Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 209 209: What Is The Truth?

"Wait, emotion genes... Calm and Fury, that's... Something from the Norse Gods!" Bianca could no longer stay calm. She was shaking from head to toe as the hairs on her entire body stood on end.

"Norse Gods?" In unison, the girls questioned and looked at Bianca.

"I looked into that too," Amon revealed, "From my understanding, the Norse Gods are seen as powerful due to being able to have more than one genetic factor unlocked at the same time. By default, they are more powerful than ordinary humans."

"Yes, that's exactly it," Bianca added, "A Norse God is capable of fighting more than 10 people of the same rank. It's just insane. There are reports that the God Thor was able to fight an army alone. Not to mention there were several of the same level as him, and this was when Thor had just become an Overlord."

At the same time, Amon started picking up the articles that talked about the Norse Gods. The legends about them were immeasurable, however, some seemed to likely be false, so they went to more reliable news sites, one that Bianca agreed were more reliable.

In the article, they saw the following information about 11 Gods that caught their attention:

Odin: greatest of the Viking gods, the father of the gods. There was a lot of information about him, however, nothing was concrete. It was said that he had power over all emotions, however, in some cases, it was only said that he was able to control 4 emotions.

Frigga: goddess of fertility and wife of Odin. Similar to the God Njord, she could cause a man to experience pregnancy, however, it was said that she could actually cause a man to become pregnant and have a child. Furthermore, she was said to be able to control people's love, making even the most passionate couple break up or people who hated each other the most love each other.

Vidar: god of revenge, son of Odin. It was said that when he sought revenge, he became even more powerful. Just like Thor, he was credited as being able to face an entire army single-handedly.

Thor: god of thunder and son of Odin. In addition to being the god of thunder, he was said to be able to invoke people's fury by controlling emotion whether positive or negative.

Bragi: messenger god of poetry and wisdom, son of Odin. There was not much information about him, however, it was believed that with music and poetry, he could charm anyone, making them enter a world of fantasy.

Balder: god of justice and son of Odin and Frigga. Balder could radiate enormous amounts of light and heat, and with the power of justice he could even commit a dubious act and be treated as just.

Njord: Vanir God of the seas, winds, and fertility. Son of Odin. Capable of invoking the fury of the seas, as well as with just one look from him he could make even a man go through the experience of 9 months of a woman's pregnancy.

Freya: mother goddess of love and lust, and daughter of Njord and Skadi. She could invoke enemies with an uncontrollable love for her, making them obey any request she made, as well as invoke lust, making the controlled person commit sinful acts, even self-destruction.

Loki: the god of trickery. He was considered the father of lies. His power was unknown, but many believe that he could lie and make those who heard the lie believe it as if it were true and even when the truth was revealed, 'X person' would still believe the lie told by him.

Hel: Goddess of the underworld and daughter of Loki. Not much was known about her powers, however, it was said that it was up to Hel to receive and judge the souls of those who had not perished in battle.

Ophis: Ophis was called the Goddess of the Valkyries, feared by many for her powers of thunder and seduction. It was said that she was the daughter of Thor. Her mother was unknown, but was said to have been one of the Valkyries. It was also said that she had a charm so high that she was able to make anyone become mesmerized, revealing even their deepest secrets.

There was more information about each of them, however, this was enough to better understand that the people who were called Norse Gods seemed to have genetic powers over emotions.

"It makes sense to think you came from their lineage," Julia murmured. She didn't know why, but feeling afraid, she grabbed Amon's arm and squeezed very hard, as if she was afraid that he would suddenly disappear.

"Look at this." Amon showed off the bracelet he wore even when he showered. "This was something my grandparents left me after they faked their deaths. This device is able to hide my Fury and Calm genes."

They'd all been curious at least once about this bracelet Amon wore on his ankle, however, they never seem to have expected it to be such a pious artifact capable of hiding his genes. No wonder Amon had managed to hide his abilities so well until now, even when in the presence of Overlords.

"Would Thor be your father, Amon?" Ariel joked. She even poked Amon's cheek playfully.

However, everyone looked at her very seriously. After all, in the information, just like Amon, Thor was able to control lightning and Fury.

"Maybe it is him?" Maisa murmured. She felt fear at the thought of that possibility.

Each of these Nordic Gods looked extremely dangerous. It was hard even to breathe when imagining that one of them could be Amon's father or mother.

Of course, they seemed to feel like they were overthinking things. After all, these were just deductions.

Amon said, "As I told you all at the beginning, these are just my hypotheses. They're something I don't even dare ask Sonia about, as she could still be my real mother. Besides, if she wasn't and could tell me the truth, she would have done it already, I think."

There was a lot of mystery in all of this. What was certain was that only the Norse Gods were recorded using powers related to emotions. However, Amon may have simply been a very distant descendant of theirs, but this was still dangerous. After all, there was no way to know what the Norse Gods would do when discovering that there was a descendant of theirs with the genetic power over the domains of rage and tranquility.

One thing was for sure: after a genetic emotion power was raised to a certain level, it became a frightening power apparently. Even being able to kill enemies without even having to move against them directly was possible.

Take Thor as an example: Manipulating the enemy's rage, he could make their mind so disturbed that they might even mistake allies as enemies, as well as being able to manipulate his allies' rage, raising their morale.

The girls looked at Amon. They seemed to be thinking about how scary it would be if Amon managed to control the fury genes perfectly. Of course they understood that at the moment he was Innate Level 1. Maybe his Fury genes weren't strong enough to influence someone several times stronger, but what if they were Innate Level 3, would he be able?

Bianca considered asking him to try using his abilities on herself, however, she quickly shook her head. What if it worked and she went berserk, attacking them all, even killing some of them? It couldn't be denied that there was such a possibility, as they didn't know what the outcome would be if Bianca was lost to fury.

"Whatever the case, it's a good thing to note to use those powers wisely," Bianca said, "I don't think anyone would dare try to kidnap someone from the Norse Gods' side to try to understand the genes of emotions. However, you are different, Amon."

"I know," Amon said, "Even if I was saved this time by 'that person,' I won't necessarily be saved every time."

He believed that the reason that person appeared was because Teacher Kaia got in touch and asked for help. However, Amon couldn't do the same. Of course he might be wrong, since because that person was an Invincible Overlord they might know when he was in danger of life or death, however, that was just another hypothesis; there was no way he could put his life and the lives those who were dear to him in jeopardy because of his deduction.

They continued talking about this for a few more minutes, until Amon said, "Okay, I just wanted to let you guys know this, because I think it might be important that you know. However, I hope you all keep it a secret."

"Fufufu, you don't even have to worry~" Ariel laughed casually, but she was being quite serious. "Never would I reveal something like that which could put your life at risk."

"The same here." Bianca and the other girls said in unison.

They loved Amon too much to reveal something that would put his life at risk.

"No, it's just the opposite," Amon said seriously, "If your lives are at risk because of this, you should reveal this secret!"

"No, I wouldn't do that." With almost the same words the girls categorically refused without hesitation.

"..." Amon took a deep breath. "I am glad that you treat me with such care and affection, but I still ask you to reveal it if you absolutely have to do so. If possible, contact Teacher Kaia and tell her that my secret has been revealed. Maybe she'll be able to get in touch with the person who saved us earlier."

Amon was being quite serious about this matter. This was the main reason he had spoken up about all this. Since he didn't know how long he would be able to hide the fact that he had fury and calm genes, maybe it would never be revealed and he was just worrying too much, however, he still wished that if the worst were to happen, the girls he loved would be safe.


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Edited by: Azurtha

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