Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 88

I never expected this to happen. I never even considered the possibility of such development of the whole situation. It simply didn't make any sense or was I just too dumb to see it? Blue got escorted all the way to the city center with no problems.

- Come, Peter - said Hatta. - We are gonna guard this asshole personally. Aisha...

- I know what to do. - She answered before he could finish his sentence.

- Ok, lead the way boss - I responded.

Blue was tied up by way too much rope, and even some chains. Even to me, it looked impossible to rip with just raw muscle power. And I have to admit that in my mind Blue was capable of really astonishing feats of strength.

We went to the basement of one of many buildings belonging to Wuxia. It was probably specially prepared for holding that asshole. There was a short passage, ending with only one room, hidden behind the closed metal door. Heavy metal door. It had a small shutter, that was closed.

Hatta pushed a heavy bar that was there to prevent opening from the inside, and I personally kicked Blue in.

- We are gonna check on you every few minutes. So don't even think about trying anything - said Hatta, and closed him there.

- Gentlemen, please. There is no need for those ropes and chains.

- Shut up! - I yelled.

Hatta opened the shutter, so we could observe the prisoner, just for good measure.

- Peter, Peter, Peter... So angry for no reason. So what is gonna happen to me now? Execution?

- No. You are gonna undergo a trial in front of everybody. And people will vote on your punishment for all the crimes you did.

- Oh, so you are civilized. Good to hear.

- We should have put something in his mouth - I said to Hatta.

- Let him talk. That's the last thing he can do. It soon will be over. Finally.

- So the self-proclaimed Zhang Yong's successor doesn't want to personally dirty his hands and instead put it on others. Didn't expect anything else.

- Shut up - I punched the door.

He was annoying me way too much. For some reason, his words worked on me as red cloth for a bull. It was my own fault. I started to wonder why. Because I was so damn close to finally ending this madness? Or was it because I was afraid of him finding a way to escape?

- Calm down Peter. Just ignore him, and wait until everything is ready. It won't be that long.

- Yeah Peter. Listen to him. It soon will be over - he laughed after those words.

I clenched my fist and tightened the grip on pudao's handle. Hatta closed the shutter. There were a few minutes of silence, but we both just couldn't endure not being able to watch him. We needed to have our eyes on him. I opened the shutter. He was there, standing. Looking straight thru the hole at us.

- Fuck it. I'll be on the stairs - I said and went to be as far from Blue as I could, and still, see at least the door.

- Are you scared Peter? Are you gonna run away from me?

- Shut up Blue - said Hatta.

The next two hours were filled with anxiety but overall boring. Hatta kept ignoring Blue, who had a lot to say. He was so damn confident, that I was going nuts on the stairs, trying to figure out his plan, but my mind was empty. I either lacked some crucial information or was simply too stupid to solve this riddle.

Finally, Zoë came with information that everything is ready, and we should bring the prisoner. We grabbed him and led outside. There was a big crowd in the city center. Maybe not every single person living in the city, but definitely most of them. Everyone gathered around three tables and was prevented to come too close by the soldiers of Wuxia.

The table in the center was empty, just like the one on the left. The right one was taken by Aisha, Vesa, and Nadia.

Velvet Lotus owner came to us as soon as she saw we were approaching.

- Table in the center is his. Yours is the left one. I'm gonna start by explaining the situation, then you will have a chance to accuse him, and explain the whole story. Then you - and she looked at Blue - will have an opportunity to defend yourself. After, everybody will vote, and you will be sentenced.

He didn't respond, just smiled, so we pushed him and seat behind the middle table. Then took our spot on the left. Aisha returned to her position and started to talk loudly, almost yelling.

- Listen up everybody! Today is the day we will for the first time judge somebody. It's time for the law to replace mindless violence. We are not barbarians. To make sure the jury is unbiased, and won't favor any sides, you all will have a chance to vote either guilty or not by the end of the trial. Both sides will speak, with the accusers starting. Then the accused will have a chance to defend himself. Please remain silent, and let them talk.

