Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter237 237: The Power of Amon's Fury: Facing the Leader of the Beasts

Chapter237 237: The Power of Amon's Fury: Facing the Leader of the Beasts

A deep silence filled the air as Amon assumed a completely serious expression. It was the first time since he had arrived on the planet that he seemed so focused and determined.

With a fluid movement, he activated the gauntlets he carried, and a glow appeared around him. The genetic energy began to concentrate around him, shaping itself into an imposing and powerful armor: the Fury Armor.

When Amon activated his genetic ability and summoned the Fury Armor, a glow burst from the core of his body, radiating outward in waves of pulsating energy. Amon assumed a firm and determined posture, while his body was enveloped in a bright red energy field, which organized into complex patterns around him.

The genetic energy field that composed Amon's armor seemed to vibrate with intensity, pulsing strongly as it molded and adapted to the shape of his body. Amon was now surrounded by a powerful aura that reflected his fury and determination, while the armor granted him impenetrable protection and incredible attacking power.

The claws on the ends of Amon's arms glowed, indicating that they were charged with genetic energy and ready to be used in combat. Amon's eyes narrowed slightly as he assumed an even more focused and determined stance. The armor seemed to have an intimidating effect on his opponents, who recognized Amon's power and fury as he prepared to fight.

But Amon didn't stop there. His inner fury continued to grow, and he channeled all of it into an even more destructive ability: the Fury Manifestation.

Amon unleashed his fury. His eyes glowed intensely, indicating that he was ready to summon the Fury Manifestation. He extended his right hand and slowly clenched it into a fist, while a scythe began to take shape in his left hand. The scythe was composed of highly concentrated genetic energy, radiating a red light that reflected the intensity of Amon's fury. He raised the scythe above his head, feeling the power of the energy pulsing through his entire body.

Mabel looked at Amon with total surprise, admiring the complete transformation he had undergone. It was the first time she had seen him in this way, so serious and focused, using the Fury Armor and Fury Manifestation together in combat.

Barbara, Ariel, Maisa, and Julia were also impressed by the scene. Although they had seen Amon using the Fury Manifestation before, it was the first time they witnessed the activation of the Fury Armor. The power and intensity emanating from Amon were overwhelming, leaving all of them impressed.

Amon spoke in a deep and sinister tone.

"Their leader is a Level 2 Innate," he said, with a voice that made it clear that there was no room for doubt or hesitation, "I'll take care of him. You guys deal with the rest."

With a voice filled with concern, Mabel expressed her anxieties about Amon's safety in the heat of battle.

"Amon, you need to be careful!" she said, reflecting her anxiety and fear for her friend in her words.

It was, after all, a level 2 innate creature. Despite being aware of Amon's imposing strength, Mabel knew that such greatness was not synonymous with invincibility.

Barbara, Ariel, Maisa, Julia, and Mabel looked at each other in silence, each with their own emotions and concerns. Although Mabel expressed her doubts and worries, the others were confident that Amon would emerge victorious.

"You too!" Saying that, Amon advanced alone toward the leader of the creatures.

Mabel and the other girls nodded, aware that it was not the time to allow themselves to lose their concentration. After all, multiple gazes were fixed on them in an atmosphere of inescapable terror.

With their black, dense fur, sharp claws, and long, pointed teeth, the creatures seemed to be a terrifying mix between a bear and a wolf. Their ferocious and threatening appearance made it clear that anyone who dared to face them would be taking a great risk.

The monstrous beasts roared and grunted menacingly, making a scary sound that echoed through the environment, as the leader of the beasts let out a deafening roar that echoed throughout the forest. It was a horrid and shrill sound that seemed to come from the depths of a nightmare world. The roar was so intense that it made the ground shake, and Amon and the girls' ears throbbed. It was as if a horrible monster had awakened from a deep sleep and was now ready for battle. Simultaneously, the sharp claws of the leader of the beasts became as shiny as platinum, a special genetic ability that allowed him to transform parts of his body into metal, becoming a powerful weapon of defense and attack.

