Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 119

The day of the hunt for wolf den's boss came. We met as usual, at the city center. After short preparations we departed, heading straight to the spot.

We had to cut our way through the forest as always, and then also cleared the caverns. This process, combined with collecting the crystals took us several hours.

Finally, we arrived at the silver door, leading to the boss room. We took a moment for a break there. Filled our stomachs, and quenched our thirst.

- This is gonna be bad - said Will.

- Probably. You don't have to go. I can go alone.

- There is no way I'm letting you do this. We are going in together, or not at all. But... I need a moment to find the courage.

I smiled at him slightly.

- There is no courage to be found. Just clench your buttcheeks and go. That's what I always do.

- And what after that?

- You just go with the flow. It's not that hard you know? Just do your best not to die, that's all.

- Great advice. I feel much better - he said with clear irony.

- I'm just an idiot, so do not expect any great philosophical stuff from me. Not too long ago I was so damn scared I was hiding from people. I still am, to be honest. The only thing that changed is I'm fighting with the fear now. If I see it, I just charge.

- That's how people die.

- Yeah. I know. I'm not a moron. I pick my fights obviously, but if I have a chance to win, then I try. Or if the situation forces me. The more you think about it, the more reasons you will find to not do it. So just doing it is better, if you really want to do it, because otherwise, you might persuade yourself out of it.

He nodded, clearly understanding what I meant.

- Let's just sit a few more minutes and then go - I proposed.

- Ok.

After a solid moment, we got up, leaving our carts behind, and slowly pushed the door open to reveal an oval chamber filled with moonlight coming inside from the ceiling. There was nothing there that was shining. It looked like rays of light came straight through the rock.

Bones covered the floor close to the walls, leaving the center clear. There, in the middle, was a throne with a small silver-haired wolf sleeping on it. The animal looked cute, as we were slowly going inside paying attention to our surroundings, looking for potential danger.

There was nothing inside, but the lonely dog. Eventually, it woke up and looked at us with no fear. Rather curiosity was reflecting in its black eyes. It slowly changed position, to a sitting one.

- Is that it? - Will asked.

His knuckles were white because of the hard grip on the sword's handle.

- How the heck would I know?

Wolf moved. Jumping on the floor, and after few slow steps, something in its physicality changed. It started growing and growing. Eventually boned started to snap, changing the skeletal structure. Fangs became longer and sharper. All of a sudden we had not a dog in front of us, but a fucking werewolf.

- Fuck me - mumbled Will.

- I'll consider it if we get out alive - I answered.

He looked at me and shook his head. That was a big enough opening for the boss to leap straight at him. I wanted to yell something, to warn him, but my voice didn't come out. Will's reflexes proved to be amazing, as he managed to block the werewolf's from biting his head off with the sword. The fangs however were a bit too much, and he was sent flying with one powerful swipe of the boss giant hand.

That thing was huge. Probably a bit less than three meters.

As Will was landing awkwardly on his legs, I charged in to make the werewolf bussy. I reinforced myself and the pudao with ki as strongly as I could. In this fight, I had to use everything I could. It was obvious. So halfway I activated the shadow walk, and jumped through the void to appear straight behind him, in midswing.

The blade cut the body like butter, sending blood into the air. The creature howled in pain, and with animalistic speed turned to slash me with its fangs, but I disappeared using the shadow step. Appearing slightly further to the side. My stomach twisted uncomfortably. I couldn't kick out the presence of the void from my head.

This strange, irrational fear of something that wasn't even there. Even though, It was enough to numb my movements. Werewolf made the distance in one leap swinging hard with his claws. Only another jump through the shadows could save me, so I did it. Ending up closer to William.

He already healed himself and was charging at the beast. I joined, and all three of us clashed. We got his both legs, simultaneously avoiding hits. Then I yet again used shadow walk, to appear behind him, and swung.

Then I noticed that wound left by me previously, was almost gone. Only the bloodied fur remained. Still, there was no other choice but to slash, even if he was going to heal the wound almost immediately. I got him again, landed on the floor, and rolled out of the way, to dodge an incoming attack.

Then I jumped straight on my feet, to charge back since Will alone had trouble avoiding all of the werewolf's fury. The battle soon turned into an awkward fight of attrition. He couldn't hit us, and wounds inflicted by us were healing up almost immediately.

I have no idea how long it went on, but definitely very long. The floor became slippery because of all the blood covering it. The bloody sweet was going into our eyes, burning, almost blinding us, but the Werewolf was also getting slower. Not by much, but still.

- We need to trip it! - I yelled at some point because an idea appeared in my head.

- On it!

- Just push him as hard as you can!

After shouting, I gained some distance. Will charged to just ram the werewolf with his shoulder. Then I put a barrier behind the legs of the beast. It fell losing its balance. Just as Will, who slipped on the blood trying to gain some distance after his efforts paid off.

I jumped thru the void for the last time, appeared in the midair above the head of the werewolf. With all my might I brought the pudao down. Boss tried to block with his hands, but the reinforced blade cut thru the arm and imbodied itself in his neck.

I ripped my weapon out and just started bringing it down, again and again. Will jumped on the beast's chest to block the arms. Finally, the head rolled slightly off, to the side. The body almost immediately turned into black smoke, leaving only the crystal behind. We won.

- That was... exhausting - said will, sitting in the blood on the ground with his face hidden in his hands.

- Yeah - I allowed myself to just collapse slowly on the ground.

I wanted to puke. Not because of the fight itself, but because of all the jumping thru the void. Its presence was making my body shiver. I tried to push it out of my head, ignore it, but it just didn't work. Eventually, I rolled to the side and just puked.

That's how the first victorious werewolf hunt ended.

After picking ourselves up, we slowly made our way back, reaching the city sometime after the sunset.

We brought back 687 wolf crystal, and the boss one. After splitting everything I got 88 500 points, because of the boss stone that was worth 2,5k.

Then I started browsing thru the classes, searching if something new appeared. It indeed did. A werewolf class. It was 10 points, but I actually was a bit afraid of picking it, not that I had enough points anyway. With all the pop culture stories I had my worries about the possibility of losing control during the full moon and going rampage.

The Wills's ability to summon the holy sword was a bit tempting. It made me think a bit more about the class combinations, so I browsed through those. I saw a few tempting options like enhancer, which was a combination of Barrier maker and Monk classes. There was also Enlightened blade, a mix of Monk and Fighter. It seemed interesting, but then I saw a third possibility, and I was sold. Shadow soldier. Effect of combining Shadow walker with Fighter class.

This could be the key to walking through the void without issues or a very terrible decision. Even though, I was sold, because it was the combination of an unlocked class with 10 points and a regular one. It just had to be good.

In the end, I picked summoner for the one point I earned. You might ask why. Well... Because I wanted to summon stuff like horses or swords like Will did. It gave me few skills: 'Summoning', 'Mana', 'Binding circle', 'Contract'.

I just put a 1k points in every single one of them and decided to figure out how it works tomorrow since I was deadly tired.

The day came to an end with 350 981 points remaining on my account.

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