Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 65 - Tempting Offer

"Thank you for this technique," I told Mr. Arthur Emerson. After collecting this technique into my storage ring. This storage ring is the low-end storage type. I bought yesterday using unique I.D of Thomas Trade Centre.

It is quite convenient to use. My identity storage ring currently invisible to other's eyes. Though it's always on my ring finger. It only appears, when I seep my conscious into it.

We talked about few things, I stressed him to procure more materials in the given list as soon as possible.

Sometime later, I left the cabin..

I am going to visit library. I need to gather more knowledge about techniques and human physic, to unfold mysteries that I'm facing.

"Huh" I sighed internally thinking that.

After entering the library. I browsed through several categories on A.I monitor screen. I found one particular book about human blood.

I found that, book on a particular rack and started to read the book.

Few minutes gone by but, still I couldn't find anything. This book mostly talks about blood disease or disorder. Which is not I'm looking for. So, I closed that book.

It is a noon time and It's time for some physical training. My plan to get used to level 2 room.

Some hours later inside the gravity chamber.

"If I can sustain like this, I believe in two weeks, I can enter level 3 gravity room," I commented in my heart.

I cleaned my sweating face and continued the training . Suddenly my sci-fi buzzed, I looked at the message. It was from my senior Max Stuart. He was waiting outside.

I turned off the timer. The gravity turned normal. I thought, Normally, People won't disturb you. While you are at training. " I hope he must have reason" I commented in my heart.

I opened the door and found him waiting in front of the door.

"Max, is that any problem?" I asked him. Hearing that Max showed some apologetic smile.

"No, I just want to talk to you" he replied. Then he started to explain me. He wants to invite me to a party. But, I declined it. Seeing the situation I'm in, It's unwarranted to participate in social gathering.

He wanted to talk about it yesterday itself. But, he couldn't find me here. Without having no choice. He called me in middle of training.

"Sorry, Max. I decided to focus on my training. Social gathering were not cup of my tea. Hope you understand." I told him straightforward manner.

In that way, he won't feel being insulted. Its true that, Some people were loners and some like to increase their social connectivity. He too seems to understand that, but he still offer me something else which I couldn't decline.

"Its fine, if you don't like party atmosphere then what about auctions. Would you accompany me?" Max Stewart revealed.

My interest got piqued hearing the word auction. Seeing surprised look on my face. Max Stuart smirked a little. He thought I didn't notice his small movements. But, I observed every detail.

"Damn, fatty" I cursed him in my heart. But, I had a doubt in my heart, what's the catch here. Why he needs my company?

"Why me, Is there no else, What happened to Steven and others?" I asked him in a questioning tone.

Hearing that Max wasn't surprised. He expected the answer.

"Because, I need you to bid behalf of me, See, there is lot of people know me. If they see me bidding, they will purposely rise the bid to cause trouble." Told Max Stewart.

My lips curved a little knowing that, I wanted to decline. But, before that I asked, "by the way, Where the auction takes place?"

"Thomas Trade Centre" replied Max Stewart. He added, " It was held once a six month. It usually held at 7th floor of Thomas Trade Centre."

Many influential people will gather there. From young warriors to traders, several financial and influential people will be going there. They don't miss a chance to see the auction items.

Upon hearing Thomas Trade Centre. My inner thoughts ran like crazy. I want to find out the reason for my blood reaction. What better place could be than Thomas Trade Centre.

But, looks like I have to pay some price for that, this fatty don't know what sort of enemies made. I don't want to jump in new trap by guarding this fatty.

There is already enough trouble on my plate. So, it's better to decline. I can slowly solve the mystery of blood element later.

"Sorry to disappoint you, I have some other work to do." I declined him politely. Risks we're quite larger. It's not wise to bid behalf of him.

I left the place without looking back. But, Suddenly.

"I have something that, might interest you. You don't need to do bidding for free." Max Stewart Persuaded.

I stopped my movements but didn't turn back to see him. There some hesitation starts to appear inside me. My inner thoughts wanted me to know about it.

Max Stewart added, "Today night, I will send the details to you; Then it's up to you decide."

He left the place after that, but I did not move further.

I am contemplating about the situation. Seeing that fatty is going too far to persuade me. There is certainly something fishy about it.

Let's see, What kind of details is he going to send me. I lack hardly anything except time. Lots of my financial trouble will also be sorted out, once I join the Academy. In mean time, I have to be patient.

I decided to visit library again. This fatty spoiled my mood to train. Even if I don't cause trouble. The trouble will always find it's way to me. I laughed internally thinking that.

On the way, to library. My inner thoughts were moving around 7th floor of Thomas Trade Centre. Last time I visited the 5th floor. I have vague feeling that, there is something above 5th floor. There I could find some answers for burning question in the heart.

Because, on the fifth floor I didn't come across any sort of display of monsters. It's purely transactions. Either people trading something or selling their items. It's a money involving place.

Things like treasure and monsters. I believe, only by having special access you can see them. If his deal is not good enough. I might ask him to buy something good from that auction.

Soon, I entered the library and started to read book about physiology of humans. I want to know about my own body. For that I need basic knowledge of human structure.

There's a white energies which causes to appear marking of red line on my skeletal bones.

"What are those Red lines " I commented in my heart. But, I can feel my aura and bone density started to change. It's getting strengthened, every time white energies drilled into my bones.

So, I want to study about the bones and their chemical composition.

I touched my pendant on my neck. It was gifted by Granny to hide my cultivation level. It's also one of the reason, people can't speculate about my cultivation. Otherwise, it's impossible to miss from eyes of Mr. Arthur Emerson.

Time went by, I closed the book. And stretched my arms a little, while yawning.

It's time to go home. I exited the library. On the way I came across, Maria Frazier and Candace Wilkerson. Seeing me, they stopped their conversation. I walked towards them and joined the conversation.

I massaged my temple," There nothing but gossiping going on here" I commented in my heart. " These girls'¦" I sighed thinking that, they already got information about our senior assignments. Like, The Class 1 Monster type and their location.

I didn't even ask fatty about it. It might consider as invading privacy. So, I avoided it.

"Zack, Are you hurt? While hunting that Spider Pseudo Monster." Asked Candace Wilkerson.

Hearing that, I looked at Maria Frazier immediately. But, she acted like she didn't hear anything. She must have told her. To not cause any doubts. I told Maria that, I got injured while killing that spider.

Who would have thought, she can't keep her secrets?. I massaged my temple and said, "Yeah, It's hard to kill in it's cave environmental. It's not like blood kill test. Where you battle with it in the open arena; You have to adapt to their environments out there."

Hearing my convincing arguments and seeing serious look on my face. Both of them got convinced. They knew I'm awakened. It's impossible to pass book kill test without it.

But, no body knows my current level.

Even with Uncle James and Granny, they knew only about my lightning breakthrough. I hid information about blood element and physical breakthrough.

"You are right Zack, Even conditions can cause trouble to kill pseudo Monster." Maria seconded my argument.

Candace also nodded. We talked about few minutes. Later, I said, " Okay, Bye girls. See you tomorrow."

I left the training facility. And started to go home.

Some hours later, at home.

I was sleeping in my couch. Taking power nap a little. I started to go through the information in my mind that, I read from the library.

This will all be unnecessary. if I get some memory power from unlocking 100% of 7th. Region of brain.

I started to imagine myself scanning all the books in the library. I shook my head thinking that, I'm dreaming some impossible stuffs.Â


My scifi watch buzzed.Â

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