Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 250 250: Electrifying Clash! Amon's Lightning Fist Strikes Fear Into The Heart Of The Great Beast!

With his black hair dancing in the wind, Amon fixed his amber, honey-colored gaze on the first beast that emerged as they left the camp. Wearing his gauntlets over a long-sleeved shirt, Amon caused golden lightning tinged with red threads to circulate around the gauntlets up to his elbow. The sound produced by the lightning was similar to a continuous crackling, a sharp and hissing noise that filled the air, punctuated by occasional louder bursts. The energy vibrated, buzzing with lively and pulsating energy, as the atmosphere became charged with palpable electrical tension.

Meanwhile, the beast that stood before them was, without a doubt, something from another world. Standing at four meters tall, it rested on four powerful legs, each ending in sharp, curved claws. Its body was coated in fur that shimmered like silver in the light, moving smoothly in the wind as if it were a part of it. The creature seemed made of wind, its body undulating and flowing like a solid breeze. Its eyes, bright and wild, locked onto Amon, the beast recognizing in him a worthy adversary.

In certain aspects, the creature resembles a feline. However, there were many elements that set it apart from such a comparison. The power emanating from the beast was of a Peak Level 2 Innate.

The sound emitted by the creature was a mixture of growls and grunts, like the roar of a stormy wind meeting the fury of a wild animal. The sound echoed through the air, sending a shiver down the spine of those who heard it.

Amon squinted, listening to the sound of the beast's growl. His hands vibrated with the energy of crackling lightning, echoing through the forest, causing birds to stir in their trees and small animals to flee to their burrows.

The scene around the two was one of wild beauty. The forest stretched in every direction, a sea of green and white interrupted only by the colossal figure of the beast. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating a pattern of dancing shadows on the leaf-and-snow covered ground. The tension in the air was almost tangible, as if nature itself was holding its breath, awaiting the unfolding of the battle to come.

Although the snow had ceased falling, there was still a thick layer accumulated on the ground, making movement challenging. However, Amon, who had enveloped his feet in lightning, was able to repel the snow before it even touched him. Similarly, the beast did not face the same difficulty, thanks to the wind surrounding it, repelling the snow around it and facilitating its movement.

The electricity swirling around Amon's feet emitted a low buzz, creating an atmosphere of palpable tension. Meanwhile, the beast, surrounded by an aura of wind, seemed like a storm on the verge of erupting, intensified by the low and constant roar accompanying its movements. Together, they formed a surreal image, as if nature itself was bowing to them both, allowing them to dance freely amidst the thick layer of snow.

A resounding sound as powerful as a lightning bolt tearing through the sky and crashing into the ground broke the silence as Amon and the beast moved simultaneously. The scene resembled a duel of gunslingers, with each awaiting the precise moment the coin hit the ground to draw their weapon.

At the exact instant Amon came face to face with the beast, his fist, surrounded by shimmering lightning, shot forward, tilting slightly upward. He was targeting the beast's front paw, which was surrounded by a violent wind acting as thousands of invisible blades.


The impact resulted in a deafening explosion that reverberated throughout the area. The roar of the impact seemed to make the whole world tremble, resonating in all directions and echoing through distant valleys and mountains. The sound was so powerful that it made the earth tremble and the sky vibrated in response. 

Shockwaves rippled across the terrain, causing the snow to leap off the ground in a chaotic dance. The air around the point of impact rippled, creating a visible distortion that spread like waves in a lake. 

Nearby trees shook violently, with some even breaking off and falling under the force of the impact, and startled by the thunderous boom, birds flew off in an even greater frenzy than before, filling the sky with a cloud of flapping wings. 

Mabel, observing everything from a privileged position, felt a twinge of discomfort, even though her admiration for Amon grew even stronger. The power he displayed was extraordinarily beyond what she could manifest. Although the beast she and the girls had faced might have been even more difficult to defeat, it took them quite some time to succeed.

Yet there stood Amon. In the very first confrontation with one of these creatures, he was able to elicit a colossal reaction. His performance, filled with astonishing power, was living proof of his strength that defied norms. The mere fact that he stood on equal ground with the beast, provoking such an impact, made Mabel feel a mix of emotions—admiration, unease, and a hint of envy. She couldn't help but wonder, why was he already so powerful?

As the colossal beast was forced to retreat three steps, displaying an expression of evident pain, Amon remained practically immobile. The only indication of the intensity of the clash was the fact that his feet sank slightly into the cold ground, a victim of the tremendous impact.

For those who keenly observed the beast's eyes, a glimpse of fear could be perceived. It seemed that the creature had been shaken, even after a single confrontation in which it hadn't been clearly defeated. But what could have instilled such fear in this imposing creature?

Maisa, Julia, Barbara, and Ariel exchanged momentary looks of surprise, their eyes blinking in disbelief. After a brief silence, their gazes met and smiles formed on their faces. They began to grasp an inkling of the next emotion Amon was starting to evoke.

While the girls shared this silent understanding, the beast, though shaken, found the strength to recover. With a deafening roar that reverberated through the forest, it charged once again in Amon's direction, determined not to be discouraged by the first exchange it had traded with this strange creature before it. 


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Edited by: Azurtha

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