Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 135

The initial attack was good enough to take down a dozen, then I repositioned, gaining a bit of distance between me and orcs with Shadow walk. Some arrows were released towards me, but I didn't have to pay any attention to them, since way before those hit the ground, I was already in the middle of cutting down the next bunch of enemies.

I made some distance again to check how it looks from the distance. Without being surrounded I was doing a really great job. This was a chance I couldn't waste. I reinforced my body with Ki and charged again. As long as I made sure to not allow any of them to attack me from behind, I could keep fighting with ease.

More or less the same amount of time passes, as in the first phase, but this time I was actually doing great. I didn't have to retreat at all, and more than twice the amount I killed last time, was already dead.

There was still plenty to kill, but we actually were doing fine. At least on my part. All I could do for my comrades was to keep fighting anyway, so there was no need to worry about them since I was doing what I was supposed to.

The only bad news was that my reserves of Void essence were going down, and reached more or less half of the original amount. I could feel it.

I launched few more attacks and retreated up the canyon wall. Mainly to check how the rest was doing. They started to retreat as soon as they saw me. Their situation was not as good as mine, but they kept holding on, although struggling.

More than half of the orcs were already cut down, which was promising us a success. All we needed was to keep pushing, and pushing. So I jumped down again with new confidence.

,m The initial attack was great, and several more died. At this point, their morale should be dead, and the lines should collapse giving us a victory, but they kept fighting as they did at the very beginning. We couldn't break their fighting spirit - if they had one.

There was no other way but to keep pushing. I doubled my efforts giving absolute all, and a minute or two later, I could finally catch a glimpse of the barricade between the ranks of the orcs. Soon after they broke our defense line and poured through the opening.

I had to follow and help the rest before they got surrounded. I used shadow walk several times to make it there, coting down as many as I could along the way. The view that I saw upon arrival was good though.

Nobuo like a rock splitting the current of a river was moving in one place. His sword was singing, and dancing circles as he kept cutting down enemies with one hand on his saya, and the other firmly golding the blade.

Will alongside him, with less grace, but way more power, wreaked havoc giving the others a lot of space. Boris did his best to remain in the choke point, limiting those who could pass through. He was the only one who didn't back down from the initial defense line. The rest was pushed back.

Hailwic, Martin, Sanders, and Midnight fought on one side. Supporting each other. They were doing fine as long as they stayed together. On the other side, Ryuu and  Hideaki showcased their incredible teamwork. While Miyajima would focus on defense, blocking even several opponents, Otis would flank great speed, and deliver deadly blows. They moved almost like one body, incredibly synchronized. One would make an opening, the other would immediately use it to finish greenskin off.

As soon as I rejoined the battle I cleared up those who slipped through the sides abusing the power of my Shadow walk, then joined William and Nobuo. Together we pushed the line closer to Boris, and eventually, the fight ended.

There were plenty of injuries on our side, but nothing a few heals couldn't deal with. Tired, we laughed together happy with the success we achieved. It was a great victory.

- I can't believe we did this - said Martin after a moment to catch his breath, smiling from ear to ear. - A whole horde of orcs! It was incredible!

He was in the worst shape compared to others. Almost out of gas by the end of the battle.

- Yeah, insane! Damn it, A can wait to tell everybody back at the city! - said Nil.

- We can fish for ladies with this story - Midnight joined the conversation with a smirk on his face.

- By the way, you two are amazing - Martin continued looking at Hideaki and Ryuu. - You dealt with as many as the four of us. Wow.

The duo didn't say anything to that, just fist-bumped each other.

- You really train well your soldiers - Boris complemented Nobuo. - I guess we should implement some training regimen at Bratstvo.

- Don't worry boss, we will improve - answered Sanders. - I can teach our guys how to box, and raise their stamina and strength. We shouldn't just rely on that levitating ball.

Adachi noded content with such words, Boris only smiled slightly.

- Good idea. We will work on it - he said.

- Ok guys, enough of slacking off. We have crystals to pick - said Will.

After his words, I moved to grab my cart and started collecting. The others followed soon after. It was a long process full of chatting and laughing.

To be honest, I didn't expect it to work this well. With few more upgrades, we could really dominate this place. Gain a steady income of a lot of crystals, and that was just the beginning because in the camp was a cave, leading underground, probably to the boss.

By the end of the day, we collected 444 crystals from the battle. With the rest, it gave us a pretty nice amount of 1 278 stones so far. Great income if you ask me.

The fourth day came to an end with 618 181 points remaining on my account, five class points, and 1278 orc crystals to share.

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