Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 184 184: There's Still A Long Way To Go

Despite the drama at lunchtime, Amon and the girls still stayed in the cafeteria, so they chose what they were going to eat and sat around a large table. No matter how big the commotion was before, just because that had happened, that wouldn't stop them from eating.

Amon, who chose to eat sweet and sour pork ribs, was still paying attention while the girls talked. In many of the subjects, he couldn't join the conversation, as they didn't hold back when talking in front of him, mainly Barbara, Ariel, and even Julia. Perhaps the most reserved of the group was Maisa, although she was joining in on conversation more often compared to before.

They talked about literally everything: from favorite lingerie color, models, and type, to topics like some rumors about women with inverted nipples not being able to breastfeed their children.

"Wait, I don't believe this," Julia suddenly said in relation to inverted nipples and did a search.

She began to read, "Breastfeeding is possible even if the woman has inverted nipples because when the baby is breastfed correctly, the entire areola is grasped and not just the nipple. In cases of grade 1 and 2 inversions, sucking on the breast by the baby can pull the nipple out, allowing breastfeeding."

When she read this far, she breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "See? It's all a lie. It's possible!

It wasn't until she finished her declaration that she noticed the strange looks from not only their group but other students who overheard their conversation, as they weren't too far away.

"..." Julia was embarrassed and lowered her head as she wrapped her arms around her breasts.

Amon, for his part, glared at the male students, making them look away.

"Thank you, Amon~" Julia noticed Amon's action as soon as she felt people's gazes lower and realized instantly that it was because of Amon.

Amon's cold stare when he wanted to scare someone was too much for the other students, especially when they were doing something dubious like looking at a girl's breasts. In this regard, even the girls who had stolen a glance looked away. It was frightening when those pretty lukewarm gazes narrowed and the nose wrinkled a little, demonstrating their dissatisfaction with their actions.



It rained heavily in the late afternoon as Amon, Ariel, and the girls used their genes to create a kind of barrier around themselves as they made their way to the elevator.

"Ahh, it's raining really hard today," Maisa said as soon as they entered the elevator and began to move through the semi-transparent tube, giving them a unique view of the rain.

"Umu, but, for us, that's not a problem~" Julia smiled as she looked down to where some students weren't able to use their genes like they were and looked like wet chicks in the rain, causing her to laugh.

"It feels so good to be strong~" Ariel sighed as if she was really worried, "Poor people. Look, some of them don't have umbrellas and they can't even use a genetic barrier around themselves to protect them from the rain… So pitiful~"

Amon heard this and looked. In reality, it was a minority who could not. After all, this was an elite university. Even without creating the First Genetic Factor it was possible to make something like a barrier around the body to protect oneself from the rain. Of course, he was sensible enough to realize that the girls were only saying that mainly because they were happy with their current strength.

However, it was Barbara who pointed out next, "But there are few who can't. Look." She pointed.

"..." Julia and Ariel looked toward where she had pointed in silence.

"What?" Barbara looked confused. She didn't understand at first, then she looked at Maisa who smiled at her suggestively, and Amon... Well, Amon still has a calm expression, as usual, so she couldn't read him.

"Just wanted to brag about being able to do it easily?" Barbara asked rhetorically. She added, "But, you think small. After all, we are already Innate. We can even create a spell that covers an entire house, preventing rain, let alone a simple aura around the body..."

"In fact…" Thinking like this, Ariel and Julia, who had never tried to do something like this since they increased their strength, had to admit the thought of trying it crossed their minds.

Even if he didn't say it, Maisa wanted to try something like that. Honestly, wouldn't it have been amazing? At least she thought so...

"We're here. Let's go," Amon warned.

Outside, they again created a spell to protect themselves from the rain.

As they walked, the sound of rain was particularly loud. As it was raining a lot, it was even difficult to see far away because of this. Even still, in a few moments, they reached the spot where they would be able to exchange credits for a breathing spell.

