An Iron Resolve (Marvel)(Time Travel)

Chapter 21: SHIELD Liaison

Chapter 21: SHIELD Liaison

A/N: Natasha's world is a little upside down at the moment, but she's nothing if not adaptable.


A week. That was how long Stark asked for. And then he’d gone and done something in three days. Natasha wished she could say she was surprised. To be fair, she was at least a little surprised. But more than anything, she felt resigned when Fury called her that morning and told her to suit up in her SHIELD uniform because she was going to be escorting him into a meeting with Tony Stark as Agent Romanoff, not Natalie Rushman.

For a brief moment, Natasha has thought maybe it was Tony playing games with her. She knew that he was probably a little miffed with her, especially because she’d gone straight to Pepper after their conversation and crawled right under the other woman’s desk. Sure, Pepper had known just as much as Tony did about Natasha’s true nature, and sure the CEO of Stark Industries was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

But Natasha liked Pepper. The jury was still out on how she felt about Tony.

After spending some time between Ms. Potts’ legs, Natasha had slotted right back into her role as their shared PA, handling the things she needed to handle for the two incredibly busy people. And then three days later, here she was.

It wasn’t Tony playing a trick on her, she’d eventually been able to ascertain without Fury catching wind of her concerns. In the end, it really was Nick Fury telling her that after ten months, her undercover mission as Stark’s Personal Assistant was over.

Natasha had offered up a protest of course, but Fury had told her it was out of his control. Apparently Stark had gone over his head to the World Security Council directly… and now he had them eating right out of the palm of his hand. It was just like Stark had said would happen, albeit in half the time he said he would be able to pull it off in.

Which led to right now, with Natasha wearing her bulletproof SHIELD uniform, the catsuit hugging her curves even more tightly than her blouse and pencil skirt ever had. She walks alongside Nick Fury as the trench coat wearing Director of SHIELD makes a beeline for Stark’s office, clearly on the warpath as he stomps his way through the Stark Industries building.

Dozens of eyes fall upon the two of them as they head for their destination and suddenly Natasha can’t help but feel like Stark was right. Fury was a professional. He was an incredibly capable spy, and a SHIELD Director worthy of respect and loyalty. However, he had this love for the theatrics to him that she’d never really seen before now.

… She could understand why HYDRA tolerated Fury as Director of SHIELD now. For all that he was competent at his job, he would make the perfect alarm system if he ever found out about their existence. He wouldn’t be able to help himself, really.

They reach the door to Stark’s office and Natasha doesn’t hesitate to step forward and open it, holding it for Nick as he sweeps into the room unannounced. As she enters after him, however, Natasha knows for a fact that Stark already knew they were coming. He wouldn’t be in his office right now otherwise, given the man barely used the room. Did Fury know as much? Did he understand that he was being played like a fiddle?

Tony pauses in the middle of the phone call he was making, his eyes widening as he sees Nick and Natasha. She has to admit, he’s a very, very good actor. There’s actually a flash of what looks like real hurt and betrayal on Tony’s face before he ‘masterfully’ covers it up with a cheeky grin.

“Gonna have to call you back.”

Then he hangs up on whoever he’s talking to, though Natasha suspects it probably wasn’t anyone important, if it was even a real phone call to begin with. Fury, meanwhile, pulls out a chair in front of Tony’s desk and sits down almost casually, clasping his hands on his abdomen as Natasha takes up a position to the right and slightly behind him.

“You know who I am, Stark?”

Feigning cheerfulness, Tony bobs his head in a faux amicable fashion.

“Director Fury of SHIELD.”

Then, he glances to Natasha.

“You’re fired by the way.”

It’s said so offhandedly, but there’s actual hurt underneath the cavalier tone Stark is currently using. If Natasha didn’t know better, she’d think Tony was actually blindsided by her true nature. Its obvious Fury is eating it up, which means Natasha has to offer some sort of response.

“Not sure if that’s your call to make, Stark. What would Pepper say?”

Tony huffs and Natasha thinks… she thinks she sees a miniscule drop of his real amusement as he smiles a smile that masterfully doesn’t seem to reach his eyes.

“She’d understand. It’s just pest removal, after all.”

Fury finally cuts in again, after letting things play out for his purposes.

