Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 92

My lungs were in flames. Heart was racing to the point w could feel pain in my chest. Lips broke from rapidly inhaled air over, and over again. I could feel hot blood dripping down my chin, but it was still too little to make me stop. I kept pushing, all the way to the city center, and stopped only when I was finally able to put my hand on the device.

There were few people around. Some of them wasted, just lying on the cobblestone, completely passed out. Others still drinking and hating in a drunken state. They didn't pay too much attention to me.

I instantly used the 2000 points to get rid of the exhaustion. Then bought the linguist class, using a single class point I still had. It gave me access to four skills: 'Memory', 'Pronunciation', 'Grammar', 'Known languages'.

I started by buying the 'Known languages' skill. The first upgrade was the usual 1000 points, but the second only 2000, so I kept upgrading. The cost seemed to double with each time, but it only had five upgrades. The other skill's price was as usual. I ended upgrading 'Pronunciation' and 'Grammar' three times, and 'Memory' only two because I lacked the points. Everything costed me 258 000 points. I couldn't afford more.

I bought also some food, and just devoured it. Finishing with a few bottles of water. It was all a waste of points since I was buying unnecessary things, like glass bottles, but there was no time.

I healed myself quickly, closing the small wounds on still bleeding lips, and was on the way back. The fact that I was unable to feel any changes kept bugging me, but so far every upgrade done by the device worked, so I pushed those thoughts away, and focused on running.

With the sun peeking over the horizon it was way easier to pass thru the forest. Goblins kept bugging, so I had to do a few evading maneuvers, and also do a bit of cutting. The waste of crystals was annoying. To the point, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I would already earned if not the whole situation with those strange creatures.

On the other hand, this was an opportunity we couldn't lose. Finally, we had access to a source of information about this place. Not some scattered clues open to interpretation, but a true mine of knowledge.

If only the whole situation wasn't so damn sketchy. They appeared out of nowhere, and couldn't deal with a bunch of harpies. On top of that, they refused to follow us to the city. Which was the strangest part. To me, it felt like they resented the device. To the point, a mere presence in close vicinity to it was unacceptable for those creatures.

Did we make a mistake by using it? Was there something we were unaware of? All the answers remained in those alien creatures. In Oooeee and the others. We just needed to find a key to open this treasure chest.

The sun was still up when I finally reached the edge of the cliff. Orcs were down below, just like always, but to me, it felt more like they were waiting for my appearance. I was exhausted but still able to deal with them easily. I needed to be quick, to make as much distance as possible. Fighting at night in the canyon, under such condition, could be deadly even for me.

I bolted down the pathway leading to the canyon floor. Orcs rushed to me. Although the fight was quick, I still had few close calls. Drained out of energy, I couldn't do everything with my body, that I was imagining. Only inhuman reflexes allowed me to react, and avoid getting cut at the last moment.

I still remembered how such events used to make me feel. The fear of death, now completely gone. Daily fighting with my life on the line became a routine. I never expected my story to develop in such a manner.

I did my best to ignore crystals laying on the ground, ready to be picked at any time and pressed on. There was still a lot of distance to cover between me and William. Time was ticking.

With orcs roaming thru the canyon in groups, night approaching, and overall exhaustion the progress slowed by a significant amount. I had to put a lot of effort into each battle to get unscratched, but finally, Will showed up on the horizon. Cloze to one of the safe spots we often used.

I could finally slow down. The rest of the distance I made by walking, or maybe I should write 'dragging my legs behind me, cause that's a better description. My rapidly beating heart started to slow down. Lungs kept burning. The body was so damn heavy. I wished to have the device with the ability to get rid of exhaustion, but I didn't.

Will rushed to me, and quickly graded me, providing a supportive shoulder.

- Are you ok, Peter?

- Yeahhh... Just need some rest and some food... Water, also water...

- Sure thing, just lest get to the camp. Did you get the class?

- Yeah...

- Is it working?

- How the hell would I know? I just ran...

I was mumbling. Struggling to make words roll off my tongue. It felt like I had a foreign body in my mouth with all the sticky saliva and dried, broken lips. Finally, the fire in my lungs started to die down. The insane regeneration of the superhuman body kicked in.

Will led me to the camp. Creatures were sitting down on the dirt, eating our food from the cart, and drinking our supplies of water and other stuff.

- Hi - I said to them, slightly rising the hand I wrapped around Will's neck.

The other one was busy holding my pudao, and I didn't want to rise a weapon on them

Oooeee replied, trying to replicate my greeting not only with his voice but also with gestures. Others quickly followed his example.

- How are you doing? Enjoying our food? I bet. Free stuff tastes the best.

They looked at each other confused. Probably unable to understand my words. I was a bit angry because of the exhaustion, and madness of such a long marathon. I quickly came to regret my words, because a thought of them somehow understanding what I said went thru my mind. Unfortunately, I couldn't take them back.

- Get your shit together Peter! The skills might be working!

- Yeah... sorry... Just give me food and water.

Will shook his head in disappointment and brought me some provisions. Then sat close to me, a bit to the side, so he could see bot me and our new companions. Creatures observed him carefully, and just as I started to eat, they engaged in conversation among themselves.

The usual whale sounds, vibrating, so I could feel them on top of hearing. It made me feel strange, as I was not used to feeling people talk to each other. The thing that happened next was even stranger. I heard a click, and a strange wave went thru my head. I lost the vision for a moment, and some rooms in my brain just unlocked suddenly. I was able to understand their words.

The piece of bread I had in my mouth, just fell to the ground. I stood up, like a fool, with an open mouth, and half-chewed food sticking out. Then pointed at them. This move grabbed Will's attention, and he also got up.

- What this person is saying?

- I don't understand them at all. they should draw more.

- Patience is the key. Just like crops growing, we will grow to understand each other.

- I... I... I can understand! - I looked at Will, and just burst into a laugh.

It suddenly stopped, as the half-chewed bread fell to the wrong pipe, and I started choking. Will jumped to me and slapped me into the chest so hard, everything landed on the ground. I did shortly after, coughing heavily.

Will kneeled next to me.

- You ok?

The creatures rose up, looking at me carefully.

- Did he just spoke?

- I think he did.

- Calm down. Let's wait for him to stand up - Oooeee said.

For some reason, their language was very peace-bringing. Just like the behavior they kept displaying.

I slowly got up, pumping a single heal into myself just for good measure. It fixed the broken lips but didn't help much with how I felt almost choking on the food to my death.

- I can understand you - I finally said, after a moment. - Can you understand me?

- Yes, we can - was Oooeee's response. - I'm Ole, the head scout of my people. I'm leading this party to visit the new people pulled to those lands, and rely on a warning.

- Nice to meet you. I'm Peter, and this is my friend Will. What warning? Does this have something to do with the device?

- Yes it does.. Please sit down, as this will be a long story.

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