It was a very large place and the interior was in the shape of a cone. There were many samples of items on shelves with tempered glass all around. The place was a little crowded, with more than a thousand students present. However, the building itself was gigantic, so much so that it could even support 100,000 people inside. All that said, this didn't mean that there weren't too many people around currently.

"Tsk, the way it's going, it's going to be a while before we can get serviced." Barbara clicked her tongue with undisguised dissatisfaction.

"Well…" Julia comforted her, "We can window-shop for a bit while we get a password over there."

"At least that's true," Barbara nodded, feeling a little better.

Waiting in line was something Barbara despised. If possible, she avoided it, preferably, she chose times to go to places that tended to have the venues close to empty, but this time she hadn't thought too much on that. She forgot for a moment how big this university was and that there were a lot of students. With the ease of mobility and the size of the university, it was understandable that she forgot this fact.

The elevators lead to virtually any location at the university. It was difficult to have overcrowding at any specific location as there was a variety of restaurants, shops, etc.

Speaking of, in shop windows near their group there were spell descriptions, as well as items like armor, swords, spears, etc.

Neither Amon or the girls were interested in any of the weapons, as they had their own that could grow along with them that had been created by Old Hazael.

However, the armor on display was a little tempting as they were magnetic armor, linked to the wielder's genes, allowing one to create a force field that protected them from physical and magical attacks. The greater the user's genetic power, depending on the magnetic armor, the force field that would protect them would be several times stronger, even capable of increasing physical and magical strength depending on the quality and property of the armor.

It was like a second skin that protected them, although some took the form of armor, most were fused with the wearer.

"The cheapest is 10,000 credits, while the mid-priced one that can be used even by Level 2 Innates costs between 30-100,000 credits." Ariel looked interested, "I'll buy the breath spell first. Depending on how much I have left, I might buy some magnetic armor."

"Well, if we're going to the secret realm, it's not a bad idea," Barbara said, "By the way, I already have a breathing spell, so I'll buy at least some medium-quality armor, and whatever's left I can lend to some of you if needed."

"I have a lot of credit too," Amon said, "Better choose at least medium quality if we're going to get anything, since at the rate we're progressing, the low quality ones will become useless in no time."

He wasn't lying. In the few days they had been together, the girls alone had already shown signs of improvement. Although their growth was not as absurd as Amon, who had already opened 22 genes, they managed to open at least 10.

There were also high-quality sets of armor for sale, however, they wouldn't go for that much either, as the recommendation in the descriptions was for at least a Level 3 Innate and could be used even by Beginner or even Advanced Mutants.

The Mutant ranking came after Innate level 3. Basically, it was classified like this because it was necessary to undergo a genetic mutation to advance from Innate Level 3 to Mutant Rank. Even among university professors, many of them were Advanced Mutants: that is, with 6 Genetic Factors.

The next ranks were unique ranks, where each rank even if it was separated into Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced, they would not create new Genetic Factors. That is, even if someone was a Genetic Grandmaster with 7 Genetic Factors, a Genetic Grandmaster's genes would go up to 1000 at least, unlike other Ranks below it.

There were also Genetic Grandmaster geniuses who surpassed the 1000 gene limit, similar to what Amon had done. In such cases, the greatest geniuses had managed to do this with almost 2000 genes before advancing to Star Rank.

Star Rank was made up of the living beings who managed to create 8 Genetic Factors, and the next was Amon's goal: Overlord, with 9 Genetic Factors...

But it was still a far off dream until he reached that. Even a Star Rank was something similar to a God for most humans, and too far to reach.

Amon was aware of this, and even though he lacked so much, he knew he shouldn't bite off more than he could chew. This was why he prefers to choose middle-class armor.

With the thought of choosing a magnetic armor more compatible for themselves, and knowing that Amon and Barbara would support them if they needed credits, Ariel, Maisa, and Julia started to look at the information of the more medium-quality magnetic armors that would best suit their needs.

Barbara and Amon were doing the same. It would be good to know which ones they would want to test when it came to their turn to be called.

"Number 1191 AC."

When they heard that, their group all stared at Julia's hand. It was their turn.



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Edited by: Azurtha

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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