“This is a courtesy visit, Stark. We didn’t have to tell you about Agent Romanoff, but we are. Because you’re one of us now.”

Tony drops the smile for a sneer at that, shaking his head.

“This isn’t a courtesy visit; this is a shakedown. You’re upset because I went over your head, Fury. Because I got tired of your people trying to break into my company and find out what I had going on. Or are you going to tell me that Secretary Pierce didn’t order you to reveal Agent Romanoff’s true identity?”

Silence falls for a moment, making it clear that that’s exactly what happened. Fury works his jaw back and forth before finally responding. When he does, he leans forward out of his casual laid back position. His hands remain clasped together as he rests his elbows on his knees and looks at Stark with his one good eye.

“Secretary Pierce said you’ve come out of the cold. That you’re ready to be a team player. Is he wrong?”

The smile is back as Tony leans forward as well, not intimidated by Fury in the slightest. But then, of course he isn’t. Natasha can hardly believe how easily the billionaire is playing her boss. Tony had told her this would happen too. He’d told her exactly what he was going to do. It was still hard to wrap her head around it though.

“Of course not. I’m more than happy to work for the World Security Council. And I’m more than happy to work alongside the organization my dad and Aunt Peggy built together.”

Fury stiffens a little at that, as Tony seemingly gives away a big secret that he’s not supposed to know. Knowing that it’s just the tip of the iceberg makes the moment all the more ridiculous from Natasha’s point of view, however.

“You’ve been busy since returning from Afghanistan, haven’t you Stark? You know, you didn’t have to go out of your way to stonewall us. We could have been working together long before this.”

Tony just shrugs.

“Wasn’t ready yet. And let’s be honest, you weren’t ready for me either.”

Fury bristles at that, but before he can respond, Stark is already running right over him.

“Look, I’m not going to pretend like I don’t need a baby sitter. I went to the World Security Council, didn’t I?”

That gets a scoff from the Director of SHIELD.

“Presumptuous to think that you had to go all the way to the top.”

Tony smiles.

“Humility! It speaks well that you’re able to acknowledge that you aren’t at the top, Director. Maybe we can work with each other after all. But it will be WITH each other. Secretary Pierce has assured me that you can respect my autonomy. I’m going to be a civilian contractor. I only take orders from the WSC, and if SHIELD wants me or my tech, you’re going to have to learn to play nice. Secretary Pierce seemed to think you could. Is he wrong?”

Natasha can see that having his words thrown back at him pisses Fury off to no end. But the SHIELD Director controls himself all the same and after a moment of silence, bites out his response.

“No, he was not.”

“Good, then get out of my office and make an appointment. Oh, but I’m going to have to find a new Personal Assistant, so maybe wait a few days first.”

Natasha didn’t understand why Tony was being so aggressive about that part. Was he really trying to get rid of her? She supposed she couldn’t stick around here now that her mission was over. It was back to SHIELD and doing missions for them. And perhaps that was where Tony wanted her. Perhaps that was where she would be best placed to help him deal with HYDRA once and-

“I’m afraid Agent Romanoff will be sticking around, Stark.”

Wait, what?

Tony scowls, but Fury is the one who just bulldozes right on through this time.

“Orders from Secretary Pierce himself. Agent Romanoff is to be your official and unofficial SHIELD liaison going forward.”

Narrowing his eyes, Tony taps his desk with a finger for a few moments, a nervous tick on the face of things.

“Oh? And what does official and unofficial mean, exactly?”

Seeming much more in his element now that he’s getting one over on Stark, Fury even smiles.

“Officially, Agent Romanoff is the SHIELD liaison for Stark Industries, much in the same way I believe Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes handles relations between your company and the US Armed Forces. Unofficially, she’s my direct line to you, Stark. If we need to meet, she’ll arrange it on either end. If there’s anything I need from you or you need from me, we’ll go through her. Secretary’s Orders, I’m afraid.”

Natasha stands still as a statue, but internally she’s amazed. Fury looks like the cat who caught the canary. He has no idea that all of this, every last step of the way… has been prearranged by Tony. It’s honestly a little terrifying to watch, especially knowing what she knew.

Looking angry but also resigned, Tony smacks his hand down on the desk.


Rising from his seat, the SHIELD Director looks undeniably smug and in charge as he gives Tony one last look before throwing a nod to Natasha and heading for the door. As he goes, he tosses a hand in the air in a casual wave.

