Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 77

I slept like a baby. Maybe because of lack of sleep during hunting? Or maybe I felt safer in my home, with barriers on the doors and windows? In the end, it didn't matter, only the fact that I felt really great after finally opening my eyes was important.

I headed straight to the city center. All of my weapons, except the knife, were still on the cart, which Will took care of, so I was kinda defenseless. Even though, with just a knife, I was a tough opponent to pretty much everybody. Maybe Blue or Juan could take me on but the rest likely not.

Thinking about Juan I started to wonder how has he been? I didn't have any news for a while about his moves or The Mariachis. Maybe Aisha will know something - I tough to myself. On my way to the gathering spot, I passed by few groups already heading to the rats. I gave brief greetings to those of them I knew.

- Finally. You took your time - Said Hailwic after I arrived.

There was a couple of them there, waiting by a big cart. Some of them were sitting on it, the rest just standing. There was our german goddess Hailwic, pink and blue-haired gamblers, Nadia, the counter lady of unknown to me, at that point, name. And finally, a beauty with short, straight black hair, sitting on the ground and playing with a knife.

- The bed just felt so damn nice, I couldn't get up.

Aisha smiled. Then she said:

- It's fine. It doesn't matter if we go now, or a bit later. They still will need some time to get rid of what is gonna come out of the nest. Now when I'm talking of this... We will probably return pretty late. We should get some torches and flint.

- That's a good idea. But we need something else. Something called William - was my response. - He is probably still rotting in his bed.

- Before you escape us. Let me introduce the others. You already know Hailwic and Nadia.

Garman blonde still waved to me with a slight grin. I waved back.

- This is Alice - She continued, and pointed at the counter lady. - Those two are Louna and Anna.

She pointed first at the blue-haired girl, then at the pink one.

- Hi - said Alice. - I heard that you are some kind of big shot. Nice to meet you now properly.

I just waved quickly in response, since Aisha was still in the middle of talking.

- The last one is Zoë. Girls, this is Peter. - Aisha finally ended the introduction.

The girl with the knife just rose her hand slightly.

- Hi, Peter - said a couple of them, at once.

It gave me flashbacks from elementary school, which made me laugh.

- Ok, let me get Will, and lest go.

Aisha just nodded, and I left. Will was still sleeping. I knew it because my knocking loudly on his door made him fall of out the bed. He let me in shortly.

- What the hell? It's too early - he said with his morning voice.

- Move your ass, Will. We are going hunting.

- I'll pass. I had enough hunting.

- But we are going with Aisha and her crew...

My statement made him open his eyes widely. He licked his lips, and adjusted clothes.

- You should have started with that my friend. Let me just grab some food.

- Sure. You should also get the cart.

- Ye, ye, ye. I'll bring it.

I left him, went to buy some provisions and breakfast in the device, which I quickly ate. Then Will showed up, pulling the cart, and I immediately thought about weapons remaining on it. They were all damaged, so I bought two new ones. He also needed some time for shopping and eating, but after that, we finally departed.

Aisha introduced Will on the way. He was a bit disappointed because Vesa was not with us but quickly got over it with a bit of Aisha's, Hailwic's, and Alice's help. The quartet kept joking, and eventually, the joyful mood spread to everyone in our group.

It was so different from what I was used to, even when hunting with Will. But I'm not gonna lie, I liked it. It was really refreshing. In this fashion, we traveled thru the city, all the way outside.

When we made it closer to the nest hunters there were in the middle of dealing with the rat horde. Forcing them slowly to retreat. We could see them from afar, between the trees, and decided to take a little break and grab something to eat.

- Some of them are pretty good. Especially that one - Said Hailwic munching on an apple, then she pointed on a hunter dealing with 5 rats at the same time.

- Damn... That's Juan- said Will.

I got interested and focused on said person. It really was Juan. He was butchering those rats. His statistics had to be high, cause he was incredibly fast with his sword and shield.

- You are right, that's really him - confirmed Aisha.

