Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 554 Looking for the Invisible Man

Chapter 554 Looking for the Invisible Man

Speaking of Guardian Association, they have always heard of it without meeting any member of it.

Although the one in front of them is extremely arrogant, instead of feeling surprised, they find it reasonable.

After all, whoever comes from an organization like the Guardian Association which is so well-known will surely be arrogant.

Following the deputy director’s suit, the deputy directors and chiefs all come forward excitedly, shake hands with Ji Jin’an, and say flattering words to please him.

These people, in the face of Ji Jin’an, are more enthusiastic and polite than they were when facing Li Yong, their idol.

Hearing that this young man is a member of the Guardian Association, even Wei Fangxia, who is standing with Li Yong, opens her sexy mouth wide in surprise. She suddenly puts on a bright smile, intending to go over to familiarize herself with the young man.

Li Yong pulls her directly, “Ms. Wei, we’d better go look for the invisible man first! Instead of wasting time on this superficial formality, why not go and do something practical?”

“What the hell do you know? Come on. Let’s go over and get to know him together. After all, he’s a member of the famous Guardian Association! Moreover, he is a well-known governor.”

For the sake of Li Yong’s good, Wei Fangxia wants to pull him over and get acquainted with Ji Jin’an.

“What is the official position of a governor?” Li Yong feels that it sounds so strange.

“It is said that the members in the Guardian Association are divided into three levels, the Governor, the Earth Governor, and the Heaven Governor. This Governor seems to be the most inferior title and is generally responsible for the trickiest criminal cases across the country.” Wei Fangxia ponders on it for a moment before explaining, “The Earth Governor is responsible for serious international cases. As for the Heaven Governor, it is just a legend. I’m not so sure about it.”

Li Yong smilingly advises Wei Fangxia, “As the saying goes, better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. He’s the most inferior governor. You’re a supreme leader in the police system in Zhonghai City! You can’t lower your status, can you?”

“What the hell do you know? He’s a guardian! Even the governor of a province has to be polite to him.”

Li Yong smiles mischievously, “A guardian is simply a holy crap! If you have time to please him, why don’t you come and please me?”

“Bah! Be serious, okay? If they think highly of me and introduce me into the Guardian Association, making me become a member of it, I will be successful.” Wei Fangxia laughs gleefully.

Li Yong puts his hands in his pockets and asks indifferently, “Can you get a successful career even if you are told to clean the toilets?”

“Get out! With my current skills, I can be a governor with ease.” Wei Fangxia smiles confidently.

“It turns out that you have such unrealistic thoughts in your mind.” Li Yong lets go of Wei Fangxia’s hand and adds, “Go! Good luck.”

As Wei Fangxia is about to walk over and get herself acquainted with Ji Jin’an, Ji Jin’an leads the crowd and strides over, glancing at Wei Fangxia and Li Yong coldly. Seeing this, Wei Fangxia feels anxious in her heart with a bad premonition.

Lu Xiangrong says with a smile, “Deputy Director Wei, relay the situation back then to Governor Ji quickly.” Seeing that Wei Fangxia doesn’t take the initiative to move forward, Lu Xiangrong deliberately reminds her.

Wei Fangxia organizes her thoughts and briefly tells Ji Jin’an what happened. In the end, she pulls Li Yong to the front as if she were introducing her husband, introducing Li Yong to Ji Jin’an, “He is Li Yong. And he caught the invisible man. Now that the invisible man has escaped. I asked him to come over and help us arrest him.”

Wei Fangxia originally thought that Ji Jin’an would appreciate Li Yong and that he probably would praise him a little.

He would at least shake hands with Li Yong and say that they should cooperate well!

However, to her surprise, Ji Jin’an coldly glances at Li Yong and says indifferently, “No need. With me here, you don’t have to turn to him. Rest assured that I can catch the invisible man. Let him go!”

“Well…” Hearing this, Wei Fangxia is in a difficult position. Even Lu Xiangrong who learns of Li Yong’s identity is in a dilemma.

Because Li Yong has come here. If they drive him away like this, they will be somewhat unkind.

Li Yong also feels strange, wondering why Ji Jin’an is so arrogant. Could it be that he has a better way to catch the invisible man?

As far as Li Yong knows, excluding him who can see the invisible man with his clairvoyant vision, only the immortal pupil clan can see the invisible man. Could it be that Ji Jin’an is a member of the Immortal Pupil clan?

Thinking of this, Li Yong is eager to see how capable Ji Jin’an is.

So, without saying anything, he quietly watches them.

As everyone looks at each other in embarrassment, Ji Jin’an turns to face Wei Fangxia and asks with a gloomy look on his face, “Did the invisible man escape under your nose?”

“Yes. We brought the invisible man here. As we were about to escort him into a special room, he suddenly disappeared…” As Wei Fangxia recalls, she finds it so strange.

She specifically instructed the special police at that time, saying that they have to hold onto the invisible man with all their might and that they should never let him go easily. Even so, unexpectedly, the invisible man still escaped. Moreover, at that time, the special police who grabbed the invisible man didn’t feel anything. When they realized that the invisible man was gone, they were grasping something in the air. It is unknown when the invisible man escaped.

Acting like an authoritative leader, Ji Jin’an severely criticizes Wei Fangxia, “He is such an important prisoner. And he escaped in success under your escort. How on earth do you, a deputy director, perform your duty? You can’t even do this trivial thing right. How can you do your job as a deputy director well in the future? I suggest that the higher authorities discipline you with a demerit and demote your official title by one level.”

