Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 60 - A Mind Fruit Treasure

At Arthur Emerson's Cabin. Both Zack and him having some fruitful conversations.

"So, you need some treasure from the list to train." Asked Mr. Arthur Emerson. He was surprised by Zack's demand. He expected this to happen. But, not this earlier. He knitted his eyebrow. There was some hesitation on his side. Which can be visibly seen on his face.

Zack noticed his trouble and replied, "What is it? Mr. Arthur."

Mr. Arthur Emerson finally decided to tell the reason.

"Currently, we are unable to procure some of your listed plants. It will take time." Admitted Mr. Arthur Emerson.

Hearing that, Zack felt disappointed. But, luckily Mr. Arthur Emerson added something now. Which brought back a bright smile on Zack's face.

Mr. Arthur Emerson said, "We have one plant. Which might please you. Do you want to hear about it?"

I nodded in affirmation. "Hope this one is somewhat helpful" I commented in my heart.

Mr. Arthur began to explain about this plant.

"ISCALLENAL" Early level Trainee Apprentice Mind treasure.

Type – Fruit.

The ISCALLENAL is a rare large plant and can be found in the tropical regions of the special Zones. It blooms in early winter.

It has narrow, heart-shaped leaves, which are usually light red. It also grows small flowers. Which can be Violet, Red, and Silver.

These plants grow alone, but within a decent distance from each other, but it's extremely difficult to control and maintain their growth.

As a defense mechanism, the ISCALLENAL relies mostly on its surroundings to survive. They rely on wind, once polluted, they grow fairly large, delicious fruit.

After some explanation,

"Finally, A Mind related treasure. This is something I needed most." I commented in my heart. But, there is a bit of confusion.

I asked, "So, Which part of it's a treasure. Do I have to consume wholly or Make a mixture with other ingredients?"

Mr. Arthur Emerson replied, "Fruit of this Plant is a treasure. If people knew it had no fruit yet. They won't touch the plant" Then he added "Currently, We got the fruit of this plant. We don't have to access to get entire plant itself "

I'm glad after hearing that. If I have to make it a mixture liquid. Then it's trouble. I can't allocate time to look for it.

Then I asked, "When can I get the fruit?" I want to eat it immediately.

" Come to my cabin after you finished your classes." Replied Mr. Arthur Emerson.

After some time I left the cabin.

" Today is a lucky day" I comforted myself. Then I began to visit the library. Soon, after arriving at the library.

I didn't go towards the VR Pod section. Rather I am looking at A. I monitor Screen. Hoping to find some research books about the human brain. Soon, I came across something. Which piqued my interest.

But, this is not a book but an Advanced Sophisticated Machine used to treat brain ailments.

I am interested in one incredible feature of this machine. It can map the entire brain's activity. And the patient can use the V.R Pod facility to watch it in real-time. They can see their Healing progression from the vision. Whether the injured region is healed or not it is clearly shown on the VR projection of the brain.

If I used this machine to monitor my brain's 7th region activity. I can see my progression. If the more region is being unlocked, it will be followed by more activity in that region. It's the only Modern Solution for me.

As I scrolled down and looked at its cost price. My hope was gone seeing Five billion Credit Points.

I laughed in my heart, "Right now, I'm burning my life to get few grand. How am I going to get Five billion?"

It might be possible in the future. Once I get stronger but not now. I added this machine to my future goal list. You can't expect to stumble across Ancient Artefacts in every adventure.

This Sci-Fi Machine is a realistic solution. Hereafter, I should save more credit points to buy it in the future. After spending few hours in the library. I arrived at the training hall of the Advanced Class.

I looked around the hall and find no one. I wondered what happened. There is no one here including seniors. Maybe they did not come to class today. Class 1 Monster may sound easy but depending upon their environment. They can do more harm to us.

I shook my head from these thoughts and found an empty personal training room to train. At first, I want to enter inside the gravity chamber. But, now I remember. How I am still lagging in the training of Lightning Sword attack.

