Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 299 299: Rumors and Realities: Hazael’s Announcement

Chapter 299 Chapter 299: Rumors and Realities: Hazael's Announcement

?I was sick recently, but I am now better and will be posting chapters again. Thank you for understanding.


Even though there wasn't a designated area, there were certain groups that prevented other students from getting too close.

One such group consisted of Felipe Nunes, Luan Neto, Miguel Sousa Santos Junior, among other outstanding students who held the Grandmaster Rank.

Even though they were a group that drew attention, their presence was so imposing that the other students kept a considerable distance from them.

"Felipe, what's your take?"

Turning to Luan, Felipe replied with a hint of arrogance, "Without a doubt, if it happens, one of us will be chosen."

'Obviously, it will be me.' Felipe thought to himself shortly after.

"I agree." Luan retorted, however, internally he laughed, believing that if someone were to be selected for the special class, that someone would be him.

Miguel burst out laughing: "Hahaha, as much as I'm curious if it's going to be one of us, it might even be that newbie over there."

Identifying whom Miguel was referring to, Felipe Nunes let out a sarcastic laugh, so intense that it altered his facial expression: "Yes, yes, maybe him, Hahaha."

A beautiful young woman with dark hair let out a soft laugh and then observed, "Hehehe, you guys are so cruel! He might stand out among the newcomers, but there's no need to mock him like that~~"

"Anita, you can talk all you want, but…" Felipe laughed, "It's clear you're having fun at the boy's expense."

"Admit it, Felipe, you're jealous." Another young woman intervened with a melodic yet somewhat annoying voice, "Look at him, he's surrounded by charming girls~"

"Those ones? Hahaha, please!" Felipe retorted sarcastically, "Even the least attractive from my group of admirers are more fascinating than them!"

"Really?" Luan questioned, incredulously: "I don't see it that way. He's even accompanied by a pair of twins. I've heard rumors that he's well-liked among the first-year college girls, and even some from the second and third years seem interested in him."

"Ah, they're just opportunists looking to take advantage of his talent. In the end, that's all it is." Felipe continued to mock.

Some of the girls, the target of this comment, were close enough to hear the taunt.

Certainly, Felipe Nunes had already heard the group of young people talking about Amon before. That's why his gaze was fixed on them, making them blush with embarrassment and irritation. However, they felt powerless against him.

"Hahaha, only girls with low self-esteem would want to get close to a freshman like that." A young woman, close to the group of third-year students interested in Amon, laughed out loud.

"Jeniffer, where do you stand in this story? Heh, aren't you always lurking, like a wolf in heat, after Felipe Nunes?" One of the girls, with a challenging look and her arms crossed over her generous bust, provoked: "In the end, you criticize us, but have you looked at your own actions?"

"Dare to repeat that!" Jeniffer's face twisted in anger, and she quickly approached the group: "Say it again, Monica!"

"With pleasure, who should fear whom?!" Monica retorted boldly.

Before the argument could escalate, someone took the stage, capturing the focus of everyone present.

"It's starting, stop this now." A girl from Monica's group warned.

On Jeniffer's side, another voice intervened: "We better calm down, I don't want to be reprimanded over something so trivial."

Jeniffer and Monica exchanged glances.

Even though they wanted to continue the argument, both, thinking of the consequences, returned to their seats. However, they still exchanged glances full of resentment.

Meanwhile, Amon and his friends had already picked up on some murmurs.

Amon was confused about why he had become the center of attention. He had been absent from the university for a while, and before that, he didn't remember displeasing so many students to become the subject of gossip.

What he hadn't realized was that, even being in his first year at the university, no one had managed to surpass or even match him. This naturally attracted feelings of envy, especially from talented peers with wounded pride.

With short hair, dark eyes, and an imposing stature of approximately 190 cm, the professor who took the stage in front of a crowd of students cleared his throat before approaching the microphone:

"Ladies and gentlemen, throughout history, we have seen genetics play a crucial role in the formation of geniuses. However, being a genius is not just a matter of genes, but also of dedication, effort, and above all, a passion for knowledge. I know many of you have been tirelessly striving in your respective fields, but remember that true excellence is not measured only by results but also by the journey. Now, to the main point of this gathering: as many of you had suspected, one of our students is being promoted to the university's special class."

'It would have been so much simpler to just get to the point and announce someone's promotion to the special class...'

This reflection crossed the minds of most of the students present.

What made the situation even more frustrating was the fact that the professor, in delivering such a speech, seemed extremely pleased with himself, as if he had shared some great wisdom. However, to most students, it just seemed like a jumble of unnecessary words.

The professor continued, dwelling on tangents about genetics and the importance of the inherent strength of each individual. He also emphasized, albeit indirectly, the prestige and significance associated with promotion to the special class. At the end of his speech, with a wave of his hand, he called the vice-principal, Hazael, to join him on stage.

The next moment, Vice-Principal Hazael made his entrance. Dressed impeccably, he wore a well-tailored dark suit, a firm-

collared white shirt, and a subdued-toned tie. Hazael was a man of modest stature, standing about 130 cm tall. His white hair adorned only the sides of his head, leaving the bald top exposed. Although his smile did not seem genuine and his appearance made him look frail, there was an aura around him that suggested underestimating him would be a grave mistake.

Holding the microphone, Old Hazael spoke with a friendly smile: "I'm not one for beating around the bush, so I'll be direct. Due to special circumstances, one of our students has been elevated to the special class. For those unfamiliar with what this means, it is a position that grants exclusive privileges, such as access to high-level Star Rank magic tomes and other benefits. If you wish for more details, consult the university's website, where all the information is available. But now, to the main point: Amon Tang."

As soon as this name was mentioned, a buzz spread.

Many cast glances in the direction of Luan's group, especially at Felipe, holding back malicious laughter.

"Why him of all people?"

The general discontent was evident.

Although Old Hazael had not specified that Amon would be the one promoted, upon hearing his name, everyone drew their conclusions.

"This is ridiculous!"

"How can it be? A mere freshman?"

"He just arrived and he's already getting this promotion?"

"Does he have some special connection with the board?"

"What did he do that's so extraordinary to deserve this?"

Many felt as if they had been slapped, a sensation of shame and disbelief. They had doubted and even mocked the idea that the first-year standout would be elevated to the special class. However, when the news materialized, they felt as if they had taken a direct hit.

Obviously, they didn't accept the situation right away. Many thought it might be some joke or mistake until they were convinced that the mention of Amon Tang had a distinct purpose.

"Silence!" Old Hazael's voice rang out again, but now without the previous friendly tone.


Do you want to know the appearance of each of the girls that have been introduced? I have created some images with their appearance, and you can access these images by joining my Discord:

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