With a serious expression on his face, Amon concentrated his genetic power as he approached the leader of the beasts. The scythe he wielded shone in red, creating a vortex that seemed to suck him into its center. His movements were calculated and precise as if he were studying the enemy before attacking.

The leader of the beasts growled, preparing for the imminent confrontation. His platinum claws shone in the sun as he stood in a defensive position, ready for Amon's attack. The other members of the pack seemed agitated, snarling and howling around their leader as they watched the impending battle.

With a quick movement, Amon jumped toward the leader of the beasts, his scythe spinning in a lethal arc. A lightning bolt of genetic energy exploded from the vortex, hitting the enemy head-on. The leader of the beasts roared in agony as his body was engulfed in the electrical discharge.

However, even with Amon's powerful attack, the leader of the beasts was still standing, his platinum skin protecting him from the worst of the explosion. With a furious growl, he charged toward Amon, ready to strike back with his sharp claws. The eyes of the leader of the beasts were fixed on Amon, now with a mixture of admiration and fear. He knew he had found a formidable opponent: an adversary who could truly threaten him.

Amon, in turn, maintained his firm and confident posture. He knew he needed to concentrate and find the leader of the beasts' weak point if he wanted any chance of defeating him. He carefully observed every move of the leader of the beasts, looking for an opening.

The confrontation continued, with the two combatants exchanging blows and dodging. With each attack, Amon seemed to be one step ahead, taking advantage of the leader of the beasts' weaknesses and inflicting deep wounds. However, the leader of the beasts was not giving up easily. He fought with an unwavering fury, ignoring the pain and regenerating quickly.

Amon's movements were precise and calculated as if he knew exactly what he was doing. He knew he needed to keep the pressure on the leader of the beasts to prevent him from fully regenerating. With a new attack, Amon concentrated his genetic energy on the scythe, creating an explosion of bright light that hit the leader of the beasts head-on. The impact was strong enough to throw him back, making him fall to the ground.

Mabel felt a chill run down her spine as she watched Amon facing the Level 2 Innate beast. She couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing. Amon was fighting against a dangerous creature, and incredibly, he seemed to be winning!

"My God, Amon is formidable!" exclaimed Mabel, amazed.

She could hardly believe that Amon was challenging the leader of the beasts with such skill and determination. It was as if he were in his natural element, dealing with the enemy with confidence and control.

"It's amazing that he's winning so decisively!" thought Mabel, with a mixture of surprise and admiration. "Heavens, no wonder my grandmother said Amon was an unmatched genius..."

Mabel's heart beat fast in her chest as she watched the battle unfold. She couldn't take her eyes off Amon, marveling at the skill and strength he displayed in every movement.

While fighting against the pack of beasts, Ariel found herself caught in a web of complex emotions that clouded her heart. Even in the midst of intense battle, her eyes could not stray from Amon's intense shine, attracting her attention in an almost hypnotic way. Each graceful and fluid movement of his, each determined and confident action, only seemed to intensify the attraction she felt for him.

Ariel's reaction was one of total surprise when she saw Amon using the spell [Star Explosion]. She had seen Amon use this spell before, but never with such intensity. It was as if Amon had channeled all his genetic energy into one strike. The explosion was so strong that it made Ariel feel the intense heat on her skin. She struggled to maintain balance as the wave of energy pushed her body back.

When the dust settled, Ariel saw the leader of the beasts thrown on the ground with a deep and bleeding wound. She couldn't believe the power that Amon had demonstrated, and her admiration for him only grew by the second. She felt a complex set of emotions swirling in her heart: a mixture of admiration, respect, and something else that she didn't want to identify. She knew she had feelings for Amon, but she didn't want to face them, preferring to keep them buried in her heart.

She focused on fighting the beasts, but couldn't take her eyes off Amon. She couldn't help her mind from wandering, thinking about what it would be like to be near him, how it would feel to touch his hair and smell his scent.

She blamed herself for having these thoughts, knowing it wasn't the time to have such feelings. But she couldn't help it, nor could she ignore the fact that she was falling in love with him.


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Edited by: Azurtha

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