Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 246 246: Amon's Awakening: What Did Amon Discover?

After defeating the beast in battle, the girls decided to bring it closer to the camp where the protective isolation barrier was located. Julia was the first to propose this idea, explaining that it was important to keep the creature under control and prevent something similar from happening again. The others agreed with the suggestion and Mabel used her restored psychic powers to drag the beast to the camp. Although tired after the battle, Mabel was able to control the beast easily.

When they returned to the camp, the girls were surprised by what they saw. Amon was still meditating, but the amount and density of lightning that sparked around his body was ridiculously high, something that made the girls' hair stand on end.

They approached cautiously, observing the electric aura around Amon. It was as if he was in tune with the natural forces of this place and the electricity around him, a force that seemed beyond human control. The girls didn't know what to do, so they decided to stay silent, watching Amon's meditation.

Amon's clothes were literally vaporized by the power of the lightning that surrounded him. The water around him evaporated instantly, leaving a burnt smell in the air. The sound produced by the lightning was shrill and deafening, with a mix of cracks, buzzes, and bursts. Meanwhile, on the ground around Amon, marks similar to the Multiple Circuits spell he liked to use could be seen. They were like electrical circuits spread in curved lines, creating a mystical scene around him. Strangely, these marks seemed to be connected to Amon, with something red moving as if it were electric energy passing through current channels.

Mabel felt her cheeks getting hot when she saw Amon naked and quickly looked away. However, she couldn't help feeling curious about the impressive power that surrounded him. Why was she so intrigued? She wasn't sure, but the feeling was there, pulsing in her mind.

Ariel struggled internally with her feelings as she watched Amon. She was fascinated by him, but at the same time, she was afraid to give in to these feelings. She didn't want her desires for love to distract her from her goals of becoming stronger and providing a better life for her mother. Ariel felt torn between her heart and her head, trying to balance her feelings with her responsibilities. She knew she needed time to figure out what she really wanted and what was best for her and her family.

"I'm dirty and tired. Let's dismantle this beast first, then I want to take a nice hot bath," Barbara said, hissing at the end.

"I agree," Maisa agreed, touching her own body and wrinkling her nose with her hand.

Mabel seemed to be in the worst condition after the battle, as she had fought on the front line. Her clothes were wrinkled and dirty, with some obvious signs of abuse. If it weren't snowing outside, she would have looked even more miserable. Her light brown hair was messy, and her white coat had red stains, probably from the beast's blood or even her own.

Ariel, who had come out of her state of confusion, nodded and returned to her mocking smile, but this time she didn't seem to have the desire to provoke anyone, just agreed.

Julia proposed, "Let's do this: Barbara and I will create a bath for ourselves, and you three can dismantle the beast. How about that?"

Maisa smiled and agreed, "I'm in. I need to get rid of this beast smell."

Barbara also agreed and added, "And I'll need hot water to get all this dirt off."

Ariel nodded again and said, "I'm already imagining myself relaxing in a hot bath. Let's just dismantle this beast already."

Mabel, who had been quiet until then, nodded her head, clearly needing a bath and rest after the intense battle.

The girls sat on the ground, closed their eyes, and focused on their breathing while ingesting a genetic potion. It was a simple mixture, with a delayed effect, useless during a battle but extremely useful now. By sitting and meditating, their forces began to gradually recover. Even if it was only 10%, it was enough for them to dismantle the beast and create a bath for themselves.

The girls focused on meditation, feeling the energy of the genetic potion flowing through their bodies. They felt more revitalized with each breath, which encouraged them to continue. After a few minutes, they opened their eyes and stood up.

Maisa, Ariel, and Mabel grabbed their weapons and approached the beast. The girls began to cut through the creature's thick skin with their weapons, working together to remove the flesh and bones. It was a difficult and time-consuming task, but they didn't give up. Meanwhile, Julia and Barbara prepared the bath. They used their genetic powers to heat the water and add relaxing herbs to create a perfect environment for the girls' recovery.

When they finally finished dismantling the beast, the girls were covered in sweat and exhausted, but they also felt satisfied from having completed their mission. They went straight to the bath and relaxed in the hot water, feeling the tension and pain disappear from their bodies.

Meanwhile, Ariel stepped away to a more isolated place, lost in her own thoughts. She still didn't know how to feel about Amon, but she knew she needed time for herself to reflect and understand her feelings.

At the end of the day, the girls gathered around a campfire, laughing and sharing stories. They had fought together and overcome adversity, which made them more united than ever.

The girls discussed the possibility of Amon already reaching Level 2 while meditating, but they all agreed that it would be an incredibly unlikely feat. They knew that the evolution of Inates was a complex process and that few could go so far in such a short time.

Even in the evening, Amon continued to meditate, and the girls continued to wonder what would happen when he woke up. Would he be an Innate Level 2 or just one step closer to that goal? The answers were still uncertain, but one thing was for sure: Amon had definitely benefited greatly from this meditation.

Amon's eyes opened just as the girls were about to sleep. His honey-colored eyes conveyed a complex emotion through their swirls of golden, yellow, and red, while the pupils took the shape of a plus sign (+), and a red line was drawn in the center. It was a strange and fascinating sight all at the same time.

The girls felt a little uneasy with the intense expression in Amon's eyes, but they couldn't look away. It seemed that something inside him had changed, and they couldn't help but be curious about what it could be.

"How are you feeling?" asked Julia, who approached Amon cautiously.

Amon looked at her with his still-intense stare and said with a calm and soft voice, "I feel good, thank you."

The girls were still fascinated by the expression in Amon's eyes and the change that seemed to have occurred in him. They couldn't help but wonder what it meant and how it would affect his future.


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Edited by: Azurtha

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