Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 52

The day was one of those when you are on your toes at any given moment. I was incredibly anxious. I didn't sleep almost all night. The first noises outside my door made me get up. People were waking up, and heading to eat, so I followed.

The atmosphere was so thick, that you could cut it with a knife. A saw nervous smiles everywhere. Nobody talked about anything except the upcoming duel. It was gonna happen in the next few hours. After I finished my meal I headed back to the room, but Hatta intercepted me midway.

- Zhang Yong wants to see you.

- Ok. I'm going.

And I did. Blue was already inside. They didn't talk though, probably waiting for me.

- Peter - Zhang Yong gave me a slight nod.

I answered in the same fashion.

- Morning Peter. I see you are just as nervous as us.

- Morning Blue. It's an important day. The future of this place will be determined by the outcome.

- Yes it will - Zhang Yong cut our conversation before it started for good. - I need some warmup, and I also would like you to stay in my hm... Corner? I guess we could call it this way.

- Whatever you need.

- Good. Blue...

- Yes. We will make a few announcements after the fight. We decided that it will be beneficial if people will be informed about our goal in a clear fashion, so we can work together. It will be the first step of establishing our position as a sort of government here.

- I'm just gonna focus on the warmup part.

Blue smiled. Zhang Yong on the other hand was unmoved. I guessed that even he was nervous. We went outside and headed straight to one of the buildings owned by Wuxia. I was never inside, and just followed Zhang Yong's footsteps. Blue also went with us. It was some kind of armory with many rooms where craftsmen worked on fixing armors, and sharpening weapons. There were few weapon racks standing next to the wall filled with old and new equipment. We headed to the biggest room. A couple of dummies made of hay were put in the corners and the middle was filled with sand.

- This room was made yesterday. Blue wants to start a program for training newcomers so they won't go hunting completely green. We will spar here. Take something suitable for you from the racks.

- Ok.

I took a nice-looking quarterstaff. It was longer than my pudao, but few swings assured me I can use it correctly. Zhang Yong on the other hand took a large wooden ax. Probably made especially for him.

- Why do you use an ax? I thought you would fight with something more... Chinese? Even I'm using pudao.

- When I was a teenager I used to chop wood for my grandfather. It was a calming exercise for me, so I grow fond of axes.

It was an explanation good as any other.

- On the other hand why do use pudao?

- I don't know. Maybe because swords are lame?

He chuckled.

- Let's start.

I assumed the position, and the duel started. At first, it was kinda awkward because both of us didn't want to hurt the other, but with time we grew more confident in our skills and started to strike harder, and harder. It went to the point that one of us could seriously get damaged if one of the hits were to reach the target. I didn't block but instead focused on dodging. Zhang Yong was doing exactly the same thing. Trying to force an opening with wide blows. His swings were so powerful that there was no way this quarterstaff could endure even a single one of them. It went on for several minutes. I found myself slowly getting tired, but Zhang Yong looked as fresh as he did at the beginning of the fight.

- I think it's enough - he said after some more time. - I'm ready.

- Where will be the fight? - I asked him right away, panting for a moment until my breathing flattened out.

- In the city center - Blue answered for Zhang Yong. - I have to say you are pretty good at dodging.

- I lately don't use a shield, and just try to avoid hits. I guess my skills got better because of this.

- Good for you. If you are done here we should probably go.

- Yes - Zhang Yong agreed and started to head outside.

We followed him. Outside people were already gathering to see the fight. I have never seen this place so crowded. Everybody came, and now there were hundreds of us. Probably between three hundred and four hundred. Some people climbed on the roofs to see.

Wuxia members made a way for us. And we got to a place prepared as Zhang Yong's corner. There was a chair prepared and a table with some water in bottles. On the other side Blood brothers also were gathering, but Mark was nowhere to be seen.

The crowd kinda made a natural arena as they circled around. Some members of Wuxia had to push people away a bit because they were getting closer and closer. Conversations were getting louder each minute. Hundreds of voices mixed in a terrible cacophony.

And we waited. Waited. And waited some more. Then finally Mark showed up, smiling, joking, and laughing with his men.

- He is afraid - stated Zhang Yong from his chair.

His eyes were following every Mark's move. Some Wuxia members started to joke bout him, but one look from their leader made them silent. On the other hand, the crowd was going louder and louder. Blue headed to the middle of it all.

- It's time! - he yelled and simply went back.

Everything went silent. Zhang Yong got up, few people patted him on the shoulders or back as a gesture for good luck. Mark also was getting ready. Blue came back to us, picked up a bottle from the table, opened it, and gave it to Zhang Yong.

