Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 248 248: Revelations And Speculations

Mabel offered a gentle and sincere smile, congratulating Amon on his great achievement. She praised him for successfully reaching the second level of the Innate Rank and for merging his genetic factor with a spellbook - a feat that demonstrated innate ability and great potential.

Amon, appreciating Mabel's kindness, responded with gratitude and returned the congratulations. "Thank you, and congratulations to you as well, Mabel, for your ascent to Level 2," he said, his voice filled with respect and admiration.

With a gentle motion of her delicate hand, Mabel downplayed her own accomplishment. "No need to mention it," she replied. She seemed to believe that her efforts paled in comparison to his.

As Mabel spoke, she was consumed by thoughts of what she had just witnessed. A soft blush tinged her face, giving her an aura of charm and allure. Amon furrowed his brow in confusion, unable to understand the reason for her sudden disturbance.

Meanwhile, their other companions enjoyed themselves, laughing and chatting as they prepared dinner. They were busy preparing the meat of the monster they had defeated earlier, turning the act into a moment of camaraderie and joy. Snowflake, the group's small pet, nestled on a straw bed in a corner, softly growling, drawn by the delicious aroma that filled the air.

When dinner was finally ready, an improvised table was set up. They settled on carefully cut tree trunks at the ideal height for sitting.

Before they began serving the meal, Amon broke the silence.

"So, what happened while I was meditating?" he asked, his curiosity evident.

The girls took turns providing him with a summary of the events that had taken place during his absence. A mystery that still intrigued Barbara, the twins, and Ariel was the possibility of Amon awakening a new genetic emotion. If so, what might it have been? And what ability had been merged into his Calm Genetic Factor? These questions remained unanswered, adding to the suspense and anticipation in the atmosphere. The doubts persisted, but it would be improper to question such matters in Mabel's presence. Thus, although their minds bubbled with curiosity, the questions remained silently guarded.

Mabel, with her large bright, and teary eyes, kept her gaze fixed on Amon. What was going on in her mind remained a mystery, an enigma that no one could decipher.

"So that's how we defeated the beast," Maisa concluded, her finger thoughtfully resting on her lips. After a moment of reflection, a smile lit up her face. "Well, actually, most of the work was done by Mabel."

Amon nodded in gratitude. "Thank you all for the effort," he said, his voice filled with sincere gratitude and seriousness.

For some unknown reason, a slight tremor stirred in the hearts of the girls. It was only a glimpse of fear, as fleeting as a lightning bolt, but it left a trace of unease.

Confused, the girls furrowed their brows but quickly returned to normal as they didn't perceive any evident abnormalities. Amon remained the same, looking at them with his usual serenity.

Could it be that simple? Was the situation as straightforward as it seemed?

No! Something had definitely happened, something they couldn't identify. But what exactly remained a mystery shrouded in silence and uncertainty. The uncertainty hung over them, but with no clear clues to follow, how could they unravel the mystery? And considering the fleeting nature of the disconcerting moment, they seemed to agree to set the matter aside for now.

They proceeded to serve themselves. The delightful aroma of the roasted meat filled the air, making their stomachs growl with hunger. Some of their stomachs even rumbled, the amusing sound filling the atmosphere with a sense of relaxation.

"Strange," Amon commented after chewing a piece of meat. "Why haven't we found any information about a beast like this?"

"Exactly, I wondered the same thing," Maisa agreed, "So we decided to document what we learned about this creature. It may be useful for anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation to ours."

Amon seemed to consider her words. "Were there many reports about this forest we're in?"

"Not really," Julia replied.

"I see," Amon said, "So perhaps it's not that the beast is rare, but rather that it inhabits a specific region of this planet. That's why there was no information about it."

Barbara added, "And what about the natives? They should be able to recognize this creature, right?"

Mabel pondered for a moment before responding, "That's possible. However, the lack of records, even on local websites, makes this whole thing strange."

Julia suggested, "Maybe it's a new species? It seemed like a hybrid beast of two animals."

But Maisa quickly replied, "We can't categorize the animals on this planet the same way we do with those from ours. Remember, Julia, how most of the creatures here resemble two or more species from our world?"

Julia was left speechless, agreeing with Maisa's observation.

"It's no use discussing it now," Ariel intervened, "We need to think about what we'll do next. Now that Mabel and Amon have become Level 2 Innates, we can advance further in our adventure.

"I agree," Amon responded, nodding his head.

If one were to make a careful calculation, Amon's strength should be near the peak of Level 3 Innate. That was only an estimation of his strength without using spells. If he were to use them, it was difficult to predict whether he could reach the power of a Beginner Mutant.

However, that was merely a surface-level assessment. Even Beginner Mutants possessed a significant advantage by belonging to a higher realm. There were abilities and powers inherent to Mutants that were beyond the reach of Inmates.

"We should prioritize the collection of new rare herbs," declared Ariel, "Despite both of you reaching Level 2, a medicinal bath would help stabilize your conditions. Of course, I say this also thinking of myself, as I'm about to reach Level 2, and such a bath would be ideal. The same idea applies to Maisa, Barbara, and Julia, who are also close to reaching Level 2."

Mabel immediately agreed. It seemed she understood the nervousness of the others for not having reached Level 2 yet. Barbara and the twins also expressed their agreement. They shared the same desire: to advance to Level 2 before returning.

"So that's what we'll do," decided Amon, placing his utensils on the empty plate. "Furthermore, I feel that this meat has a unique property that is benefiting my body."

"I felt the same," Maisa quickly agreed.

Ariel pondered, "Perhaps we're acquiring a percentage of the beast's regenerative ability? But it shouldn't be much…"

"Possibly." Mabel's eyes gleamed as she considered the idea. She took out a paper and pen from her storage bracelet and began making calculations.

Maisa, standing by her side, glanced at Mabel's notes but couldn't decipher what she was trying to calculate.


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Edited by: Azurtha

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