Altina the Sword Princess

Altina X Overlord Special Collaboration Booklet

Altina X Overlord Special Collaboration Booklet

Strategist Ainz

The stage was set at the north of the Belgaria Empire where Altina was situated

Bordertown Tuonvell.

The sky was covered in dark clouds.

Freezing gales chilled the air.

As the commander of the border regiment and princess, Altina came to welcome a certain person.

She harboured great expectations for this person. Coming from a commoner family with a low military rank, there was a rumour of a talented strategist being exiled to the borders. Maybe this person could become Altinas strategist.

Her current situation could be described with the term blockage.

After being chased from the imperial capital by the nobles and becoming the commander of a border regiment, her subordinate general Jerome look down on her because she was a girl.

Although the soldiers held her in high regards and address her as princess they also didnt treat her like a commander.

And the forces deployed to the fortress in the frontlines would not be enough to affect the empire.

This northern borders was just like a cage to Altina.

Because she had the wish to become the empress, she would need a strategist to advise her no matter what.

Although she needed one, she only heard about that person through rumours and had never seen him before; his character and capabilities were both unknown to her.

To get to know his character, Altina disguised herself as a wagon driver to pick him up.

Someone she had never seen before was standing in the middle of the streets.

With a book clutched in his chest, he was a gentle young man who wont even kill a fly-- Not. It was a man who was wearing a long robe and a mask for unknown reasons.

This man was the Overlord of Death, Ainz.

Altina who didnt know about this approached with a strange expression.

Erm.. You are?

...... My name is Ainz.

A heavy voice.

Maybe it was the mask, it sounded a bit muffled.

Altina thought, it cant be this guy right?

Maybe her doubtful expression was obvious, prompting Ainz to continue.

Dont worry, this might sound unbelievable, but I have a good idea what we need to do.


You are looking for a strategist right? The reason well, lets not talk about this here.

He turned his gaze to the people walking in the streets.

Altina opened her eyes wide in surprise.

She heard he was good, but not this good!

Were you really transferred here from the imperial capital?

Transferred If you mean someone exiled from a world, that is probably true.


The wagon passed through the town of Tuonvell

Just call me Altina.

Although no one around her addressed her this way, she still told him the nickname she liked very much.


Ainz acknowledged.

He then surveyed the area with his mask own.

... The scenery of this world looks about the same.

Both sides of the road was full of maize fields. As it was winter, the fields were all brown. The view was separated into two distinct colours with the grey evening sky above the horizon.

Passengers would normally sit in the back, but Altina was sitting in the center of the driving seat while Ainz sat to her right.

This was because it was easier to converse this way.

Even if she looked to the side, she couldnt see Ainzs expression that was covered under the strange mask that seem to be either angry or crying.

I think the scenery is very different from the imperial capital are you talking about your birth place?

The city I lived in was full of skyscrapers, you couldnt even see the horizon.


Something like a tower. This place full of the scenery of nature is closer to some other place.

Erm I heard normal people wont understand what smart people are talking about, so its true.

Well, Im not lying.

Ainz shrugged.

A white shadow flashed before Altinas eyes.

It had started snowing.

And so we are rushing for time, so hang on tight and dont fall off!

I see, no problem.

Altina urged the horse to go faster.

At that moment, an accident happened they skidded because of the snow, the wagon barely avoided toppling over...

However the horse sprained its leg.

Altina jumped down from the drivers seat, patting the head of the horse to soothe it.

It will be difficult to carry on It is possible to keep going But if the leg injury worsens it might get put down.

Really, I should had used Gate from the start.

0% chance of failure with no distance limit. For Ainz who could used the highest level teleportation spell, meeting with such incidents was just a waste of time He was just accompanying Altina to understand this world better.

There was no way Altina would know that

Ainz alighted from the drivers seat.

He extended a hand from his black robes.

Altina jumped.

It looked like bones.

Human bones

And it was not a replica. The skeletal hand holding a thin flask reached for the horses right hind leg.

He poured the green liquid within the flask onto the injured area.

A white light that differs from the illumination of oil lamp or gas lamp enveloped the leg of the horse.

Altina rubbed her eyes.

Ainz had already withdrawn his hand into his robes.

Its healed now.


Just like he said, the right hind leg that was obviously swollen had turned back to normal in an instant.

Altina agitatedly drew near to Ainz.

What, what did you do!?

Nothing special. Just a low level healing potion. I cant use healing magic. The recovery amount might be low, but it will bring normal people and animals on the verge of death back to full health.

