Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 90

Speaking of bonding. The pair of gloves in Amon's hands seemed to be screaming with happiness. The amount of energy he was receiving was enough to make him feel good, although he didn't get to the point of creating awareness, he was already in an undead state.

At least she was able to feel a little happiness and sadness, even able to protect the owner of her own volition, as well as refuse if she didn't think the owner was worthy of her.

Of course, from the flutter of the glove, it was obvious that he accepted Amon's heart and soul.

_ _

<Fury Gene + 1>

_ _

It wasn't the first time since he started getting into the state of enlightenment that he received this notification.

While the common and lightning genes were silent.

At that point, he was already 78 filled with fury, passing what he had filled in from the blank gene.

His body began to undergo small changes, the muscle became more contracted, he seemed to have lost weight, however, his muscles became more explosive.

_ _

<Fury Gene +1>

<Fury Gene +1>

_ _


Suddenly, Amon had a reaction, he grunted, and a wave of strange energy spread.


Suddenly, Barbara, Ariel, Julia, and Maisa gave a scream of fury, her eyes were fierce, they were losing their sanity and holding their life treasure, they got up and started fighting.

Old Hazael was amazed by this scene, but he knew they weren't fighting because there was some unresolved feud, something was influencing them, or rather, this energy that came out of Amon did it.

"What has this little monster done now?" Though interested to know how it happened, he didn't have time for it right now.

With quick movements, he grabbed a fan and hit each of the girls on the head making them pass out.


Afterward, Old Man Hazael turned his eyes to Amon, but that strange energy from before vanished. Before you even tried to influence him, however, was it that easy to influence him? The answer is no.

Many are unaware of his strength, some even believe he is an Overlord, however, he does not like to fight and prefers to live as deputy director of a university.

Amon, who had previously nearly lost control with a steady rise in fury, did his best to regain control. Luckily, it only got out of his control for a few seconds.

After that, he opened his eyes. That broke his enlightened state.

Old Hazael was a little sad, but it wasn't a total loss, he managed to create a small dagger for life.

"Boy, how are you feeling?" Old Hazel asked. His voice had a little more weight, like an old man's voice. Unlike the playful voice, he usually uses.

Amon didn't show many reactions to that. Using the glove, he squeezed his hand and loosened, twisted his body and head, jumped a few times, and moved his arms, and then replied, "I feel great."

"... That is good." Old Hazael almost laughed at what Amon did, but in the end, he just smiled like a good old man.



Sonia felt strange the last few days since Amon left.

Before, she was sure she was his mother, but inexplicably, she began to believe that she was not his mother.

Only she couldn't talk about it with anyone. She was scared and felt like a monster for having such feelings.

Had she clearly given birth to him?

Yes, she did, right?

When she thought about it, her mind started to get hazy, she almost fainted, she felt like she was in a place full of fog, and nothing was clear.

'Why is this happening to me?' She knelt on the living room floor and cried.

She was grateful that Julius was still working and hadn't seen her like this.

And that Julia, Maisa, and Amon were at university.

p After crying for nearly half an hour, she even prayed for God to help her. She felt horrible, she even started thinking about everything related to Amon, she even felt that her reaction of not wanting to be with Amon was strange. Did she really hate him, did she really fear him?

Why was it getting hard to remember?


After screaming loudly, holding her head tightly, she shifted a little before passing out.



Later, Julius arrived home and then found Sonia passed out in the living room.

"Sonia, my love, Sonia!" Very anxious and worried, he took her in his arms and practically flew to the hospital with her.

When he arrived, he took her in his arms and entered the hospital.

"Emergency, emergency." He shouted: "My wife has passed out and doesn't want to wake up, help me, please."

A nurse who was nearby walked up to him and said in a reassuring voice: "Sir, calm down first, it's not good to get so agitated, first, let's take her to a room so she can lie down, and then we'll have a doctor examine she, okay?"

Julius didn't speak, just nodded several times in agreement.

Soon, a group of nurses came with a stretcher and asked Julius to lay her down on the stretcher.

"Her pulse is a little weak, she looks like she's not eating properly..." One of the nurses said.

"Let's take her first, so the doctor can give a better analysis." Another said.

As he heard this, Julius started to blame himself, he didn't know his wife wasn't eating properly, after all, most of the time, they spend working, and when they were together, he saw her eating at night, although now that he thinks about it, she only touched her food but ate very little.

The more he thought, the more worried he became. The more worried, the more guilty he felt.

Minutes later, a doctor appeared and saw Sonia.

It only took ten minutes for him to come back, he went to Julius: "Are you from the patient's family?"

"Yes, I am. I am her husband." Julius replied.

"Mm, I'm Doctor Rogério, I've already seen the cause of your wife, she's fine, she's just a little malnourished, but she's already being treated and will soon be able to wake up." After saying that, he got serious: "I need to warn you, she hasn't been eating properly, and if this continues, it could seriously harm her, going without food is not healthy."

"I know, thanks, I'll make sure she eats well from now on," Julius said with a serious expression.

The Doctor wearing a white coat with white hair with a little wrinkle in his face smiled a little when he saw Julius' firm character and said: "Then I'll be more relaxed."

After saying goodbye to the doctor, Julius went to where Sonia was. She was lying on the bed, with an IV in her arms, she looked very fragile.

Julius' eyes were red, he gripped her hand tightly and whispered, "Love, what's going on, why are you keeping everything to yourself?"

Suddenly Sonia opened her mouth and muttered very softly, almost inactively: "Ophis, is there no other way?"

"Ophis?" Julius muttered confused. In his circle of friends, there was no one by that name.

Afterward, he even heard his wife mutter the name Ophis several times.

Julius's worry only increased. He wasn't worried that Ophiscould is a possible lover, as it sounded like a female name, and he trusted his wife, he just thought it was something too serious for Sonia to appear to be having nightmares while calling the name of Ophis.

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