American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

77. The Sun is Watching Me.

77. The Sun is Watching Me.

Alex's expression changed subtly beneath his mask as he observed John, who had just screamed.

There are quite a few speedsters in the Marvel universe. For John to instantly recognize and call out Pietro's name as "Quicksilver" indicated that in this universe, Pietro and his counterpart must look exactly the same, just like the two Barrys from the Flash series.

This wasn't exactly good news. Having two Pietros who look identical and possess the same abilities meant that Pietro was constantly at risk of exposure. If it were an ordinary person, they could simply use makeup to disguise themselves. But if they ever came face to face with the X-Men, they would immediately recognize Pietro.

However, now wasn't the time to be thinking about these things. Alex redirected his attention back to the vampire John.

"You know me?" Pietro grinned. When John shouted out the name Quicksilver, Pietro realized he had mistaken him for this universe's Pietro. He had no intention of correcting him now; since the misunderstanding had already occurred, he decided to let it continue.

John was still in shock and confusion, and Pietro's words jolted him. John suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Alex, unable to stop himself from speaking. "Are you guys with the X-Men? No, wait, you're human, so you must be with the Avengers!?"

John's tone was filled with disbelief. He stared intently at Alex's eerie mask, filled with confusion and despair. He was puzzled because Alex's attire didn't resemble that of a superhero, and he felt despair because he realized he had been deceived and was now being targeted by superheroes.

"Don't get agitated, Mr. John. I truly just want you to teach me how to use magic, nothing more. Once you help me, I'll give you a generous reward, and I won't expose your identity," Alex said calmly after clearing his throat.

"Why should I believe you?" John's face turned cold as he glanced warily at Pietro. Then he spoke again, "Let me tell you, I will never help you self-righteous guys. Now get out of my way!"


Seeing John's strong reaction, Alex shook his head helplessly.

This is the fate of being a superhero. Wrapped in the glory of 'justice,' all actions are bound by this moral standard. Now, even a small-time villain who hadn't yet turned over a new leaf could use this to act up in front of him.

"First, I have no intention of deceiving you. I really am not a superhero."

Alex calmed his emotions and slowly extended a finger. As he did so, John suddenly felt a weight on his left shoulder, followed by an immense force that made him feel as if his bones would be crushed.

John realized in an instant that it was a hand, a very slender, fair hand. He could tell it was a young woman's hand, but the sheer strength it wielded filled him with terror.

What horrified him the most was that he hadn't noticed when she appeared behind him. Just like the black-clad figure in front of him and Quicksilver, these people seemed to exist like ghosts, utterly elusive.

At this moment, Alex raised a second finger.

"Second, this is not a negotiation."

As he finished speaking, John suddenly felt an overwhelming and terrifying energy appear behind him.

At that moment, John sensed every cell in his body alerting him to danger. Under the pressure of that energy, he found it difficult to breathe, and his body couldn't help but tremble. This feeling of impending death was something John had only experienced when fully exposed to sunlight.

Turning his head with difficulty, John's peripheral vision finally caught sight of the source of this overwhelming pressure. It was a girl with short black hair, and at this moment, she had one hand resting on his shoulder, her cold eyes watching him without any emotion.

In the girl's eyes, that terrifying energy was poised to strike. He would die, definitely die! Under that gaze, John felt his scalp tingle, unable to move even a single finger.

Gasping for air, John's mind had only one thought—*the sun is watching me!*

"I agree! I agree to your terms!"

At this critical moment of life and death, John finally responded, screaming loudly.

"See, that wasn't so hard," Alex said, signaling Kara to release him.

As Kara's grip loosened, John collapsed to the ground like a rag doll, breathing heavily, in a state of shock from surviving such a terrifying encounter. He couldn't even comprehend what had just held him.

The overwhelming pressure and terrifying energy had nearly shattered John's spirit, leaving an indelible impression on him. As a vampire who had been resurrected several times, this was the first time he truly understood what it meant to be on the brink of life and death.

"Are you okay? Do you need a hand?" Alex asked as he slowly walked towards John, his tone icy cold. Although his words seemed caring, the indifference in his voice sent a shiver down John's spine.

He understood now. Alex hadn't lied. This guy wasn't a superhero; he was a devil!

Scrambling to his feet, John ignored the sewage on him. He kept his head down, not daring to look at the three people around him, nor did he dare to try escaping. The power they had displayed was too overwhelming; his tricks were like plastic toys in their presence.

"I-I'm fine. You wanted to learn about magic, right? I have a hideout in Hell's Kitchen with a collection of items I've gathered over the years. They might be helpful to you," John said, his face filled with fear.

"Lead the way." Since he had forced cooperation through power, Alex didn't bother pretending to be polite anymore. To be honest, Alex had no intention of showing any kindness to a villain with so many innocent lives on his hands.

Hearing the emotionless tone in Alex's voice, John shuddered slightly. He knew that Alex had run out of patience. If he didn't do as he was told, he would probably be killed instantly, the kind of death from which he couldn't resurrect.

"Follow me."

John glanced at the bag he had dropped and the old lamp sticking out of it. After a moment of hesitation, he decided not to pick it up and instead led the way towards his hideout.


📢20 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
76. The Blood Baron.
77. The Sun is Watching Me.
78. Magic.
79. Wind of Calamity.
80. The First Time Casting Magic.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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