Ainz said that matter of factly and returned to the driving seat.

Altina couldnt understand what he did.

... Magic?

It seems that doesnt exist in this world.

It appears in stories you, you really can use magic?

Altina stared at Ainz with a mix of fear and curiosity.

He said calmly as if he had lost his emotions.

What I can use is hmmm?


Altina turned her head back.

With the wind getting stronger, the snow was turning into a blizzard. In this white fog of snow, a group of grey beast appeared.

The back of the girl shivered.

Loup Gris!

Five snarling wolves surrounded the wagon in a semicircle.

Ainz said nonchalantly.

The animals are cute it is about time to go right?

Wh, what are you saying!? Loup Gris are ferocious beast even a knight will have trouble with!

...... So what?

Ainz didnt understand at all.

Altina said in frustration.

We are about to be attacked!

I see! I didnt notice. In this world without magic and warrior skills, even wild animals can become a threat. Speaking of which, this appears to be the middle ages.

Enough! Stop saying things I dont understand!

Alright, we can set off after disposing of these beast.

... Hah?

Altina who didnt understand what he was saying was dumbstruck.

Ainz who seemed rather frail swing his right hand casually.

Dragon Lightning.

A sudden dragon shaped lightning covered Ainz from his arm to his shoulders. It flew out from his straightened finger.

A loud bang as loud as thunder.

The largest wolf fell lifelessly to the ground and stopped moving.


With that bang, the wolves that saw its leader dead ran in panic.

Ainz withdrew his hand into his robes.

The threat was gone. No, it wasnt a threat to Ainz at all.

Will this be enough?


Altina charged to the driving seat with burning eyes and grabbed Ainz robes.

What have you done!

... What?

She was obviously angry.

Ainz was puzzled.

After being saved from danger, she should be grateful, so why was she angry.

Did I mess up because I am not used to this world? Ainz thought

His unease wasnt conveyed to Altina.

Ainz couldnt express himself through his face.

And he was wearing a mask.

Altina who was grabbing his robe stared deep into his eyes

The eyes behind the mask were so dark it seemed to be bottomless. As expected, he was not human. Even so, it didnt faze the spirited girl.

You are strong.


I dont really get it, but if you use that magic, you wont have to worry about the wolves taking your life right!?

... That is so.

Then, do you have to kill it?

What strange words, Loup Gris will attack people. That means they are harmful creatures. For the soldiers protecting this land, lessening their numbers should be a good thing correct?

Loup Gris might attack people, but they also hunt animals that damage the fields. If there are no beasts in the forest, it will become a haven for criminals.

Its just one wolf

Most importantly, its so pitiful! This is the habitat of the wild beast you understand? Paving a road and cultivating the field is just us borrowing the land. It would be fine if it is in the towns or villages, but dont kill indiscriminately on the roads!

... Hmmm.

Ainz thought about it.

He got what she meant.

Her thinking wasnt illogical.

In order to accomplish his mission here and return to his original world where the Great Tomb of Nazarick was. He cant let Altina shun him.

Ainz wanted pull Altina away from his robes.

You cant understand this logic!?


The warrior of the highest level in the DMMO-RPG YGGDRASIL could pulverise a city wall with a punch. Even the relatively weaker Ainz could lift a carriage with one hand.

Altina seemed stronger than most girls, but Ainz should be stronger.

However, he couldnt pull the hand grabbing his robes away.

... I understand how you feel, I will use my offensive magic carefully from now on.

The people and creatures in this world were too weak.

He might kill them accidentally even with the lowest level magic in his arsenal.

To smoothen the process he has to watch himself.

He doesnt like to waste mana anyway.

Altina released Ainz robes.

And suddenly smiled.

Thank you for your understanding, and thank you for saving me.

Its fine.

So far, Ainz only felt her features was straight, and didnt have the chance to judge her beauty

Even Ainz who had lost almost all his human emotions could tell that Altinas smile was really charming.

Of course, in terms of style and perfection, she couldnt compare to the NPC Albedo made painstakingly by a member of his guild.

He wasnt referring to that kind of beauty, but the energetic smile that shone brightly.

She tilted her head.

Hmm? Is something the matter?

...No, there is no problems. Let us be off.

After getting Ainz response, she sat beside Ainz and held the reigns.

She shouted and pulled the reigns, and the horse that was shocked by the lightning and Loup Gris started walking slowly.

The wheels of the wagon made rolling sounds again.

