Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 137

After early morning breakfast, I went to the device, mainly because the clothes provided by Hatta didn't really suit my taste. I preferred black cargo pants and a black hoodie over the gray sweatpants, and green t-shirt I got.

It was a strange day since only a few hunters were hanging around, preparing to go out. I noticed few groups of newcomers, but nobody that belonged to any of the larger groups. At least nobody I knew.

I bought the clothes and did a bit of an investment putting a million points in the Shadow fusion skill, upgrading it to the fourth level. It proved to be very useful during a fight giving me a huge boost to strength, endurance, and speed. Overall the fights in the canyon made me really appreciate the shadow soldier class. I wanted to upgrade it as much as I possibly could.

I also wanted to buy that freaking manual, but with the income of points I had right now, there were no chances for that. I needed a new spot to hunt alone.

I went to change in the room Hatta assigned me, but before I managed to put all the clothes on, somebody knocked on my door.

- It's me. May I come in? - I recognized Hatta's voice.

- Sure.

- It's time to go, Peter.

- Ok.

I put the hoodie on and followed him. We grabbed Amit on the way, then we headed to Velvet Lotus, just to find out that everybody else was already waiting.

I caught a glimpse of Blue smiling from behind the table. Waiting for us to sit down. As soon as we did, he stood up.

- As we are finally here altogether I would like to announce a few things. I would like to start with formally creating a council of the city. Every leader and some additional people gathered here will have a single vote. And we will from now on creative projects, and either implement them or discard them according to the results of the previously mentioned voting. In this way, everybody here has a voice that will be listened to.

Most of the people started nodding, agreeing with him.

- Who would be those additional people? - asked Zora.

- William, Peter, Stephen here - he pointed with his hand at Williams. - Amit. Of course Jayadeva, as a representative of craftsmen. I believe Aisha should be allowed to designate one more person from her circle as well.

- That favors you too much! This is not fair - she protested.

- Cry me a river. If you don't like this, you are free to live. The strongest groups will decide the city's fate anyway.

She turned all red from anger, gritted her teeth, but didn't say anything back.

- I nominate Zoë - said Aisha, her face was expressionless.

- Great. As we have this already behind us I would like to move to the main point of today's meeting. The division of hunting grounds. We obviously need to expand as the amount of those is insufficient, but we lack the power to do so. The simplest way to achieve this is by pushing the strongest to the more and more difficult hunting grounds. Unfortunately, I doubt they are ready to go any further than the canyon right now, so we should assist them in acquiring the necessary power.

He paused for a moment to look at everybody. Few faces clearly showed discontent about what he said, especially among the leaders of smaller groups. Aisha also was not happy. Nobody protested though.

- We have one person among us that already showed countless times that they can, and are willing to, explore the unknown, so I would like to formally designate Peter as the one in charge of finding, and checking out the new places.

- I agree - Hatta immediately jumped on this.

- Me too - Will joined.

- And me - said Nobuo.

Boris just rose his hand briefly in the gesture of acknowledgment. Williams followed this move.

After that was a bit of a pause among others, as they kept checking others to read from their faces how they feel about it.

- I also agree - said Jayadeva a moment later. - But I also have a proposition, and would like my idea to be heard.

- Of course - replied Blue.

- Fine. I agree - finally Aisha broke her silence.

Zoë followed, which gave us more votes than we needed, to care about anybody else, but they supported anyway, seeing there are no chances to oppose.

- To follow that I would like to propose a slight change in the way of how we divided the hunting grounds. I believe the two strongest groups should have the two hardest places designated for themselves.

People started to open their mouths, but Blue continued, raising his voice slightly:

- Before you start opposing let me explain the thought further. Right now the two hardest areas to hunt, known to us, are canyon, and wolf territory. A team of very strong people already proved they can exploit the canyon, and I believe they should keep doing it. Obviously, the boss might be out of our reach right now, so they would also need access to class points from another place. So I'm proposing this. While the wolf hunting ground would belong to my group, I would share the boss with Wuxia and other people from the group that returned yesterday. The two remaining places would be split by everybody else. You can determine that among yourselves, but still, on two days you should share those spots with us to let the weaker people from our groups get stronger.

He took a small break, to look at the reaction of people. They seemed a bit worried but also surprised, probably because his proposition was not as bad as they assumed it would be.

- To sum it up. My group gets wolf territory and shares the boss. Bratstvo, Wuxia, Bushido, and friends get the canyon for themselves. The rest gets both rats and goblins with exception of two days, which my group and the coalition - he looked at Hatta - will be allowed to kill the bosses of those places. Who agrees?

He and Williams immediately rose their hands. I was the third to do so. This was to god for us to just not take it, even if Blue was the one to propose it. The rest of my friends followed after, and it was basically decided.

- Great. Now, let's listen to Jayadeva's proposal - He said and sat down.

The leader of craftsmen stood up.

- My proposal is simple. We craftsmen only recently witnessed the possibilities given to us by those class points. I've been studying the matter ever since I got my first class point, which I, unfortunately, had to spend on the linguist class, and I believe that with the right combination of classes we might be able to provide our hunters with incredible equipment. Magic equipment. So my request is, for at least a few selected people, to be provided with an opportunity to gain those points.

I immediately rose my hand and was soon followed by Blue, Aisha, and the rest. Smaller groups hesitated, but it didn't matter anyway.

- Good - he said with a smile and sat down.

- I guess we will have to figure out the schedule to provide you with the class points - said Blue. - Does anybody else have a matter to discuss? No? Good. Thank you for the meeting then.

He and Williams stood up to leave, but before they did Blue turned to Hatta and said:

- I'll be visiting you at your office. I believe we have few matters to discuss.

That words caught me by surprise.

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