Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 292 292: Amon's Saga in Fulgura - Part 1

Chapter 292 292: Amon's Saga in Fulgura - Part 1

A month had passed since Amon embarked on his journey to Planet Fulgura.

Maisa let out a deep sigh laden with longing, an emotion both Julia and Barbara understood and shared. The atmosphere at the university was eerily quiet without his defining presence.

Everyone was aware that Amon would return soon; after all, he had taken a month's academic leave for this interplanetary expedition.

"I wonder how much he has grown and evolved during this time," Ariel remarked in a soft voice, almost a whisper.

The close bond Ariel had shared with Amon brought about a profound change in her. The woman once known for her audacity and provocation now displayed a newfound serenity.

In some way, the experience had given her a fresh perspective, making her more introspective and grounded.

Now, Ariel was more focused on her personal journey of learning than on seeking attention or being provocative. Indeed, in recent days, finding her became an increasingly challenging task.

After classes, she would often retreat to the comfort of her room, where she would meditate, seeking a deeper connection with herself.

"If we take into account his unique talent and, being a planet... Well, you know." Barbara didn't finish her thought, it was a secret after all, she continued, "It's possible that he might even reach the next rank and become a Mutant."

"Very likely..." They didn't deny this possibility.

All factors were in his favor; it wouldn't be strange if he managed to reach a higher level thanks to them.


Ten days after his arrival on Planet Fulgura...

Amon found himself in a rare and coveted state of enlightenment. This event, so extraordinary and sought after... allowed him to refine and evolve his spells, rising to the prestigious rank of Novice Mutant.

For two days, the world around Amon seemed to vanish as he delved deeply into this mystic trance. Emerging from this experience, he felt renewed, having incorporated an impressive 150 lightning genes into his essence.

This achievement placed Amon on a high pedestal, equating him to the unique accomplishment of the Human Emperor, the only being capable of such a feat.

The impact of this event, if it were to come to light, would surely reverberate throughout the Milky Way, challenging the boundaries of the known and possible.

After 20 days, Amon realized that the mountain range, which had been his refuge and meditation spot, no longer provided him with the necessary resources as before.

Furthermore, the new set of genes, called Boredom Genes, of unstable and erratic nature, required him to move frequently, looking for more suitable places to refine his practice. He migrated from one spot to another, feeling the earth, the sky, and the elements, in an unending quest for alignment.

Finally, after 29 days of continuous search and practice, Amon reached another peak in his journey, incorporating another 150 lightning genes...!

When Amon plunged into the state of enlightenment and elevated his spellbook, an emerging and familiar sensation enveloped him, but this time there was a distinct nuance... It was the Emotion Excitement.

Excitement, a response to internal or external triggers, manifests in various ways:

Psychologically: One is flooded with overwhelming enthusiasm, a fervor that boosts energy and generates positive anticipation for an event or experience.

Behaviorally: One might observe the individual becoming more extroverted and lively, speaking at a faster pace or displaying more animated gestures.

Physiologically, there are heart palpitations, intense breathing, dilated pupils, and a feeling of "butterflies in the stomach." Some might even show a blush on their skin or feel a radiating warmth.

Cognitively: The mind sharpens, attention narrows, and perception and memory are heightened, becoming more receptive to new information or nuances of the trigger that sparked such emotion.

Feeling this effervescence, a thought crossed Amon's mind: "Could this emotion make the advancement to a higher level more fluid?"

The influence Amon had over the creatures of these lands was undeniably powerful. And, with his rise to the Advanced Mutant Rank, he felt armed with unwavering confidence, certainly capable of reaching higher levels with a speed never experienced before.

A glint of excitement lit up Amon's face, transforming his previously monotone expression into a vibrant and lively one. His eyes gleamed with anticipation as he continued on his journey, moving with determination towards the next destination.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar cut through the silence. A magnificent lion made entirely of lightning emerged, its eyes sparking and its dominant presence felt in the air.

"Die!", Amon exclaimed firmly.

The deafening noise of a collision echoed through space. Anticipating the lion's move, Amon skillfully dodged to the left, his body moving with the grace and speed of a dancer. In the blink of an eye, he gathered his strength, delivering a punch with the deadly speed and precision of a snake's strike.


The impact was direct and devastating. Amon's fist met the beast's head, creating an opening that immediately began to ooze a golden, luminous liquid resembling blood.

Without wasting time, Amon, with dexterity and efficiency, began to dismember the majestic creature. He was after something specific: the genetic core, the beast's vital essence.

Having extracted what he needed, Amon rose, wiping his hands, and resumed his march, each step laden with purpose, while the surroundings continued to unfold with mysteries and wonders.

The pattern became familiar: Amon facing creature after creature, accumulating victories and experiences, moving with a clear goal in mind.

Eventually, his journey took him to the base of a colossal mountain where lightning clumped together, dancing and intertwining in a display of raw power and beauty.

"It's here I ascend to the Grandmaster Rank..." Amon declared, his eyes gleaming with unwavering resolve and ambition.

Although his progression had been meteoric, surprising even himself, Amon acknowledged the intrinsic power of Planet Fulgura. The planet had proven an invaluable resource in his quest for power.

Even when faced with the mysterious disappearance of the tower that had brought him there, and the subsequent realization that his way back had been temporarily cut off, Amon's composure remained unshaken.

He viewed this turn of events not as a setback, but perhaps as a hidden blessing. If it granted him more time in this electric realm, he would use every moment to consolidate his power!


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