That's how the first trial in our history started. The beginning of our own law system. Another important day in the history of a new world. The 258th day since I first appeared in this world, and the 253rd day of our calendar. The day of justice, as we later celebrated.

Hatta stood up, gathering most of the people's attention on himself.

- As not all of you might know, this man likes to call himself Blue. He used to be very high in the ranks of Wuxia when Zhang Yong was our leader. After the death of Zhang Yong, he overtook the position and led the whole organization. But it was not just, as he had partaken in the murder of Zhang Yong! Yes, murder.

Whispers started to spread thru the crowd like wildfire. Some people yelled few words, but ti all had no meaning.

- Zhang Yong was poisoned, and that's why he lost to Mark - Hatta continued. - This man, himself gave the bottle with poisoned water to Zhang Yong just before the duel! He plotted the whole situation from the beginning. He went to Mark, and one of his lieutenants, Blitzkrieg, to propose such crime to take the position of leader. But his plans went further! During those times Wuxia had an immense influence. Taxes were collected for using the device, and even some hunting grounds were reserved for us. He wanted to use this influence to strengthen himself and become a tyrant, a ruler of this place. We all would be his slaves! Unfortunately for him Peter and I saw thru those plans, and managed to not only take down Mark's organization, and him, but also put this man in jail. However he managed to escape, but we finally got him! It's time to serve justice! I'm accusing him of plotting against all of us here and poisoning Zhang Yong during the duel. We have multiple people, that can certify that he was using all the crystals gathered by Wuxia on himself. Peter here saw Blue giving the water to Zhang Yong, and even Blitzkried admitted the whole duel was from the very beginning staged up by Blue to poison Zhang Yong, and allow Mark to kill him.

Whispering only grew stronger, and few people straight out shouted their demands to sentence Blue to death.

- Silence! Silence! Let the prisoner defend himself! - Yelled Aisha, hitting the table with her palm several times.

It didn't work. She had to yell more, and finally, people closed their mouths, and the whole trial was resumed. Blue stood up.

- I'm the man called Blue. I used to be the leader of Wuxia after Zhang Yong's death. I used crystals gathered by the organization on myself. Those things are true. But I never, ever even once thought of killing Zhang Yong. I never poisoned him. As much as it pains me to say it, Mark was just stronger and won fair and square. After his death, I took the position of leader and started to plot my own revenge on Mark. That's why I used those crystals on myself. Those tho - and he pointed on Hatta and me - had their own plan. They plotted with a man called Blitzkrieg to assassinate me, and then they wanted to start a war between Wuxia and Blood Brothers. However, in the middle of their plot, a new opportunity arose. Peter here discovered a new type of power! And with this power, he managed to kill Blitzkrieg, kill Mark, and capture me. You know I'm telling the truth. You all heard the rumors. Some of you saw him fighting with Mark. He couldn't win. He shouldn't have won, but he did. He still keeps his secret from all of you, and I'm accused of trying to enslave people by force?! Don't let them feed you all those lies. They both wanted power and revenge! I hid after escaping, but they couldn't let me just live. They had to hunt me down like an animal, and they put me here, in front of you all, to humiliate, and also justify their wrongdoings. They wanted to cover your hands in my blood, as their own would remain clean. Don't buy those lies.

Then he sat down, but the crowd just erupted.

- Share the power!

- Liars!

- Is it true?!

- Tell us if it's true!

- Share the power!

- Silence! Silence! - Aisha kept yelling, but she was ignored.

It became obvious, that the whole trial just ended. We lost. The crowd soon pushed their way thru few members of Wuxia, that was supposed to hold them. They freed Blue, but most importantly surrounded me and Hatta.

- Share the power!

- Tell the truth!

- Share the power!

Their demands didn't stop, and the circle around us was getting smaller and smaller. I looked at Hatta. He was very nervous but rather angry than scared. I had to escape.. The crowd was after me, not him, so I stepped into the void.

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