Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 229 229: Last Day Before Vacation

Maísa woke up with the sun starting to come in through the window of her bedroom. She got up, stretched, and realized she was the first one awake. Deciding to take advantage of the moment of tranquility, she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Although she was not a great cook, she knew the basics and could prepare some simple things. While cooking, she began to think about what she would do for the rest of the day and wondered if Amon had any plans in mind.

When Amon entered the kitchen, she noticed he was still sleepy and his hair was disheveled, but before she could say anything, he greeted her with a "good morning" and headed to the bathroom. Maisa took the moment before he'd return to finish setting the table and put the food on it.

When Amon returned to the kitchen, he noticed what Maisa was wearing and complimented her calmly and elegantly. "You look even more beautiful today, Maisa," he said as he sat down at the table. She smiled a little awkwardly and thanked him for the compliment.

Maísa was wearing black skinny jeans that enhanced her long and toned legs. On top, she wore a white long-sleeved dress shirt with a well-defined collar buttoned up to her neck. The shirt fit close to her body, emphasizing her small waist. Over the shirt, she had on a light gray sweater with long sleeves and a V-neckline, leaving a bit of the collar of the shirt visible. On her feet, Maísa opted for a pair of white sneakers that matched the rest of her outfit perfectly. Maisa exudes confidence and elegance with her well-chosen look.

She grabbed her black leather bag and a dark gray coat to protect herself from the cold, as the day was starting off very chilly. 

"I don't know if it's appropriate for breakfast," she commented to Amon as he started to pour the coffee.

"Don't worry, Maisa. You look good in anything," he replied, smiling. Maisa blushed and tried not to seem too happy with the compliment.

They started eating and Amon complimented the taste of the food. "This is delicious, Maísa."

"Thank you, Amon. I just made some toast and scrambled eggs," she replied with a smile.

After breakfast, they washed the dishes together and decided to go out.

When Amon and Maisa left the apartment, some female students who were spending the night with their boyfriends noticed their presence. As Amon was known for bringing different girlfriends, some of them already knew him and saw him leaving with other girls, which caused jealousy and comments among them.

After all, Amon was known to be one of the most talented students at the university, and his girlfriends were equally impressive. The comments and gossip started immediately.

"Did you see who came out of your neighbor's apartment?" whispered Gabriela to her friend Julia.

"Yes, it was Amon and a very beautiful girl," responded Jana, looking at the street to try to see them again.

"Oh, I already know this Amon. He always brings a different girlfriend here," commented Ana, another student who was also spending the night with her boyfriend in the same building.

The girls continued whispering and commenting about Amon while he and Maisa headed toward the university. Amon was known for being one of the best first-year students and for leading the team that won the tournament among the top four universities. The girls couldn't help but comment on the fact that he was a genius.

"I don't understand how he can be so intelligent and still have time to go out with so many girls," Gabriela commented.

"It's not fair. I wish my boyfriend was as smart as him," said Jana, sighing.

The girls continued to talk about Amon and his conquests while Maisa and he moved forward, indifferent to the comments of others. For them, the important thing was to keep moving forward and focus on their own goals.

As they walked, Maisa and Amon exchanged a few words, discussing the final exam they would have later at the university before the holidays. Maisa was excited because she knew she studied hard for this test, while Amon was confident in his abilities.

"Do you think we'll do well?" Maisa asked.

"Definitely," Amon calmly replied.

The girls who were watching the two continued to whisper and comment about them, but they were so focused on their goals that they didn't even notice the attention they themselves were receiving. It should have been more important to focus on themselves, regardless of what others might think or say about them.

Of course, even if they didn't care, there were still people talking about them.

"Did you see who just left Amon's apartment? He always has a different girl with him," a student whispered to her friend as they walked down the hallway.

"Really? I saw him with a red-haired one and another with dark blue hair that looked like her, but with even more bust yesterday," replied the other student.

The comments about Amon and his girlfriends quickly spread among the students. Some commented on how he managed to attract so many girls, while others looked enviously at the beautiful Maisa who just left with Amon.

But of course, it wasn't just the girls who were commenting. Some of the university guys also cast jealous glances as they watched Amon and his girlfriend leave together.

"This guy is really lucky, isn't he? He has at least three beautiful girlfriends," a boy said to his friend.

"'Lucky' is an understatement; he's a genius, one of the best in the university. What girl wouldn't want to be with him?" replied his friend, with a little admiration in his voice.


Amon arrived in the classroom and observed his classmates chatting and laughing while waiting for the teacher to arrive. He sat at his desk and began to review his notes on the lightning element, to make sure he's prepared for the upcoming test.

The room was quiet when the teacher entered, bringing an air of authority along and confidence with him. He greeted the class and went to the table to distribute the tests.

Amon calmly received his test without the slightest hint of nervousness. He knew he had all the knowledge necessary to do well and saw no reason to worry.

As he looked at the questions, he remembered the lessons he had on the lightning element and how it could be applied in practical situations. He carefully answered each question, taking into account all the details he could find.

While writing, Amon noticed that some of his classmates were looking at him with admiration. However, he continued to pay them little attention.

After finishing the test, Amon checked his answers to make sure he didn't leave anything out. He felt satisfied with his performance and was confident he had done well. He knew that the knowledge he had about the lightning element was abundant. After all, he was already a Level 1 Innate.

The teacher collected the tests and bid farewell to the class, wishing them a good vacation. Amon packed up his materials and left the room. 


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Do you want to know the appearance of each of the girls that have been introduced? I have created some images with their appearance, and you can access these images by joining my Discord:

Edited by: Azurtha

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