- Here. Make us proud.

I could see how nervous he was. I actually never saw him in such a state. Leader of Wuxia took a sip, gurgled the water in his mouth, and swallowed. Then stepped out. Members of Wuxia went wild cheering on their leader. Blood Brothers did just the same. Shouting loudly Mark's name. The duel started.

They stared down at each other for a solid minute with a sword and ax in their arms ready to strike. Everything went silent. Mark was the first to move, but then Zhang Yong jumped to him flying thru the air, and swung his weapon so fast, that I was barely able to see it. Mark dodged just by the skin on his teeth. But that was just one of many consecutive blows. He tried to block incoming attacks. Sparks exploded into the air. It was clear that Mark is not gonna hold for much longer.

Then Zhang Yong did an awkward step forward. The storm of blows didn't stop though. Mark tried his best to block, or dodge them. He was incredibly fast. Like a machine. Another awkward step followed by to wide swing. It made an opening wide enough for the leader of Blood Brothers to strike Zhang Yong's hand. Blod sprayed on the cobblestone, but it was still, not enough for securing the win. It was just a scratch. But Zhang Yong stumbled a step back, and his ax went down instead of up, to block. It was enough for Mark to get a single clear hit. Zhang Yong's head fell to the ground. Blood was everywhere.

What happened next is very blurry in my memories. I remember people rushing from both sides. Mark's companions protected him. Wuxia members just wanted to get to their leader. There was a bit of scuffle but, I think, lieutenants on both sides managed to ease things down to the point that a full-out war between Wuxia and Blood Brothers did not happen.

Blue was gone. I don't know when, and where he went. But when I wanted to look for support in him, there was nobody around. I remember getting up. I remember tears falling down my eyes. I remember walking but without any purpose or destination. I just let the legs take me. Everything was ruined...

When I got back to my senses I was in the old storage, where firekeepers stored the firewood. We no longer needed the bonfire, but it was still burning.

I got up and headed to find Blue. He was in Zhang Yong's room. Occupied by members of Wuxia. Panicking now when their leader was dead. They were demanding something from Blue, but I just could understand what. There was too much noise. Probably to take the position as the leader. Lieutenants didn't allow them to get inside the room. But when one of them saw me in the crowd, I was pulled inside.

- Peter. It's good that you are finally here - said Blue when he saw me. - It was horrible. Everything went wrong, but we can't run away now.

- We can't? You just did.

- I'm not a hunter like you. I only invested in my brainpower so far, so when I saw people jumping to each other throats, I just did that, was the smartest. I'm talking about Wuxia. I'm talking about our plan. Zhang Yong is gone, but we need to keep up the torch he left us.

I slowly walked closer and sat on the chair.

- I collected my thoughts. I'm gonna go outside and tell others what we should do. Wait here for me. We need to talk after.

And he left me to give his grand speech. I felt like I owed something to Zhang Yong, and should help. I promised to give him a solution to hunting orcs. He died while trying to fulfill his part of the bargain. I really, really, owed him. Tears started to yet again come out of my eyes, and for a moment I sobbed quietly.

- ...great person. A true leader. But even if he's gone we can just abandon his grand plan. His true dream...

Everything yet again fell apart. Aisha was a prisoner forced to sell her body in a brothel. Zhang Yong was dead. It was all my fault. I ruined everything. Just as I did before. I should never agree with this idea. I should just go there alone, and take her or die trying. But instead, I managed to get a great person killed.

- somebody who knows every detail of the plan, and the closest advisor of Zhang Yong, I propose myself as the new leader of Wuxia. I promise you that I will fulfill his wish. And lead us to the bright future he wanted for us all. I promise...

Why did life want to punish me so hard? Why me? What did I do? WHAT?!

- ...and we will become an even greater organization. We will bring peace and order to this world. We will bring a positive change...

I should stay here. It was dumb from the beginning. I should have left long ago. Those were my thoughts. Then dor opened again, and Blue went inside. He exhaled loudly with relief.

- It's done. I'm the new leader. They accepted me, but there is still a need for a few conversations before it's finalized. Let's talk.

- About what?

- Well... We both owe Zhang Yong. We should fulfill his dream. De died for this. He died also for you and your friend.

- I... I need some time. - and I rushed off the room.

He didn't try to stop me. Nor did he said anything more. I went outside. There was a lot of noise, shouting, lament, and loud conversations. Still, a lot of people were gathered in the city center, but I couldn't stay in that place. I had to go somewhere, so I returned to the firekeeper's storage.

Devastated, sad, and torn apart. Apathy overtook me.

Day ended with 16 205 points on my account.

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