry her. Not knowing what else to do, Katherine had said yes, and felt trapped. They eventually bought an apartment together but when she found him cheating on her, she happily broke up with him. Since then, Lily and another acquaintance had moved into the apartment she had bought and helped her pay off the loan.

"I moved on the minute I broke up with him. I don't need a man in my life," she declared, puffing up her chest in pride. Lily laughed but didn't let the matter go.

"And if you are going to cite the excuse that you already have Cage Cavanaugh to look at, I am not going to let you go." She gave Katherine a pointed glare. "We are going to club tomorrow and get sloshed, okay?"

"I don't like getting drunk," she groaned, refusing the offer.

"Then you can dress pretty and get attention while I drink the night away, okay?" she confirmed.

"Alright, I'll go." It was better than obsessing over her mistakes and the replies Lily had gotten. "But I am not meeting anyone new," I compromised.

"Now that we are decided on that, can we go and watch your man perform tricks?" she giggled. Katherine loved how Cage Cavanaugh would still be her guy even though Lily thought she was playing someone else in some part of her mind.

"Now, come." She commanded.

The television was already recording the show and there were other unimportant people on the screen. Katherine sat on the PC and quickly logged into the game to see if RayKon53 had replied. And indeed after reading a galore of messages, she finally came to the one they had sent her.

[RayKon53: That's sad. I was looking forward to your ministrations, my lady/kind sir? My trainer tells me that playing games keeps you in mint condition.]

She squealed internally.

Finally, a reply had come, and she had not scared the person away.

[Rinten: Don't be sad, I will play with you! This little girl loves her games.]

[Rinten: Who has a trainer these days? I thought everyone just went to the gym without trainers. Are you sure you are not a 600lbs guy/girl who needs to a quick change to save their lives?]

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