Feeling angry, Wei Fangxia Immediately defends herself, “But, it is me who caught the invisible man.”

“As a state officer, shouldn’t you capture the invisible man? After you arrested him, he escaped. Do you think that you can show off?” Ji Jin’an says coldly, “If you have any problem with my disciplinary action against you, I can make it severer.”

“I don’t have any problems with your disciplinary action.” Having no choice, Wei Fangxia grits her teeth and has to give in.

She feels extremely angry in her heart. Even so, in the face of the high and mighty governor, she dares not retort. Because the invisible man indeed got away under her nose. And she can’t shirk responsibility.

Generally speaking, she will make up for it with her credit. However, unexpectedly, Ji Jin’an directly punishes her.

Before Wei Fangxia can fully express the dissatisfaction in her heart, Ji Jin’an threatens to aggravate the punishment.

Ji Jin’an glances at Wei Fangxia and says lightly again, “Seeing that you are a woman, I have taken extra care of you.”

Wei Fangxia curses in secret and can only respond, “Thank you, Governor Ji.”

“Governor Ji, it’s all our fault for not keeping an eye on the prisoner. It has nothing to do with Deputy Director Wei!” A special police officer suddenly comes forward, “I am the one who escorted the invisible man back. And I kept holding the invisible man’s arm. It was me…”

“Well, I will only discipline Deputy Director Wei. As for you guys, you should be discretionarily handled in your department internally!” Ji Jin’an impatiently says “Now, call all the police here. Ask them to cooperate with my arrest operation. We can’t let the invisible man escape and do harm to society again.”

The leaders of the detention center, who are frightened, hurriedly agree, “Yes.” They were all present at the time, intending to broaden their visions and see what the invisible man was like. They are also afraid of being demoted to a lower level by a demerit.

So, as soon as they get Ji Jin’an’s order, they act decisively and immediately call all the police officers over.

Sixty police officers, including a dozen leaders, stand neatly in front of Ji Jin’an, waiting for his order.

To redeem herself and arrest the invisible man as soon as possible, Wei Fangxia lowers herself and stands in the middle of the line as well.

Ji Jin’an only says, “Get white lime and sprinkle it all over every corner of the detention center.”

The fat chief says fearfully, “Governor Ji, we don’t have white lime here.”

“Then use flour.” Ji Jin’an says angrily, “You have to do it quickly.”

“Yes.” The fat chief immediately leads all the police officers and rolls up his sleeves to work desperately.

Lu Xiangrong asks, feeling puzzled, “Governor Ji, why do we need to sprinkle…flour all over?”

“Are you stupid?” Ji Jin’an glances at him in disdain with a gloomy look on his face before saying expressionlessly: “Although we can’t see the invisible man, he can’t always hide and stay put! After we sprinkle flour all over, as long as he moves, he will leave his footprints behind. Then we can follow his footprints and find him. Isn’t it convenient?”

Lu Xiangrong, who is scolded as a fool, is quite angry. Even so, he has to nod, “Yes, yes. Governor Ji, besides having excellent martial arts skills, you are so clever. With this method of yours, the invisible man surely has no way to escape.”

Li Yong greatly despises finding the invisible man with such a method. Moreover, what he despises more is how Lu Xiangrong is flattering Ji Jin’an. Li Yong thinks that Lu Xiangrong can’t be more shameless! While Ji Jin’an curls up the corners of his mouth, almost revealing a smile, which indicates that he is quite flattered!

“Fool.” Li Yong can’t hold himself back any longer and can only make his comment.

Lu Xiangrong doesn’t hear Li Yong’s words. But Ji Jin’an is a martial arts master anyway. His hearing is naturally far better than those of ordinary people. He immediately turns his head to glare at Li Yong and angrily says, “Kid, who are you scolding?”

Li Yong laughs lightly, “Don’t you think people who kiss ass are stupid?”

Ji Jin’an coldly grunts and glares at Lu Xiangrong again. Thinking that Li Yong isn’t scolding him, he is too lazy to bother with Li Yong. Lu Xiangrong indeed flattered him without any subtlety just now, making Ji Jin’an secretly unhappy in his heart.

Lu Xiangrong immediately shouts with dissatisfaction, “Comrade 007, I didn’t offend you. Why are you scolding me?”

Li Yong asks rhetorically with a smile, “Don’t you think it’s silly to sprinkle flour all over the detention center?”

Lu Xiangrong is stunned. He quietly looks at Ji Jin’an and finds that Ji Jin’an has clenched his fists and looked furious with a fierce light in his eyes. It seems that there is an invisible killing aura that spurts out and soars up to the sky.

Although Li Yong is smiling, he isn’t weak. In Lu Xiangrong’s perspective, between Li Yong and Ji Jin’an, there has been a strong killing intent. Neither of them will give way. Seeing this, Lu Xiangrong dares not respond at all. And he can only pretend to be dumb. Closing his eyes hastily, he ignores Li Yong and Ji Jin’an who are going to fight.

“Kid, how dare you scold me?” Ji Jin’an is furious. With his honorable status and superb ability, wherever he goes, groups of flatterers and countless people are respectful to him and ingratiating him.

Many people want to flatter him, hoping to gain his favor.

It is the first time in his life that he has been scolded right in his face.

So he surely is quite angry.

Feeling angry, he clenches his fist and secretly deploys his power, intending to kill Li Yong with one punch.

Looking justifiable, Li Yong corrects Ji Jin’an with a glare, “Did I scold you? You have to figure it out. I’m scolding you two, okay?”

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