Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 47 - Get Access To Library

At Mr Arthur Emerson's cabin.

"Zack, Did James tell you everything?" Asked Mr Arthur. Hearing that I told him what Uncle James explained to me about next year competition.

Soon, A knowing look appeared on his face. He added," As James said We were ready to assist you with the necessary resources." Then he explained to me. About the available list of resources that the Management gave me access to.

Mr Arthur said, " Can you tell me tomorrow? What you need in a list; So, that I can forward them to the Administration." Hearing that I nodded at him. We talked for about a few more minutes. Before I left. It's time for my train.

Sometimes later, I boarded the train in time. I took my usual window seat. I sighed thinking that things were unfolding in a rather unpredictable way. The only good thing that has happened so far to me is the availability of resources.

I don't need to look for ways to earn credit points anymore. It certainly took away a huge burden on my shoulder. I don't have to rely on Uncle James hereafter. I took a small nap thinking that.

Sometimes, Later I reached home.

After I reached home. I waited for dinner. Then I discussed everything with Uncle James and Granny Park about today's activities in the centre. It certainly became a habit for me to discuss at the dining table while having dinner.

Uncle James and Granny Park said few resources names and told me to add them to the list. Reading the names of the resources. I had doubts. "Uncle James, What about Ranks of these resources," I asked him.

Granny Park said, " Don't worry. These were low-end resources. The maximum level up to Peak Apprentice Warrior." Uncle James Chirped in by saying, " If they ever ask you. Why you need Peak Apprentice Resources. Tell them it's for future need."

I nodded at them. Hearing them my doubt is cleared. We talked about an hour before I left for some training. I had a daily night schedule for Elemental Cultivation.

I can practice all Cultivation, Sword attack, Lightning Circle and Combat exercise inside the High-Performance Chamber at the centre. But to level up my cultivation. I need to use my time effectively.

After some cultivation. I laid down on my bed for sleep. I know that the resources are needed. But I also need knowledge. The information about Plants, Monsters, Techniques and New innovative findings by the research centre.

Most of the news published in the alliance network were censored. Only you can know some info by having contacts of some important people in the society. I removed these thoughts from my mind. I began to organise list. That I will submit to him tomorrow.

The next day, I woke up early.

I meditate for an hour before I left for a bath. After having a bath. I began to wear my dress. I looked myself at in the mirror. I said to myself, " My hair has grown longer. I need a haircut." I combed my hair. After I readied myself.

I had breakfast with my family. I gave my list to Uncle James for final go through. Uncle James asked, " You mentioned that you need access to library." Hearing him. Granny Park also looked at me.

She said, " I don't know why you are wasting good opportunity. Once you join the Academy then its easy to gain library resources; You can replace it with something else."

Hearing her. How can I refute her perfect argument? Granny had a sharp mind. She now wants answers from me. I cannot tell her that I need to find a way to Unlock my 7th region of brain completely. On top if it I also need to level up body to Domain level 15.

I don't know how far level 15 is?Only Iam able to find answer using some clues. Like domain. I need to find what is mean by domain from library.

As I was thinking, "Zack, What happened" said Granny. Hearing that I stopped thinking and said, "I lack information about Class 1 Monster. In that blood kill test. I managed to pass because I came across a black spider; If it's some other unknown species. I don't have any idea how the outcome will be."

Looking at her expression. I know she is satisfied with my answer. "Sorry, Granny I can't tell you the real reason," I said to myself. "Then it makes sense. Even we can't tell you in detail about Monsters and their behaviours. It will be best to access the library." Said Granny.

Uncle James handed back the list to me by saying," Then it's also fine by me. Because No one successfully killed the Class 1 Monster in Blood kill test." Then he added," Sooner or later I believe they will conduct the test again."

Hearing that I also affirmed his guessing. Later I left home. Travelled by train to reach the Academy. I directly went to Mr Arthur Emerson's cabin place. I waited for him quietly outside the cabin. Because he is yet to arrive.

Few minutes later I heard footsteps. "Looks like you prepared the list" uttered Mr Arthur Emerson. Seeing that I smiled. Both of us entered the cabin. Then he gone through the list I gave him now.

He said, "Lots of Peak resources mentioned in the list, I guess its for future need." He didn't wait for me to reply. He answered himself. I thanked in my heart.

" You mentioned here that you need access to library. I send you unique code with that you can go to the library block in the Academy. Whenever you want." Then he added " I will take you there myself now. Next time you have to visit by yourself."

We left the cabin. I followed him. It's good that he is showing me way for the first time. We reached underground facility through lift. Unlike the battle arena in the underground. This place is filled with different rooms.

I can see each room is transparent. Because it's library.

There are so many rooms separated due to their respective field. Library and research centre functioning side by side. I can there are several rooms labelled as Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry so on.

Soon we came across large room. Mr Arthur Emerson scanned his credential using his I.D. The room is named simply library. It's is not come under any area of expertise.

I followed his instructions and scanned just like that. There is sophisticated A.I system is monitoring the room. It's divided into two section further. Printed section. Where Books are published and printed in hardcopy.

And another section is V R pod section. Where you can learn virtually by seeing images, videos of that particular subject. Mr Arthur Emerson said, " You can spend time here today. It's up to you manage your schedule between Advance class and the library."

Then he explained me about do's and don't 's here. Basically I am not allowed to use my sci-fi watch. I am not allowed to copy any subject here and take it outside. I should follow procedure while handling old printed books. He left saying that.

After he left. I just walked around the library and looking at different sections. Finally I am at the V R section. There is A.I monitor in front of me. I scanned my details. The V R pod is opened. After I entered. It closes itself automatically.

I wore the V R helmet inside the pod. I'm just going through instructions manual. To see how to operate it. After some understanding. I created virtual account under centre's network. The account is not public one. As long as I left the academy it will be expired.

After creating virtual account. I gone through the content which is available. Soon I saw Monster categories. I also noticed different categories such as plants. I decided to watch Monster first. Then I clicked the Monster section.

Soon I saw a virtual atmosphere around me. There is limitation to this account. I can only watch what is happening before me. I banned from doing other activities. This V.R is designed for academic platform. I can understand why would they put ban.

Finally the show is started. I saw different Class 1 Monsters. Appearing one by one. But each of their descriptions were stopped up to their Class 3 evolution. Soon half a day went just like that. I have to log out my V.R due to hunger.

I sighed. I only watched 10 Class 1 monster descriptions. But it took half a day's time. But there are still 500 something left. I heard from Granny that there were more than 1000 different species of Class 1 Monster. But it had only a description of 500 or so. I don't know what happen to rest of them.

After having some lunch. I entered the library again this time I was in front of published book section. I regretted watching V.R it's better to read the book to get important key points. I started reading different books by different Authors.

I can memorize everything. It's not a problem for me. It's like a photographic memory. My brain's ability made it easy for me. Time passes just like that.

Later it's two hours left for me to leave the library. I had thought that three hours left for me not two. Looks like the facility closes down before the classes got over.

I closed my current book and memorise current book page. I can continue this book tomorrow. Even though there is two hours left. My mood is gone.

After long time I have done such excessive reading. I spent an entire day for this. I looked around going through different field related books.. Patiently waiting for my time to leave.

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