Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 576 Going To The Auction

From MC's perspective:

Dean office,

"Do you need something?" Rebecca asked.

"Dean, can you ask the Laverne family to shift?" I asked.

Rebecca furrowed eyebrows further. Right now, she is starting to get annoyed.

"Zack, I have told you. Someone will investigate that place. So there is no problem for the time being," Rebecca said with a flat voice.

I sighed inwardly. I'm afraid she won't believe me if I speak ill of the supreme elder. 


"I'm not speaking without evidence. The Azure City was not safe anymore. You may hear some changes in the coming days. So, I'm hoping that you will save Laverne's family," I said in a calm tone.

Rebecca's eyes flickered. She couldn't help but recall the Supreme Elder's words. He had warned her not to probe the Azure City anymore. Right now, hearing from Zack. 

She is sure that the Supreme Elder is hiding something. 

"Is it because of your background?" She asked. She knows that it's impossible for Zack to have this information. Because he rarely left the academy. 

It must be someone behind him who shared the information. With her cleverness, she quickly connected the dots. 

The other hand, I nodded at her. I must say she quickly understood. 

"Alright, I'll instruct them to leave," She said in a solemn tone. She can't do anything to the Azure City because of the Supreme Elder. 

But she can help some families to leave. If Zack's words were true, then she doesn't know what is really happening? 

After speaking for a few more minutes, I left the room. Now the problem has been solved. Next, I can practice in monster zones for a couple of days.

The following day,

I left the dormitory and started walking towards the Teleportation Tower. This time I'm not going together with Ernest. I don't want my body strength to be exposed.

Soon, I reached the Teleportation Tower. After arriving at the circular platform. I selected the server for transfer. 

Right after, the circular platform lit up with blue lights and I disappeared from the spot. 

The next second, I found myself standing on the semi-arid place. There aren't many green patches on the ground.

This particular monster zone has different monsters. Maybe I can find new monsters to fight.

Not long after, a ten feet long monster appeared before me. 

[Wild Sharp toothed Cat - Class 5 Monster]

A quick gleam flashes in my eyes. As expected this monster zone has rare monsters living in it. 

The other hand, the monster spotted the enemy. But it didn't leave the place. Rather, it became interested in attack. 

The next moment, the monster started charging against the enemy. The speed was so fast that the cat monster reached the target in a few steps.

At the same time, I raised my fist to punch the monster. When the monster got closer to me. I mobilized the blood energy from the bones.

In a blink of an eye, the blood energy covered my fist. 

Then I successfully landed a blow to the monster's head.


The blood spattered on the ground. The monster's head was disfigured. Seeing that I quickly rushed to the monster to end its life.

After landing a few more punches, the monster lost its final breath. Then I carefully removed the monster core and placed it in my storage ring.

I don't know why? But I feel a sense of urgency. Maybe it's because of the year end conference. Since I knew the hostile forces were going to target me.

It's better to raise my strength further. I aimed to reach the peak of the super elite in body strength before the start of the year end conference.

That will give me an addiction performance. When it comes to lightning elements. It can't be helped. I can only rely on the mountain peak to advance. 

Then I started cutting the monster's body. The Class-5 Monster parts are valuable. It can fetch me a good amount of money.

After placing the parts in the container. I started my search again.

Time went by,

I have killed a few more Class-5 Monsters within a few hours. But not all of them are in the same category. There are still rules to follow.

I can't indefinitely kill the population. So as the time reached the sunset. I decided to leave this place.

After leaving the teleportation tower. I arrived at my room shortly after. I don't know what is going on outside? But I don't care. 

Ever since I heard the news. It's hard to remain calm. 

The next day,

I met Ernest in the dining hall. 

"You have started going to the monster zone again," Ernest jokingly said.

Hearing that I responded with a smile. When we walked into the hall. The environment has changed.

There are a lot more people dining at this time. It's almost going to be 10 A.M

"I heard from Laverne. That they are moving to a different city. And she asked me to thank you," Ernesr said. 

But this time his expression was solemn. He didn't know what happened. But it's not easy for a large family to leave Azure City without the dean's permission.

"Don't worry, as long as she is safe that's fine," I replied. But a huge hanging stone disappeared from my heart.

That was one thing that bothered me. Now it's no more. But I hope that Blevins' family won't be stupid enough to chase and kill them.

After receiving the food, we found a place to sit down.

Ernest saw Zack is not cheerful. So he thought of something that might interest Zack.

"Zack, have you heard of yellow cleansing flowers?" Ernest asked.

"Hmmm," I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

Seeing that Zack has no clue. Ernest started to speak.

"You know a lot of us warriors consume various resources to raise our strength. So its normal for our essence to have impurities"

"I heard that this flower can cleanse our impurities. Making our essence more stronger and pure," Ernest said with a smile.

A hint of surprise flashes in my eyes. But that was all. Because the Yellow flower was not useful to me. I have a majestic totem inside my dantian.

It can do better work than the yellow cleansing flower.

"Does it have other effects?" I asked.

Ernest frowned. Then he seemed to think of something. 

"It doesn't have any other effects other than cleansing. But I heard that together with yellow cleansing flowers there are other products going to be auctioned in Viper City," Ernest said.

Hearing that I paused my movement for a moment. 

"Other products?" I muttered to myself.

"Do you have the list of auction items?" I asked. Maybe I can find something useful.


"If you are interested then we can directly go to the auction house, it's going to be held at 12 P.M."

"We still have time," Ernest added.

Hearing that I felt its worth to try out. Viper City comes under the academy. There aren't many dangers there. 

Even if it's, a quick gleam flashes in my eyes. I heard Carlos' house is there. If there is any emergency, I can call him.

"I want to see the auction," After saying that, I continued to eat the food.

20 minutes later,

We walked out of the dining hall. There are 2 more hours left for the auction. 

"Let's leave right now. We can spend some time in Viper City before the auction," I said.

Then we found a bird monster in the facility. After registering the information. We sat down on the monster bird. 

A few minutes later,

A huge falcon left the academy space. An old man is guiding the monster. On the back of the monster, we sat down silently.

2 hours later,

The falcon enters Viper City. I saw other bird monsters entering the place from different directions. 

Maybe people are coming for the auction.

Shortly after, the bird landed at the monster facility. 

After leaving the facility, we headed to the auction house to buy the tickets. I don't know if there are any facilities available for the students of the Saw Scaled Viper Academy.

While walking, I saw the streets were more crowded than usual. Many cabs are standing in queues waiting for traffic to clear.

Our academy attire attracted a lot of attention. Suddenly, I felt someone peeping on me. The feeling was vague for a moment before it disappeared.

The other hand, the spies of other organizations have recognized Zack's face. It's huge news. So they quickly started to share the news to their higher ups.


Kane Patrick also left the academy with the flame faction members. He is also going for the auction. 

"Yellow Cleansing Flower," He uttered in surprise. He has been practicing the new technique hard. He wants to challenge Zack Lockwood for a duel. 

But before that he didn't expect to hear such good news. After using the treasure, his essence quality will be increased. It will be more powerful.

Kane feels that the auction comes at the right time. Once his essence rises further, he can challenge Zack with confidence.

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