Speaking of which Magic is awesome! Strong and convenient. Just like a cannon!

... I dont know how powerful the cannons of this world are, but it definitely cant compare to nuclear weapons. Even the highest tier magic couldnt compare with it.

Nuclear? I dont get what you mean. Where did you learn magic Ainz? You have a teacher?


Ainz remembered the members in his guild.

Teaching each other skills and exchanging information as they grind large amount of experience points.

...... They are no longer around.

I see Sorry for asking that.

Please dont mind, it is all in the past.

Can I use magic too?

If you have a magic caster type job, you will learn it in no time if you keep earning experience points...But you have a warrior type face.

Wait!? Learning magic depends on your face!?

Ainz was just kidding but Altina seemed to be taking it seriously.

Magic doesnt exist in this world, Altina who was part of this world probably cant use magic.

That isnt so But Altina is one of those direct types who will act before you think right?

How rude. I think I am the cautious type who thinks before I act.

From our interaction earlier, how are you cautious? You saw that lightning and still grabbed my robes without thinking.

It actually made him wonder if she was mentally normal.

She was totally the type that didnt consider the consequences.

Altina blushed.


But thats why you need a strategist

How did you know that?

Of course I know. Thats why I came to this world.

So You know my objective too?

Altina had a face of unease.

This was top level secret.

Ainz shrugged.

I didnt hear about that But I can guess what it is. Definitely not looking for someone to play chess with.

She sighed.

It wasnt clear if she did so out of relief or disappointment.

... Is that knowledge related to magic?

Even if I explain, you who are from this world wont understand. More importantly, I will help you, just rely on me but things will different if you reject.

Its fine. My objective is to liberate the citizens from tyrannical rule. To achieve that I want to become empress!

No problem I am not sure if making you empress will liberate the people though.


Ainz kept his promise.

He avoided casting offensive spells freely.

Fort Sierk

The base of the Beilschmidt Border Regiment Altina was in command of.

However, it was an empty title of commander as the entire regiment was under General Jeromes management.

The fourteen year old princess Altina was just a decoration that needed to be protected.

Ainz turned his head.

It would be easy for me to defeat General Jerome But it would be difficult for others to acknowledge Altina as the commander that way.

Ea, easy? He might look like that, but Sir Jerome is very strong.

Indeed, his physical ability and combat experience is near the upper limit of a warrior. But I am confident that without equipment and items, it wouldnt even be a contest. If both sides reach the upper level limits, the rest will be dependent on the strength and effects of buffing spells.

Magic again?

He is as good as naked while I am fully armed. If I lose under such conditions, I wont be fit to be a guild master.

Ainz also have top class passive skill that nullifies physical attacks.

The ability to negate low level weapon and magic attacks.

Even if the user had excellent skill, he wont be able to harm Ainz with the weapons of this world.

His mental strength seems strong. Charming spells will be a bit and the period of effect isnt long. Lets use support magic.


Ainz stood up and cast spells on Altina.

Greater strength.

Physical defence increase.


Envelope in a mysterious glow, Altinas face looked troubled.

Erm I was thinking, if that is the case I should use my own power

Since you employed me as a strategist and your subordinate, you should view my magic as your own power. Or do you want to reject my assistance entirely?

Altina showed a troubled expression.

Ermmm is that really fine?

It will be alright. And with the vast difference in prowess, it is less likely for the other party to get injured.

And just like Ainz predicted, the fight was finished in an instant before the stupefied crowd.

After being buffed by high level enchantment from Ainz, Altina was strong on a totally different level.

She made Jerome groan in pain with just one hit.

Ugh how could it be? That is impossible for humans!

Yes you are right. My magic can not be emulated by humans. Well, due to some reason, I cant use lethal spells on people.

In the parade square before Fort Sierk

Ainz placed his hand on the victorious Altina and declared:

I have decided to assist this person on her road towards domination. If the soldiers are willing to help us, you are welcome to. If not, please leave the fort.

Dont say anyone could leave as they pleased, Ainz.

Hmm? But there is no point in letting people who will affect our unity stay.

In the end, as far as fighting forces were concerned, the numbers of normal soldiers dont matter.

Altina raised her sword high.

Anyway, I am the commander of this border regiment!

Ku It cant be helped. Since I lost, I will acknowledge you. Even if you won using dubious magic!

Suddenly, the bell signalling an enemy attack sounded.


The ones attacking Fort Sierk under the cover of the blizzard were the barbarians.

They were few in numbers, but proficient in sneak attacks.