“We’ll be in touch, Stark. Look forward to working together.”

The almost lazy way in which he says it makes it clear he feels like he came out of the entire meeting on top. And yet… and yet…

The door closes behind him. Silence reigns in the office for a moment. Finally, a voice comes from the ceiling.

“Director Fury is heading for the front door, sir. He does not seem to be making any detours at this time. Nor did he plant any bugs in this room during his visit.

Tony finally cracks a genuine grin as he leans back in his chair and lets out a laugh, shaking his head.

“Of course not, J. He knows trying to slip a bug in anywhere on the building wouldn’t make it passed your eyes. And besides, why should he try to bug the place when he has loyal eyes and ears right fucking here.”

Tony’s gaze falls upon Natasha and the Black Widow can’t help it… she feels a shiver go down her spine.

“Well, Agent Romanoff? What did you think?”

Huffing, Natasha crosses her arms over her chest.

“I think you’re more than a little terrifying, Stark. That’s what I think. That was…”

Shaking his head, Tony sighs.

“That was necessary. Fury is capable enough as Director of SHIELD, but he’s been led around by the nose by HYDRA for decades and still doesn’t know it. Pierce has been part of HYDRA since the eighties and Fury trusts him, completely and utterly.”

Natasha grimaces at the implication.

“So then… all of this means that you…”

Again, she trails off. She really needs to stop doing that. Fortunately, she’s doing it with a man who loves to hear the sound of his own voice and is more than willing to pick up where she left off.

“Yep. I’ve infiltrated HYDRA. Pierce thinks I’ve joined up and believes that I’m completely loyal to the cause. He was willing to give me whatever I wanted concerning SHIELD, including you.”

Including her. She was basically just a pawn in a backroom deal between Stark and Pierce, arranged to look like she was being forced onto Stark so that Fury could feel like he was winning their little game. Except Fury was also a pawn in the real game between Stark and Pierce… a game Pierce didn’t even know he was playing.

Natasha isn’t used to feeling so out of her depths. But at this point… she needs to sit down. Moving over to the chair next to where Fury had sat, Natasha slumps into it and looks across the desk at Stark.

“Then I guess I’m all yours, aren’t I?”

Tony grins and waggles his eyebrows suggestively at that, causing Natasha to sigh and roll her eyes.

“Yes, even that part. Fury will probably expect me to do everything in my power to keep you and Potts under my thumb, including sex. Since he can’t control you directly, he’ll want to use me to control you indirectly.”

Frowning, Tony almost seems genuinely offended on her behalf.

“Well, we don’t have to actually do anything that you don’t want to, Nat. It’ll be easy enough to make Fury think it’s happening, all things considered.”

Nat. Awfully familiar. But then again, they had been in a sexual relationship for several months now. Natasha ultimately lets it slide, even as she shakes her head.

“Easier for me if I have real experiences to draw on.”

Here, Tony grins slyly.

“Sure, Natasha. And it definitely has nothing to do with your own desires, is that right?”

“Of course not. I’m a professional.”

Tony leers at her then, his eyes roaming up and down her beautiful body, tightly clad in her SHIELD uniform.

“Mm, that you are. Well Ms. Professional, if Fury is the bad cop and you’re the good cop, how exactly are you planning to fix my fragile bruised ego and make me feel better about all these months of lying to me, hm? Because really, I’m feeling so very betrayed right now.”

She sighs, knowing exactly what he’s doing. And yet… she’d walked right into this one with that talk of wanting real experiences to draw on, hadn’t she?

Rising to her feet, Natasha lets a coy, seductive smile slip onto her ruby red lips as she saunters around the length of the desk while tugging down the zipper on her catsuit, revealing more and more flesh as she goes.

“Well, Mr. Stark. I’m sure we can figure out a way to… massage your bruised ego. And other parts of you.”

He grins at her and Natasha knows she’s not going out of this little game of chicken with her dignity intact. That’s alright… she’ll never admit it out loud, but part of her has missed Tony’s and his insatiable appetites these past few weeks.


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A/N: Tony got to have Natalie Rushman these last several months, but now he gets catsuit Natasha. Yum yum~

And in more ways than one too. Natasha is fully turn-coated at this point!

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