Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 124

I had a dream that day. A different one to the previous burning city, but still strange enough to grab my attention. It started with an acorn that got buried underground by somebody. Pretty quick it started to grow, sprout out a nice green stalk with a single tiny leaf. But that was not the end. It kept growing and growing, quickly becoming a small tree. Then a bigger one, and bigger, and bigger... Eventually, I was watching this gargantuan oak, reaching the sky with its branches. That was all. Strange, wasn't it?

I met with Will by the device. We were one of the first people there, so there was not too much waiting in line to use the device. I started my usual morning shopping by upgrading the 'Shadow fusion' skill to third level, and the 'Void manipulation' to fourth. The total cost was 1 200 000 points. Quite a lot, but by that, I should have the ability to make a sturdy enough weapon, to use instead of the bought one - that was my line of thinking.

Still, the normal pudao infused with ki was probably more durable than this created thing, but I could easily make a new one on a whim, plus it was super sharp. I felt like I could easily cut that werewolf to pieces using it.

I bought the usual provisions, and equipment, just as Will, and we headed out.

- I want to fight the boss alone today - I said after few minutes of walking.

- Are you really that confident? - there was a note of concern in his voice.

- Kinda. I believe I can do it now, but if not, then just step in, and help me.

He laughed.

- So you are not confident at all.

- Semantics.

- Ok. Let's try it then. It should at least be a bit easier now, shouldn't it?

- Definitely.

,m - Ok, so you have at least a bit of confidence then.

We kept talking about the chances of me defeating the werewolf alone, but not for long since the conversation kinda drifted away to other topics.

After few hours of walk and talk, we reached the wolves' territory, and the hunt properly started. Making it to the cave was easy, pushing further a bit harder, especially when the black species with red markings came out. But we dealt with them, just as with the final two giant guardians.

Pudao created out of the void essence proved to be very useful, although I had to remake it a few times because it kept breaking. It was mainly my fault. I got used to the normal one, enhanced by the ki. I didn't have to worry if I hit the rock with it, because it would easily withstand such hits.

The void ones couldn't. They were sturdier than regular ones, but still not even close to the one reinforced with ki, I've been using. They were definitely sharper though. I didn't even have to try hard to cut a whole wolf in half.

There was non or very little friction to the surface of the blade, so it was going through flesh and bone effortlessly. Or at least that was what I thought was going on. I didn't know much about the void back then, and even less about the void essence.

After killing everything we could, we set up the usual camp in front of the door and rested for a while. Shorter than usually because we also were less tired, but not much though. My effectiveness in the fight could be better if I would use the other new skill, but I wanted to keep it for the boss.

It all consumed the void essence, but I had no idea how much. There was not really enough time to test it the previous day, and doing it during the fight could lead to wasting all the essence. Since I wanted the skill during the crucial battle, I restrained myself, leaving such tests to the future.

- Are you ready? - Will asked probably around fifteen minutes into our little siesta.

- I guess... There is no need to push it any further. We should get this over with.

We got up and went through the door. He moved to the side, to keep his distance, and I headed straight towards the boss.

Wolf quickly transformed to his hulking form. I activated the Shadow fusion skill and we stared down each other before the beast leaped thru the air in one swift move, landing right in front of me. I used shadow walk to dodge, and position myself behind my opponent, in midswing.

Blade cut its back with ease, and blood sprayed all over me. Before it managed to retail at me with its claw, I moved out of the way again, this time aiming at its legs, to disturb the weight balance. Edge went thru the flesh, but not the bone, and turned to smoke.

I jumped thru the void, to gain some distance, and created a new weapon. The fight continued, but I was clearly in the driver's seat. Boss couldn't do anything with me positioning so freely on the battlefield. Sadly, the damage I dealt, was almost useless, because the beast healed it almost immediately.

Wounds were closing rapidly, leaving only the trial of blood on the fur. Even though, I saw an option. I just had to keep coming, cutting its flesh, and avoid the bones.

I enhanced my body with all the ki I had and attacked again. Repositioning myself to get a clear shot, then moving out of the way, avoiding claws, and striking from a different angle.

I quickly gained momentum and was getting faster and faster. Changing direction, and just flooding the werewolf with a barrage of slashes. Blood painted the beast red.

It was enraged and just wailed around trying to get me, but I was just too careful and avoided its arms, kipping the speed up, and inflicting constant damage.

At one point opportunity showed up for a clean strike at the boss neck. I went for it, swinging with all my might. Blade cut through the flesh but broke on the spine. I repositioned again, creating a new weapon quickly, and aiming for the legs, to keep the beast's arms closer to the ground, away from the neck, so I could keep striking at it.

It didn't work as well as I wanted, but eventually, I managed to cut the werewolf's head, and end the fight. During the last moment, after delivering the final blow, I slipped on the blood-covered ground, and cut my own forearm with the created pudao's edge.

- Fuck - I hissed, and quickly dumped several heals to close the wound.

- Holy shit! - Will yelled. - That was amazing!

I collected myself from the ground. My body hurt a lot, and my muscles felt exhausted. I didn't feel this tired for quite a while now.

- Yeah. Next time though, we fight together. It's too much to do alone.

He laughed.

- Sure.

I picked the crystal and slowly walked out of the chamber to throw it on the cart.

- We should start making our move - said Will. - I think you have a decent shot at Blue with what you just showed. There is a big chance he won't see it coming, and before anybody notices, you will be already out.

- Yeah, there is definitely a chance, but let's just prepare a bit more. We also need an opportunity to do it.

- You should ask Nadia to figure out Blue's whereabouts.

- I guess...

I was confused at that point by my feelings, and couldn't dig into them deep enough to figure out that I was actually afraid of the consequences that could result from me killing Blue. Up to this point, I only killed people with whom I had a violent conflict. He was different. He actually never targeted me personally. I hated the guy, but still.

The lack of this momentum, when we both would find ourselves in clear conflict with each other was making it hard for me to take his life. I was not so cold-blooded after all.

We slowly returned to the city talking a lot about how to deal with Blue. Will had several ideas, like for example using poison on the blade, to increase chances. The whole conversation was making me feel uneasy, so it was mainly him talking.

WE reached the city center around evening. It was pretty crowded around the device, and we had to wait in line to sell our score. My share was 442 crystals. I sold them and immediately put the 100 000 points into the Void essence skill, reaching its maximum at 200 hundred upgrades.

Then I bought some food and headed back home, munching slowly on the dried meat and bread. Thinking about how I really felt about this whole assassination. I found pretty quickly that I was not really ok with it, but logic told me clearly it had to be done. So I made up my mind and called it a day.

The day came to an end with 349 631 points remaining on my account and a single class point.

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