American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

63. Struggle of a Wounded Beast.

63. Struggle of a Wounded Beast.

"No, I have caught you," said Alex.

Before he finished speaking, a purple light exploded under their feet, forming a rectangular plane. It appeared without any warning or preparation, catching everyone by surprise.

General Zod had no time to react. In the next moment, a strong sense of weightlessness and falling hit him. He loosened his grip, and his entire body disappeared into the purple light.

In another world, high above a planet, a purple plane tore open, and two figures plummeted from it. Stunned by everything, General Zod felt as if he was still in an illusion. He couldn't understand why, with just a blink of an eye, he was suddenly in mid-air. But the rushing wind constantly reminded General Zod that he had to act.

Instinctively, General Zod tried to activate his bio-field, a powerful ability he gained after arriving on Earth. The bio-field could slow down all energy attacks and even allowed him to fly in the sky. But to his horror, the bio-field failed. No matter how much he called for it, it felt like throwing a stone into a deep abyss, with no ripples or response, as if he never had the bio-field in the first place.

Unlike Kara, General Zod, as a renowned Kryptonian general, was more familiar with Krypton's secrets, including how the yellow sun strengthened their physique and the stories of Krypton's gods. These powerful abilities were exclusively for Kryptonians, embedded in their genes, and couldn't be altered.

But now, these abilities were erased, not taken or restricted, but directly erased as if they had never existed. This gave General Zod a feeling of numbness. He even wondered if he was still under the influence of the hallucinogenic gas because he couldn't believe what was happening to him. But reality didn't give him much time to think.


With a loud crash, General Zod's body hit the ground hard, creating a deep pit several meters wide on the rocky desert surface. Meanwhile, on the other side of the sky, a figure holding a black umbrella slowly descended with the help of a propeller, finally landing gently beside the pit, exuding elegance.

"To break free from the illusion of the fear toxin and even find my true location, Kryptonians are indeed terrifying creatures." Alex closed his umbrella and murmured, looking in the direction of the pit.

The fear toxin's illusion, enhanced by Batman, became 'controllable' and 'powerful,' but there were still some connections between illusion and reality.

When General Zod was affected by the illusion, Alex immediately left the battlefield because a frenzied General Zod was extremely dangerous. He would attack everyone around him under the illusion's influence, not distinguishing between friend and foe, and striking with extreme force.

In this state, General Zod was nearly unstoppable. Not only Supergirl Kara but even the Kryptonians trying to stop him couldn't withstand Zod's furious punches.

However, this gave Alex and his team a great opportunity to retreat. According to the plan, both Barry Allens and Pietro immediately moved all human soldiers off the battlefield. This was no longer a battle they could participate in, staying meant certain death.

At first, everyone worried they might be attacked by the Kryptonians while retreating, but luckily, General Zod had attracted most of the Kryptonians' attention. Even Faora had no time to stop the retreating humans.

The final result was perfect, at least for the humans. The frenzied General Zod killed all the Kryptonian soldiers, and even Faora couldn't stop his massacre, ultimately becoming one of his victims.

In the end, as the fear toxin's effect gradually weakened, Alex had to take great risks to re-enter the battlefield because the portal could only be opened near Alex. To take General Zod away, Alex had to get close to him. Thus, in the illusion, those phantoms continuously taunted General Zod, drawing his attention and attacking his psyche to destroy his mind.

But in reality, Alex ran all the way, spending a long time to reach General Zod's back from outside the battlefield.

Although General Zod, under the illusion's influence, could still use his warrior's vigilance to block Alex's sneak attack, fortunately, Alex's plan succeeded. When General Zod touched Alex, Miss Time immediately opened a portal to the "Tomb of Zod."

Seeing General Zod gradually climbing out of the pit, a smile appeared on Alex's face under his mask. From now on, General Zod was completely trapped, with no chance of turning the tables.

As Alex expected, General Zod looked extremely miserable. His body was covered with wounds, and even his armor was tattered. No one would believe that this was the fearsome Kryptonian general.

Under the influence of the red sun, General Zod's body became very weak. Falling from such a high place without any buffer caused significant damage to his body. Covered in blood, General Zod crawling out of the pit looked like a demon from hell, instilling genuine fear.

"What have you done?" General Zod gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with hatred, wishing to tear Alex apart.

Even Alex felt uncomfortable being stared at like this. A cornered beast, General Zod was far less powerful than before, but the more this was the case, the more dangerous he felt.

"You saw it, didn't you? This is the grave I chose for you, a planet illuminated by a sun similar to Krypton's. Do you like it?" Alex looked down at General Zod, speaking calmly.

"Impossible. This can't be."

"It's real. The fear toxin's effect has long faded, and falling from such a height should help you distinguish reality."

General Zod didn't respond quickly. He stared at Alex, feeling immense unwillingness inside. No proof was needed because his surroundings and current state perfectly confirmed his situation. He was indeed transported to an alien planet, one that Krypton hadn't observed.

Clenching his fists, General Zod slowly stood up.

"If this is reality, then I just need to kill you, and I can return to Earth to restart my plan."

"The Genesis Engine? Sorry, but while you were slaughtering Kryptonian soldiers, I had Kara destroy it." As he spoke, Alex raised his hand to look at his watch. "By now, it should be space debris."

Hearing this, General Zod's mind went blank. Then, an uncontrollable rage erupted.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

General Zod, like a wounded beast, wanted nothing more than to kill the ant that destroyed everything he had.

Although he no longer had the power to destroy the world.

Although he no longer had the powerful bio-field.

Although he no longer had an invincible steel body.

But as a warrior, he believed he could still tear the ant in front of him to pieces without those things!

"Don't get me wrong."

Seeing the murderous intent in General Zod's eyes, Alex chuckled and waved his hand.

"You Kryptonians are indeed impressive fighters, especially you, who live for battle. I'm just an ordinary person without your powerful abilities and combat experience, so your opponent is not me."

A cold light flashed across Alex's bird-beak mask glasses. He tilted his head towards General Zod's back, smirking.

"It's him."

General Zod hesitated, then paused and turned his head towards the direction Alex was looking.

On a giant rock about five or six meters high, a black figure stood against the wind. No one knew how long he had been standing there, blending with the environment.

The black cape fluttered in the wind like a grim reaper. Just looking at him instilled a deep sense of fear. The shadow atop the rock emitted a subtle yet deadly killing intent, like a bloodthirsty bat!


📢20 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
64. General Zod's Finale!
65. Can You Take Me with You?
66. Celebration and Farewell.
67. Departure and a New World.
68. A Whole New World.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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