Ainz stood on top of the fortress wall.

Altina and Jerome were by his side.

What should we do? We cant charge out and fight them at this distance.

They discovered them too late, resulting in the barbarians had reaching the walls and firing arrows in.

With Ainz magic, the arrows were deflected by an invisible wall, so the area was safe.

Jerome snorted.

Hmmp, cant you do anything with that dubious magic of yours?

May I?

Well If this goes on, we will lose a lot of soldiers, but I want to avoid killing the barbarians.

Altina said with a resigned expression.

Jerome responded unhappily.

Nonsense! We should kill all the barbarians!

Since Ainz was acting as the princess subordinate, what Altina said took priority.

With the barbarian group as the target.

I will avoid killing them then.

Gravity Bound.

Within a designated boundary, he shook the ground with the impact of an earthquake.

They probably never experienced earthquakes before and fell into chaos.

They scampered away in twos and threes.

Jerome and the soldiers laughed at this sight, but Altina looked uneasy.

Is it fine for us to do that?

Well done, whats next?

When they heard Altina employed a powerful strategist, the imperial capital sent them the order to attack Fort Volks.

Although it was faster for Ainz to go alone

An inspector also tagged along, so they had to bring half the unit for the expedition.

After seeing the steep cliffs and the cannon platform, she sighed.

It will be hard to attack the fort. It lives up to the name of invulnerable fortress Volks although I just heard about it from Jerome yesterday.

If destroying it is fine, just one

If you do that, wouldnt it cause massive casualties?

Hmm. And we need to use it as a base after taking the fort. Let us go about it normally, I will hang the flag at the cannon platform about an hour later. Launch the attack then it should be conquered by then.

Wait!? I, I will go too!

Just bringing one more person is fine, I will cast high tier physical attack negation magic.

After Ainz finished chanting, a white light enveloped Altinas body.

He then waved his hand lightly.


They suddenly appeared in the office of the commander of Fort Volks.

Their meeting on the measures to take against Belgarias attack was in progress.

The hot blooded young knight Zechmeister drew his sword.

Who are you!?

He shouted as he thrust his blade over.

It hit Ainz body, which made Altina screamed.

Even the blade made from the latest steel technology wont have magic effects. Naturally, its damage was negated.

It was pressuring to fight without killing low level enemies.

Well, I can only do this under such restraints.

Ainz used a Harden spell to turn Zechmeister into a statue.

The enemy staff officers screamed.

Among them was an elderly man in uniform taking a stance with a steel staff.

His hair was turning white, but his eyes remained sharp.

I am the commander of Fort Volks from the Varden Duchy.

I am the commander of the Beilschmidt border regiment from Belgaria, Marie Quatre Argentina!

Hmmp. I heard reports of Belgaria hired a demon king and dismissed it as a joke So its true.

Im not a demon king. I just know some magic.

Altina raised her sword.

And of course, because of the buffs from all sort of support spells, she emerged victorious easily.

The rest of the soldiers was hit by Ainz Mass Paralysis and couldnt move.

They took Fort Volks much earlier than expected.

Ainz took out a staff with a strange aura from his robes.

Where to next? No, its a bother fighting these skirmishes. Lets take down the Imperial Capital straight away.

Hmm!? But the first army is

1st army or 2nd army, they are not a problem for me. Come, lets go!

After taking down the Imperial Capital of Belgaria, Altina became the new empress.

Be it the nobles, commoners, and even foreign nations, everyone feared the new empress who gained the power of a demon king


Ughhh No, you cant Altina!

Regis yelled as he raised his head.

The girl chopped him on the head with her hand.

You are the one who cant! If you want to sleep, do it on your bed. Youll catch a cold!!

Seemed like Regis fell asleep reading a book. Because he slept in a weird position, his back hurts.

Hah I had a weird dream.

Are you okay? We will be leaving for the capital tomorrow right?

Ahh, I made the preparations. Well, there is no one it could be that easy

There are all sorts of problems piled up in the capital, and it seemed that a powerful being that could solve everything with magic didnt show up.

Although he felt disheartened, he was relieved at the same time...

Altina wore her coat with a wry smile.

What did you dream about?

... It seemed to be a dream of you becoming empress with the help of magic from a demon king.

Ara, sounds interesting. What did the magic achieve?

Altina said as she offered him a cup of warm milk.

Regis took the cup and showed the black book jacket of the story he finished recently.

Its powerful, enough to change the world This book is called Overlord

Written by Author of Altina, Yukiya Murasak

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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