Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 637 - Good Guys and Bad Guys

Chapter 637 Good Guys and Bad Guys

As Li Yong and Wei Fangxia are both stunned, Feng Qingqing has pushed open the door to the next room and continues to shout, “Madam Wei. Ouch, why isn’t she here? Has she gotten up? But, no one saw her!”

After thinking about it, Feng Qingqing knocks on Li Yong’s room, “Yong, Madam Wei is missing. Get up and look for her.”

Wei Fangxia and Li Yong look at each other, wondering whether to laugh or cry. The two of them have been flirting with each other for a long time. Just now, they passionately and tightly pressed their bodies together like a wanderer back home, feeling excited, only to be disturbed by Feng Qingqing.

In this case, should they separate? Or should they continue? If the making love experience isn’t up to their mental expectations, they will both be upset.

Li Yong is so reluctant. Even so, he proposes, “Ms. Wei, let’s get up!”

Wei Fangxia urges him, “Getting up a little later won’t deprive you of breakfast. Let’s get it done quickly. After all, it won’t take us much time.” She can’t bear to part with Li Yong now. If she can’t satisfy the feeling that Li Yong aroused, she will feel ill at ease in her heart.

Maybe for the whole day, she will feel lost in her heart. She had this kind of feeling before. And she knew that it was quite an unpleasant experience.

“But, it’s too late.” Li Yong is torn, adding, “What if Mrs. Feng crashes in?”

“Bastard. Put it in. No way that you can leave without making me happy. Besides, she doesn’t come in either. Listen! She seems to have gone far away. Li, you’re lazy, aren’t you? If you won’t do it, I’ll.” Panting, Wei Fangxia rolls over and presses Li Yong to her bottom. After locating the right position, she rides on him and begins to twist and turn her body.

Like a tree in the gale, the tree keeps shaking slightly. But the roots are as stable as a rock.

Li Yong can’t imagine that Wei Fangxia will be so horny. Seeing this, he is happy in his heart. Feeling Wei Fangxia’s savage writhing, Li Yong doesn’t bother with whether Feng Qingqing has left or not. He has long enjoyed himself and closed his eyes.

Both people are practitioners, possessing great power. After they enjoy making love to their hearts’ content, several planks on the solid wood bed have been broken. If they didn’t restrain themselves as much as possible, they probably would have long smashed the bed.

After they two get off the bed, Wei Fangxia feels that her waist is almost broken. Making love in such a posture exhausts her so much.

Li Yong, however, is very comfortable. He, who doesn’t exert any force, isn’t tired at all.

The two of them open the door, only to find in surprise that Feng Qingqing is standing outside the door. Then Feng Qingqing advises them solemnly, “Last night, I arranged a room for you. You were reluctant. While I was not paying attention, you slept together.”

“Young people like you need to restrain yourself! Overindulgence is not good for your health.”

Faced with Feng Qingqing’s mockery, Wei Fangxia blushes, lowers her head, and hurriedly runs away.

Li Yong, however, smiles cheekily and patiently says, “Mrs. Feng, I’ve been very abstinent.”

Wei Fangxia is not there. So Feng Qingqing laughs loudly. After laughing, she approaches Li Yong and asks curiously, “Did she pick you up? Or did you hit on her? Between you two, who made the first move?”

“Gossipy.” After giving Feng Qingqing such a comment, Li Yong takes a big step towards the dining hall.

However, he recalls Wei Fangxia’s dominance and madness in his heart and feels that Wei Fangxia is a very flavorful woman. Once such a woman falls for him, she seems to be bent on him. And after being honest with her feelings, she won’t hide her feelings for him anymore.

However, Li Yong likes Wei Fangxia for who she is. He practices a lot of positions while making love with Wei Fangxia, enjoying himself to his heart’s content.

He naturally will not make light of Wei Fangxia’s feelings for him. As long as Wei Fangxia is willing, he will acknowledge her.

After eating breakfast, Li Yong is about to visit the desert outside the farm. Then he suddenly receives a call from an unfamiliar phone number. And only after answering it does he learn that the bodyguards sent by Hongyu have arrived in M Country.

Moreover, Hongyu texts him, saying that the captain is a second-level martial artist as well as a trustworthy man from Nihon.

Li Yong has to put off the idea of venturing to the desert. He plans to take Wei Fangxia and Feng Qingqing first back to V City. Then he can arrange the work of these bodyguards. Only then can the Huaxia special police be replaced.

These special police officers are here not to be bodyguards in a casino. As time passes by, they probably will complain.

When they are ready to leave, Feng Qingqing suddenly doesn’t want to go with him.

She says that she doesn’t want to go anywhere. She wants to work and live here. And when she dies, she wants to be buried here.

Li Yong then keeps her here and asks her to assist Feng Jun and his wife to manage the farm and plant trees in the desert together.

Since Feng Qingqing is willing to work here, Li Yong signs a formal employment contract with her and pays her an annual salary of 100,000 dollars.

Previously, Feng Qingqing was the owner here. But now she has become a worker. Despite feeling a little squirmy in her heart, she dares not show it. After all, Li Yong pays her an annual salary of 100,000 dollars, with which she can enjoy her retirement here.

Feng Qingqing also wants to call Feng Yumeng over, asking her to accompany her to live an idyllic and poetic life together. Feng Yumeng, who dislikes the countryside and much less the desert countryside, refuses outright.

Back at the casino, Li Yong meets the security team sent by Hongyu.

There are thirteen of them. And the captain is a level-two martial artist named Otajun.

