Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 128

The discussion was long. Multiple people had different propositions, but eventually, everybody agreed to rotate thru hunting grounds, and also rotate in designated groups thru the bosses. Those strong enough would rotate through the rat boss, and everybody else would go for the goblin.

The werewolf was a separate issue and Blue got him at least for the whole month just for himself. Although he had to resign completely from outside of wolf territory, and just limit himself to the cave. Not only that, but they wanted him to also pay a tax to other groups. Ten percent of all the gathered crystals.

He and Williams were arguing a lot about it, but Hatta, Boris, Nobuo, and even Aisha were pretty adamant about this. Eventually, he agreed. Only because he pas promised a renegotiation of the deal after a month.

Wuxia was left with one day of rat territory exploitation. Bushido and Bratstvo ended with one day each of goblin cave. Outside of goblin territory was supposed to remain open to those who were not part of any bigger groups.

All of this was supposed to change after a month. We were promised a re-evaluation of our situation. The goal was to make every major group equal in strength.

I kept my silence during the whole talking process, leaving it all to the leaders of each group. I don't know if they considered me part of Wuxia, or not. Clearly, Aisha had some plans for my person, because she kept peaking at me through the whole conversation, but she didn't say a thing. Even if she did, I wouldn't listen anyway. I was going to head to the canyon, or even find myself a completely new hunting ground if I had to.

I was not going to settle for some stupid rotation or cut my crystals income in the face of her betrayal, and Blue having half of Wuxia under his command, plus a good spot just for him and his men.

It took several hours, but the conversation came to an end, and people started leaving.

- I want to talk with you Peter - she said. - Come upstairs to my office.

- How about in the five of us have a talk down here in the meantime? - Blue proposed while facing Hatta and Amit who were sitting next to him.

After, he looked at Nobuo, Boris, and at the end also at Will. Williams without a word stood up then left with many other people.

I followed Aisha upstairs, while they started their talks.

- What do you want to talk about? - Asked Hatta.

- Peter seems a bit stubborn about this, but I believe you won't. This whole situation is a bit of a misunderstanding. I didn't want this, but you kinda forced the move while cutting people off the hunting grounds. We had a deal, did you forget? - Blue explained.

I was at this point climbing the stairs in silence, with Aisa a few steps ahead of me. Up, on the mezzanine, leaning on the balustrade was Nadia. She immediately moved, came a bit closer, passing by Aisha who seemed to ignore her.

- Can we talk later? - she asked, clearly nervous, scratching her own fingernails as she was speaking.

At that moment I was done with her, and any excuses she could possibly give me, but even though I nodded. This situation needed some closure.

I kept following Aisha to her office. She sat on her own desk while facing me.

- I want to make few things clear - she started. - I only sided with Blue to create the situation we have right now. After this, I'm done with him until you do something stupid. I also know that Nadia told you everything. I don't know how you managed to turn her to your side, but congratulations. Maybe I misjudged her from the beginning.

Her words were bitter like she was angry. I couldn't really understand why, since in the end, she got what she wanted. I on the other hand was at first a bit surprised by her words about Nadia, but then I started thinking that maybe it's just a coverup.

​ - We managed to create something good here, Peter. Finally, we have a balance of power in the city. Don't ruin this. Let it grow. You might see it in a different light now, but that's just your anger and ego speaking.

I wanted to just laugh at her. She was being delusional, but I knew that such a reaction won't help at all. I still wanted her to be on my side, the good side, but she created her own one, and now tried to pull me over.

If I didn't hate Blue so much, then maybe I would even consider it. I was tired of all the secrets, and scheming behind others. I just wanted to leave a normal life. Like during that month when all of those people left to visit Uhm's. I was happy back then.

- Have a nice day, Aisha - I said instead and left.

Outside Nadia was waiting, leaning on the door to her own room, and biting her fingernails, clearly nervous. She straightened up after seeing me. Then she opened the door and went inside. I followed.

- I don't know what she told you, and I don't know what you thought about me after this morning, but please, let me explain...

I closed the door behind me. On the floor, next to her desk Tam had his little playpen, surrounded by a small wooden fence. It looked like taken from a dollhouse. He got excited upon seeing me and started tweeting happily. I ignored him.

- Go ahead, but I doubt it will change anything.

- S-so Blue came here yesterday at night. He went straight to Aisha's office and they talked. I couldn't get in because of Zoë, so I didn't know what they talked about, but I knew that I should warn you, so I tried to get outside, but Alice stopped me. She said it's too dangerous after that man tried to kill you, a-and she just can't let me go. We argued and it blew up out of proportion. Aisha was informed...

She took a few deep breaths. I noticed how nervous she was. Her hands were shaking.

- ...and then she started digging and digging. She found out I was helping you, Peter. She knows. She told you already, didn't she?

I slowly nodded. Her story was believable to me, and it all could be just a series of unfortunate events, but with the shit that went down that day, I was simply done. Done with everything.

- I'm tired, Nadia. I'm tired of having to figure out who is lying to me, and who is telling the truth. I tired of games, and of the stupid people that this city is full of. What we had was amazing for me at the beginning. For the first damn time, I was happy, but it ends today. I don't regret meeting you, and I don't regret every single moment I spend with you, even if it was all fake. Now, we are done.

Tears slowly came out of her eyes, and slid down the cheks, to fall from the edge of her chin, and vanish in her blouse. She didn't say a word. She didn't even make a single noise.

- I want people who I can trust around me - I continued. - People I can depend on. Bye, Nadia. It was a short but amazing part of my life. I wish you well. Keep the bird.

I looked at Tam. He was listening in silence, like frozen in time. I got this feeling that he understands exactly what is happening right now. He didn't protest, though but just accepted my decision.

I left after that and slowly made my way downstairs. My city just burned, but it was not the end. I was gonna rebuild it despite Aisha and Blue. I knew it. I knew they can't stop me even if they try their best.

There won't be a war, because they will lose before they can wage one upon us. Maybe they won this battle, but we were for sure return stronger. Like never before. I was gonna make it happen or die trying. I had my resolve already build. I just needed to start working again. Grinding like never before.

I finally reached the floor, and what I saw was nothing strange. It was just us, Blue and Zoë behind the bar, clearly eavesdropping. They were all watching me in silence clearly wanting me to join their conversation. The situation was obviously tense. You didn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to see it with a single glance on the faces of everybody gathered there. Everybody, except Blue. He was calm.

The first thought was to just shadow walk to him, and kill him before he can even think of reacting, but the situation after would probably be even worse than now.. Instead, I came closer, slowly pulled the chair, and took a free spot behind the table.

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