- Really? I remembered him having long hair - continued Hailwic.

- Maybe he just cut them off? - Alice joined the conversation. - By the way, Peter, what do you think of him? Is he good?

She looked at me with a smirk on her face. Rest also suddenly started to pay attention to my existence.

- He is great with rats for sure. Very fats, and has high strength. He just needs one hit per rat. That's impressive.

- Are you stronger? - she didn't give up easily.

But I also wasn't gonna give her this satisfaction. It was not some kind of contest. I shrugged my shoulders.

- Wow. You girls are really impatient - suddenly Will opened his mouth again. - You will see enough of him running around, and cutting things in half soon enough.

- I'm just curious. I heard a lot - Alice continued.

It was so damn strange and uncomfortable when others talked about me, sitting just next to me. I didn't want this to go on.

- Let's go. They are finishing there anyway - I started, while grabbing the handles of one of the carts, and just started walking.

Will chuckled, alongside Aisha.

I pushed forward, and soon enough we were spotted by other hunters. Shortly after one of them came our way.

- What are you doing here? This spot is taken, can't you see? - he said.

- We are not after this spot.

- Then where are you going?

He was clearly uncomfortable with us here, or maybe it was just my person, that made him feel like this.

- To the nest - was my answer.

He clearly wanted to say something. Probably kick us out, but instead, he bit his tongue and walked back.

- What a prick - said Will. - I bet he wanted to tell us, to fuck off.

- Got the same feeling - replied Aisha.

- Fuck that guy - said Zoë. - We can go wherever we want. It's not his forest.

She had a surprisingly melodic voice. There was also something in here, that made her incredibly attractive. I couldn't grasp exactly what but there definitely was something.

- Let's go - I said to cut the pointless discussion.

We quickly made it to one of many entrances, catching even more attention. The nest looked just like before, but standing right next to it made it kinda intimidating with its massive size. Who knew how deep the tunnels inside went.

- Ok, before we go a few words - I started.

Will ignored me and kept taking the equipment from the cart, but the rest stopped to listen.

- It is your first time, well... Mine too, but I have some experience from goblin cave. We might encounter different monsters underground. With goblins, it just was stronger goblins, better equipped and smarter, more disciplined. There were many of them. Even more than in the horde, so be prepared. I'll go first, and then you follow. If I tell you to run, just fucking run and don't even think of looking behind.

- Listen to the man - said Will, with a great sword in his hands.

He sharpened it briefly with a sharpening stone. In the meantime, I picked up my things, and after lighting up the torches, we went inside. It was dark and chilly there. Tunnels were way more narrow compared to the ones in the goblin cave, but they were completely smooth. Man-made.

- It's so quiet - said Alice.

- Horde is gone, so those parts of the tunnels are probably empty, but still be careful - replied Will.

He was walking second in line, with Hailwic just behind him. I bet she wanted to go after me, but Will was faster.

- Stay on your toes - I said and kept walking, but the tunnels were empty.

They twisted and turned, crossed each other, sometimes split apart in five directions. It was like a spiderweb, and I started to worry that we might get lost here. But then we discovered the first room. A relatively small one. Filled with hay and fur.

- They probably sleep here.

- It sure looks like that - said Alice.

- It's nothing here, we should keep walking - said Aisha.

We pushed further, to discover more such rooms. Dozens of them. It looked like we made it to the part of the nest, where rats were sleeping. Even deeper, we found different rooms. Messy, filled with tools lying everywhere on the ground, still hot forges, and anvils. It looked like an armory, but there were no weapons.

- Should we grab those? - Asked Hailwic picking up a hammer.

- Let's save space for crystals - I replied.

- Yeah - Aisha quickly agreed. - I never expected they would be capable of crafting. Damn. We know so little about this place.

- Let's go further. There is nothing here - said Will.

And we pushed even further, eventually approaching stairs carved in stone, descending deeper to the unknown. There was more space there, but still pretty narrow.

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