The remaining twelve people are all level-three martial artists. With their strength, they have far exceeded the special police, which is, they can shoulder the responsibilities of security guards with ease.

The martial artist at level two is a short man from Nihon. With strong muscles, he is full of explosive power.

Li Yong calls him to his office, pours him a cup of tea personally, and asks with a smile, “How much salary did Hongyu offer you?”

Standing there respectfully, Otajun takes the cup of tea with both hands and says loudly, “Hongyu saved my life. Working for Hongyu, I don’t want a dime. I’m willing to spend the rest of my life repaying Hongyu’s saving grace.”

“Oh, did Hongyu save you?” Li Yong asks with great interest, “How did you get saved?”

“Poppy imprisoned me for three and a half years. And I was about to be tortured to death. It was Hongyu who killed Poppy and saved me. In this life, I, Otajun, live to repay Hongyu for saving my life.”

Hearing Otajun’s sincere words, Li Yong sends another text to Hongyu for confirmation. And Hongyu confirms Otajun’s words.

According to Hongyu, she took revenge and saved Otajun in the process. Poppy killed all Otajun’s family members. He had no home and no place to go. When he heard that Hongyu ran a security company and that she was hiring martial artists, he insisted on following Hongyu, saying that he was willing to work for her.

Hongyu happened to need people. So she kept him. And she paid him an annual salary of a million dollars.

Although he said he didn’t want money, Hongyu gave him a salary card, saying that she wouldn’t shorten his salary.

After knowing these circumstances, Li Yong is relieved. Sitting on an executive chair, he taps on the table while saying lightly, “Otajun, I called you over to manage this casino. And I will pay you a million dollars a year as well. If you do a good job, I will give you bonuses. And I won’t treat you mean.”

Otajun says seriously, “Yong, per Hongyu, you are the most important person to her. To me, working for you is equal to working for Hongyu. I don’t want Hongyu to pay me any salary. And I don’t want what you pay me either.”

“I see that you are only forty years old. You are in the prime of life. After all, you need to find a wife and form a family in the end! It’s a deal. One million dollars a year for you. Keep ten people to take care of the security of the casino. Plus you, there are a total of eleven people. For the remaining two, send them to Productive Farm. I don’t send them there to be laborers. Instead, they will take care of the security there.”

“Yes.” Otajun no longer insists. At the thought of finding a wife and forming a family, he feels a burst of excitement.

“Here is the location of the farm. Tell them to find their way there! I have made arrangements there. And someone will entertain them from there when they arrive.”

Otajun hurriedly drinks up the tea in his cup. Only then does he take the note handed over by Li Yong with both hands and respectfully retreat.

After Otajun leaves, Li Yong turns on his computer and watches the videos Zhu Shilei recorded before.

These videos are all shot in this oversized office of more than 100 square meters. Li Yong turns on his clairvoyant vision, checks the four walls, and discovers as many as twenty hidden cameras.

Zhu Shilei must have recorded these videos without those women’s knowledge.

Judging from the number of folders, Zhu Shilei must have fun with at least eighteen women here.

“Yong, you handed over such a big casino to Otajun. Can he be trusted?” Wei Fangxia suddenly crashes in and asks loudly, “You should know that he comes from Nihon! I always think he’s cunning and that he will mess up the casino.”

“Huh? What did you say?” Li Yong, who is watching a video intently, surprisingly doesn’t hear Wei Fangxia’s words.

Wei Fangxia frowns, repeats her words, and walks to Li Yong. Tapping the table, she turns up her voice.

Li Yong hurriedly goes to turn off the video. But in his haste, instead of turning off the video, he clicks a button to maximize the screen. And that kind of tempting scene immediately spreads over the whole screen. Wei Fangxia sees it all.

Wei Fangxia hurriedly turns her back and curses in anger, “Bastard! How can you watch such obscene things? I misjudged you. I never thought that you would be so shameless.”

Li Yong turns off the video, naturally gets up, and laughs, “I did so to learn the strengths of others so that I can use them. Only after watching these videos do I realize how ignorant I am! After watching these videos, I think there are many ways to make love that I have not tried.”

“Ms. Wei, among them, there are some challenging positions. Let’s try them out properly some time.”

“Bah! Nasty.” Wei Fangxia rolls her eyes at Li Yong and punches him on the shoulder.

Li Yong doesn’t retort, ordering with a smile, “Ms. Wei, we’re going back to Nihon the day after tomorrow. Go book the tickets.”

“Why the day after tomorrow? Can’t we do it tomorrow?” Wei Fangxia deliberately finds fault with him.

Li Yong faintly explains, “I have something to do tomorrow. So I may not be able to leave.”

“Got it.” Feeling thirsty, Wei Fangxia orders, “Pour me a cup of tea.”

Li Yong hands over the tea in his cup, “Your Majesty, please taste the tea.”

Wei Fangxia arrogantly takes the cup of tea over and gently takes a few sips.

“I’ll go outside and take a look.” Li Yong walks out of the office and strolls around the casino, only to see that Otajun is good at keeping the casino in order. Only after asking Otajun does he learn that Otajun ran a casino before.

Li Yong is more assured, thinking that the reason why Hongyu sent Otajun over here must be because of this.

Wei Fangxia said Otajun could not be trusted, assuming that he was cunning. She should have a prejudice against people from Nihon.

In every country or every nation, good guys and bad guys co-exist.

Nihon did have some conflicts with Huaxia in its history. Even so, it doesn’t mean that all people from Nihon are bad guys.

It is the same logic that not all people from Huaxia are good guys.

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