There are still two more moves left in the Sword attack. I do not consider myself an expert at first move. But I can exhibit some fluidity in sword moves. I believe that it's enough for me to learn the next sword attack.

The room's door closed itself after I entered inside.

I calmed my mind and focused on Sword Attack Rune. The Triad Rune (Lightning Scripture Rune, Reckoning Circle Rune, Divide Sword Attack Rune- Together form Triangle Pattern Rune ∆)

As usual, the Sword Attack Rune shined. And the row of information started to flood my mind.


It's the second move. To do it. I have to channel all the lightning energy in my body through the veins and project it outside via my palms.

To make it simple to understand.

•Dantian act as a container.

•Totem does attraction, filter, and Purification of Lightning energy.

•Veins does channeling of energy.

•Both Palms act as the source's destination.

The Black Sword will observe Lightning energy from my Palm. Later, I can discharge this energy from Sword to kill an enemy.

Though I can project my lightning energy from every part of my body. This technique is man-made. Looks they have done a lot of research about it.

After simplifying the information. I began to follow the steps. At first, I put down a meditation mat on the ground. I sat down and began to concentrate on dantian.

It's not the first time I have done something like this. Usually, While Cultivating Lightning Energy using Lightning Scriptures. It's normal to train using veins. It would be an effortless process. I only have to focus a little. The Lightning Scripture did most of the job. Like Automation.

But, this time I'm not using scripture. I have to concentrate a little more. While looking at the rune in my consciousness. Except, Sword Rune rest of them did not beat. Seeing them there is only one thing that appeared in my mind.


Even Uncle James refused to tell me. It doesn't mean that I have no other way. From library this morning. I found out some interesting stuff.

I read some clues regarding synchronization saying that if warrior achieved PERFECTION. The Combination of Perfection moves from different runes formed in the consciousness will trigger synchronize effect.

To make it simple. I have to achieve Perfection level at every stage. If I achieve perfection level from Reckoning Circle and Sword Attack. It will trigger Synchronization. But it didn't mention what it mean by that. So, I don't know. I have to do it myself to find answers.

It is hard for warriors to achieve perfection. The Synchronization state is so rare that people don't even mention it. No wonder that day I saw a struggling look on Uncle James's face.

I have yet to reach something like that. My Reckoning Circle is somewhat okay. I won't say it's a super attack. It is still clumsy. It's not perfect yet but somehow I can manage to kill monsters with it.

A Perfect Lightning Circle got strong, thick, and stable shape powered with enough lightning energy.

After my recent breakthrough at Mid-level. My Lightning circle got thicker. But, a Breakthrough is a loophole. I have to reach the perfection stage without having a breakthrough. Which needs Hell Training.

I made a small commitment to myself to strive for perfection stage. But this whole Assassin situation made me go for a fast breakthrough.

Soon, I removed these thoughts and focused on training. I got enough lightning reserve in my dantian. So, I started to channel energy through my veins and take it towards my palms.

Sometimes later,

It's s hard to do it, without the help of lightning Scripture. But I made little progress. Now, both my palms had a small Violet lightning Sphere. I can't maintain this form too long. It started to crumble.

I sighed seeing that, "I don't know how much energy is needed to charge the Sword?" I commented in my heart.

For now, I decide to focus on my control ability now. I planned to maintain the lightning sphere form longer.

Training went on and the time passes slowly. Soon, it's the time of evening.

I was drenched in sweat. I couldn't maintain the form for more than two minutes. In-between I used the black sword to test it. But it didn't even react. It needed stable energy transmission from my palms to the sword.

For that, I need good control over it. I got up and went to the washroom to fresh up. It's time to collect Mind fruit. I exited the Training floor to Mr. Arthur's Cabin. Fortunately, He did not leave. As I gave knock on the door.

Mr. Arthur let me enter inside. I saw a black case with beautiful golden lines over it. It was placed on the table.

Mr. Arthur gave me a gesture to open it. I didn't decline it. I opened the case to find a small blue color fruit in it. The fruit smell made me intoxicating. I felt an immediate bliss.. Soon, I close that case experiencing that feeling.

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