Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 235 235: Battle Against the Escamorcs

Chapter 235 235: Battle Against the Escamorcs

The giants were imposing creatures, standing at about three meters tall. Their skin was scaly and thick, like that of a crocodile, a dark mossy green. They had muscular and robust bodies, with long and strong arms and legs. Their feet ended in sharp claws and they had long, thick tails. Their yellow eyes with narrow pupils gleamed with a sinister light as they each emitted a deep and threatening growl, revealing their sharp fangs and teeth.

Amon quickly prepared to fight, summoning his lightning power. Maisa and Julia, activating their water abilities, positioned themselves beside him. Barbara, who had the power of blue flames, was ready to fight, while Ariel and Mabel focused on their psychic powers to protect the team and control the situation.

The giant creatures looked threatening and ready to continue attacking. Amon stepped forward, summoning his lightning power and launching lightning bolts at the creatures. The lightning struck its target accurately but seemed to have little effect.

Maisa and Julia, who had water abilities, joined forces to create a large wave that hit the creatures. The wave swept the creatures away but again seemed to have little effect.

Barbara then sprang into action, summoning her power of blue flames to create a giant fireball. She launched the fireball at the giant creatures, causing a large explosion that stunned them.

"Oh, I remember now! These are Escamorcs, a race of violent giants," Mabel said, explaining more about them, "They are highly resistant to physical attacks and have a certain degree of elemental resistance, but are vulnerable to fire attacks. They have a strong predatory instinct and usually hunt in groups. It's best to attack them from a distance and keep your guard up, since they can be quite cunning."

With this information, the team regrouped and changed their strategy, keeping a safe distance from the giants. The Escamorcs were above a rocky cliff, hurling large stones toward the team. They used the terrain to their advantage, showing that they were intelligent enough not to blindly attack.

Ariel and Mabel focused on keeping the creatures under control, while Amon, Maisa, Julia, and Barbara continued to attack them with their powers.

Amon continued to launch lightning bolts, but now directed them toward the ground, creating small explosions that stunned the creatures and made them lose balance. Maisa and Julia used their water abilities to create whirlpools that kept them at a distance, while Barbara continued to launch blue fireballs, stunning them again.

That's when Julia had an idea. She focused on her water powers and created a large lake in front of the giants, causing them to lose their balance and fall into the water.

Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! ...

"Great idea, Julia!" said Amon, as he focused on controlling his lightning. "Using water to destabilize them was a smart move. Now let's take the opportunity and attack them while they're vulnerable."

The team moved quickly, taking advantage of the opportunity to attack the giants while they struggled to get out of the water. Ariel used her psychic abilities to increase the damage of the team's attacks, while Mabel focused on keeping the team protected with her telekinesis.

"We're doing it, guys!" exclaimed Barbara, excitedly. "These giants are no match for us."

"Don't get distracted, Barbara," Mabel cautioned, keeping her guard up, "They're still a threat. Let's keep attacking until they're completely defeated."

The Escamorcs fought fiercely, creating earth barriers even while in the water.

Amon noticed the cunning of the giants and realized they needed to change their strategy again. "These giants are smart. They're using the earth to protect themselves while they try to get out of the water. We need to find a way to work around that."

That was when Barbara had an idea. "What if I create a wall of blue fire around them? That should prevent them from creating more earth barriers."

"That might work," Amon said, summoning his lightning to increase the intensity of the blue fire wall. "Let's do it!"

The team quickly organized, with Barbara creating the blue fire wall and Amon increasing its intensity with his lightning. Julia and Maisa positioned themselves to attack the giants with their water powers as soon as they were unprotected.

The blue fire wall proved to be effective, preventing the giants from creating more earth barriers. The team took the opportunity to attack them with their elemental powers. Maisa and Julia created giant waves that swept the giants away, while Amon used his lightning to hit them with precision.

Barbara continued to maintain the blue fire wall, increasing its intensity whenever the giants tried to escape. Ariel and Mabel focused on keeping the team protected and increasing the damage of their attacks with their psychic abilities.

Finally, after the intense battle, the giants were defeated.

Maisa pouted and said, "I wasn't much help this time..."

Julia, standing next to her, hugged her and said with a small smile on her rosy lips, "You're being too hard on yourself. What's important is not how much damage you caused, but how much you tried to be helpful. Your buff support was a positive point that helped the team a lot. Besides, not attacking at the end is also a form of support."

Julia said that considering she herself chose not to attack using water.

"Julia's right," agreed Mabel. "You helped a lot as support. And, as your sister said, sometimes it's hard to know when to step back and avoid interfering with the team's coordination."

Amon added, "Plus, since the fight took place in the water and Barbara was using her fire abilities to trap the giants if you had attacked, you would have had more chances to harm us than to help."

"I see," said Maisa, still pouting. But her mood improved considerably and she smiled a little. Yes, they were right. Although she hadn't directly caused damage to the giants, she had helped the team with her buffs and that was valuable.

After thinking for a bit, she was able to feel better. Now that she stopped to think, Amon was just supporting them without using his join the fight. Incredibly, by thinking that way, Maisa felt better.

full power. If he were to use his full power, which was practically at the level of an Innate Level 2, they wouldn't even stand a chance to join the fight. Incredibly, by thinking that way, Maisa felt better.

Julia, standing next to her, smiled. She seemed to know what her foolish and lovely twin sister was thinking. She herself had come to the same understanding; she knew that Amon wasn't using his full power from the beginning.

One thing worth noting was that their battle against the giants had scared away all the nearby animals, and now that the battle was over, it was completely silent, except for the sounds of the waterfall.

It was then that Barbara, who was standing next to Amon and Mabel, broke the silence. She looked around thoughtfully, and asked, "What do we do now? Should we dig out the genetic core of these giants too?"

Ariel, who was nearby, replied with a deep and seductive voice, giving off a soft and mysterious tone. She spoke slowly and deliberately, seeming to choose her words carefully and adding a hint of malice, "Of course... You're not going to tell me you're squeamish about it, are you? Hehe, I can understand if that's the case, but... they're also valuable, right? There's no reason not to take them."

Mabel didn't know why, but she took a few steps back, distancing herself from Ariel. She, who had rarely shown emotions, blushed for no apparent reason.

Amon, noticing Mabel's reaction, decided to intervene. He knew it was important to collect the genetic cores, but he also wanted to ensure that everyone felt comfortable with the situation.

"I understand what Ariel is saying," said Amon, trying to calm the atmosphere, "It's true that the genetic core of the giants can be valuable for our research and understanding of these creatures. However, we must be careful and respect the emotions and concerns of one another."

Mabel looked at Amon, grateful for his understanding and support. She nodded, trying to regain composure and return to her usual calm and controlled expression.

Amon then proposed a plan. "Let's divide the tasks. Whoever feels comfortable collecting the genetic core of the giants can do so, while the others can focus on checking the area around and ensuring there are no more threats."

Everyone agreed to Amon's proposal and divided themselves to carry out their respective tasks. As they worked together, the group became increasingly united and efficient, learning to respect and understand each other's abilities and limitations. It ended up being Mabel, Maisa, and Julia who chose the task of checking the area around and ensuring there were no more threats, while Amon, Barbara, and Ariel started digging up the genetic cores of the giants.


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Edited by: Azurtha

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