Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 83

I took it easy that day. Allowed me to sleep a bit longer, and even after waking up, I spend some time in bed. Eventually, the time to get out came, and I left home, heading to the city center.

Barriers on my house were still holding up. I didn't even need to replace the one I put on the door because it was set to allow me inside. It seemed like nobody was interested in my home. It seemed strange to me because if I were Blue, I would try to set a trap there. Maybe he wasn't feeling confident to face me in case it didn't work? He could still keep hiding even after such an attempt. It was bugging me, but I couldn't do anything about it.

I bought some food, and ate breakfast, waiting for Will to show up. He eventually did, but not coming from the side where the building he lived in was. Instead, he appeared walking from the side of Velvet Lotus. After noticing me, he approached right away.

- Morning Peter.

- Morning.

- I just came from breakfast with Vesa. It was very lovely.

- Good for you.

- Thanks. I also have some info.

- Speak then.

- Well... Aisha certainly wants to have somebody watching you, cause Vesa tried to check the field if you know what I'm saying. She is one damn loyal girl to Aisha. I like loyal people.

- Focus on the important stuff, Will.

- Sure. She asked few strange questions, but my answers were rather neutral. Actually, that's not what's important. The important part is, rumors started to spread. You know... About you, and 'mysterious' powers - he used his hands, to emphasize the word 'mysterious'.

- Fuck.

- Why are you worried so much? It's not like just anybody can... - he switched to whispers after looking around quickly. - You know, kill the thing.

- The problem is in people who can.

- They still would need to figure it out.

- In my amazing and incredibly intelligent way of doing things, I left few pretty obvious clues around. People are not dumb... At least some of them. They will figure it out. Especially that guy, Williams. He might be the first.

- Williams? Williams... Isn't he somebody important in Wuxia?

- He is, and that's the problem.

- Why? Hatta is leading them. He won't let the information just go public. Relax.

- Blue was the leader before him. And he escaped, remember? Do you think Hatta was stupid enough, to just close him into a room, and left? I'm sure he made all the precautions so he wouldn't just walk away. Which means he probably had some help.

- I had no idea...

- Those are just my speculations. Hatta didn't share with me the details. I think he is keeping his silence to not only catch those people but also to keep good morale in his ranks. I bet there would be a shitshow if all of Wuxia suddenly found out there are some traitors among them.

- Those guys could already leave Wuxia. Many did.

- Those guys would for sure stay. Why do you think Hatta can't find Blue? Because he has traitors among his people.

- So that's why he is on edge lately...

- I bet.

- So what should we do, any ideas, Peter?

- No. Looking for him ourselves will be the dumbest thing. We grab too much attention, and will only grab more. Trying to find those traitors ourselves is also a bad idea. If we will start asking questions, they will only get alarmed. Who knows how many people he has there.

- I have an idea. Come with me - Will grabbed my hand and started to pull me in the direction he just came from.

- Where?

- To Aisha.

- She won't talk with me.

- She will. Trust me. Just follow my lead, ok?

- Oh no...

- Shut up Peter, and follow.

There was no other way. I had to shut up and follow. We made it to Velvet Lotus. Hailwic was bouncing people.

- He cant enter... Sadly - she said after seeing me.

- Oh, come on! I brought him because it's important. Aisha will approve. Trust me - Will answered her quickly.

- Fine, but if she doesn't I'm gonna tell you forced me to let you pass - she winked at us.

- I love you Hailwic! - he said and pulled me in.

The same trio I encountered before was waiting inside, with Alice behind the counter, and a pink-blue duo playing cards on the bench. They looked at us and proceeded to ignore us. Alice on the other hand:

- What the hell?! Hailwic did let you pass? Aisha said that Peter is not welcome here.

- It's just a quarrel between lovers. Trust me - was Will answer as he kept pulling.

- She is gonna get my ass for this!

- You'll thank me later! - he replied.

I just laughed. Will was really good with this.

Cousy atmosphere welcomed us. Some jazzy music was playing, but the instruments were a bit off, but the voice of a young black man was recompensing it all. He was perfect like the whole genre was made for him. He was snapping his fingers to the music, and catching every note.

Will ignored him completely. He ignored even Vesa behind the counter, and made it straight up the stairs, then to Aishas room. Zoë was hanging around the door, and she pulled out a knife the very moment we approached her.

- What the fuck are you doing here? Didn't she tell you, he can't come here? Get lost, both of you.

- No can't do miss. We have a very important matter to discuss. And put your knife down. You know as well as we do, you can do anything with that anyway.

Anger twisted her face, and there was a moment when I thought she is gonna jump at Will's throat, but instead she hid the knife and said:

- Wait. I'll ask her.

- Sure - he responded.

And we waited few moments just to be invited inside.

- You better came to spill all your secrets - Aisha said to welcome us.

Will just nonchalantly sat in front of her, on the chair.

- No, but we have a proposition.

- Why should I care? You two didn't care to tell me few simple things. And now suddenly you want some kind of deal? - She was gesturing a lot, clearly angry.

- Just listen, and then you can decide. How about that?

- Ok. But it better be a god damn proposition, or else I'm kicking you bot out, and won't let you inside ever again - this time she even leaned against the desk, to be straight in Will's face.

- How about this. If you help us find Blue, we will tell you everything you want to know? Sounds good?

-What? - I just couldn't hold it.

Everybody except Will looked at me.

- Look. I have a great plan, but we need a bit of your help, and then you get whatever you want. Two birds with one stone since you should also be interested in getting rid of that guy - he continued.

He was so damn confident like everybody already agreed to his plan.

- Hold the fuck up Will! We didn't talk about this... - I started, but couldn't finish.

- I agree! - Aisha almost shouted.

- What?! I didn't agree with this.

- I don't care Peter.

- W... - I started but Will turned, looked back at me, and winked suddenly.

So instead I just took a deep breath to calm myself up and decided to trust that asshole.

- I know you are already helping Hatta to look for Blue. You should keep doing that, but also I want you to find few capable newcomers to look closely at members of Wuxia. Where they go, with whom they talk. You know, a bit of spying.

- Why?

- Because they have a rat inside, and since we know about this, we can use it to our advantage. Great plan, isn't it? When we get that motherfucker, I'll personally answer all your questions.

She stood up and walked to the window.

- How do you know this? About the mole...

- Deduction. Hatta is not stupid enough to let Blue escape, isn't he? But Blue did somehow managed to do it, so the easiest explanation would be, he had some helpers. He was the head of Wuxia, and for sure had some followers there.

- Those guys left... Fuck.

- Oh yeah. Why they would leave if they could stay and watch everything from the inside?

- Ok. Fine. I'll dig into that, but you both have to promise me, I'll know everything as soon, as you get your hands on that man.

- Scout's promise!

Then she looked at me.

- I'll promise, but only if you agree to try only when I'll tell you you are ready.

- Ready for what? - asked Zoë.

- Shut up - I told her.

- Fine - said Aisha.

I knew she was lying, but it didn't matter. After dealing with Blue I could set up a camp in front of that stupid goblin boss if I had to, and I was ready to do so.

- Ok. Thanks for the lovely conversation, but it's time for us! - Will quickly got up, grabbed me by the arm, and pulled out of the room.

- Let's run before she changes her mind - he whispered to my ear.

And we ditched that place, almost running out. Bot Hailwic and Alice were pretty surprised how fast we left.

It was a bit too late to start making our way to some hunting spot, so we just strategized a bit for the next day, ate, drunk some beers, and called it a day.

The day ended with 2 217 357 points remaining on my account.

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