Apocalypse Chaos - I am the villain

Chapter 161 Normal Day...

Hearing that, Velys nodded, her face a little red: "Thank you for accepting me."

Hikaru was also about to say something but he suddenly thought of something interesting. He then bowed his head and whispered into Velys's ear.

When she heard what he said, her face became even redder, but she smiled and nodded.

After that, Velys returned to her room. Hikaru then slowly walked into the mansion and entered the dining room.

The table was already set with food, so all he just needed to do was sit down and enjoy.

As soon as he sat down, someone suddenly appeared next to him, it was Laylah.

She sat next to him, a mysterious smile appeared on her face: "When you came back, you noticed Velys, do you only have Velys in your eyes?"

Hikaru shrugged and said: "If you were a little stupid, maybe I would pay attention to you. However, you are too smart."

"Heh?! Intelligence is the ability that God has given us.  Don't you know that I can help you with my smarts?"

Hikaru shook his head: "Have you heard the story about the snake and the flute player?"


Hikaru said: "Once upon a time, there was a flute player who raised a snake. That snake was a poisonous snake with extremely colorful colors, but it was also extremely intelligent."

"Both of them have their duties, the flute player was in charge of playing the flute, while the snake was in charge of dancing to the flute player's music."

"The flute player with the snake performed everywhere, they went to many kingdoms, and earned a lot of money."

"The flute player thought that the snake was his best friend, and that the two of them would be together for the rest of their lives, enjoying all the wealth and happiness together."

"One day, while performing for the king of a large kingdom, the king felt very fond of the snake."

"The king wanted to buy the snake so he decided to pay with a chest full of gold. That amount was very large, the flute player can live in wealth for the rest of his life."

"However, the flute player refused, he felt that the snake was his best friend, so he did not want to sell his best friend."

"The king did not stop his pursuit of the snake, he said that the snake did not belong to the flute player. This made the flute player angry. After all, the flute player had raised the snake from when it was an egg until now so it was definitely his."

"The king said, if he could prove that the snake belonged to him, then he would not try to buy the snake from him anymore. On the contrary, the king will give him that chest of gold."

"The flute player happily accepted the challenge from the king. After that, the king called another flute player, who had no ability to control snakes."

"The new flute player was the royal musician. When he played the flute, the snake came out of the bag, and then moved according to the royal musician's introduction."

"The flute player was startled. He didn't think that one day, the snake he raised would betray him."

"The king then said that the snake only followed its instinct. Its instinct was to dance to the music, and it didn't matter who the flute player was."

"In anger, the angry flute player grabbed a knife and rushed to kill the snake. However, the snake easily avoided the knife, then bit the flute player's hand."

"Because it was a poisonous snake, the flute player quickly died. In the end, the snake became the king's pet, and lived happily ever after."

Laylah tilted her head and asked, "So what does that have to do with me?"

Hikaru smiled and said: "Laylah, you are like a poisonous snake, as you are too smart."

"The viper was actually tired of going around and performing for others, and he was also tired of his old master."

"However, it was very smart, it knew that if it separates itself from the flute player, it will have to find food on its own, as no one will give it food anymore."

"Even without the flute player, it would be a poisonous snake hated by everyone."

"When the king wanted to adopt it, it immediately pretended that it was just acting on instinct, and that whoever played the flute could make it dance ."

"If it only acted on instinct, the flute player wouldn't be able to perform with it, and many people could do the same thing as the flute player."

"That's why it pretended to be stupid. In the end, it bit the person who brought it to wealth and happiness to find a richer and happier place.

"Laylah… you are that snake. You are very smart, even if you pretend to be stupid, you will only make me worry more."

Laylah heard that and sighed: "Sigh, it seems like you don't want to accept me. Is it because I am smart that you are so scared and worried?"

"But I feel like Velys is smarter than me."

Hikaru shook his head: "I can hold Velys in my hand, but I can't hold you like her..."


Hikaru nodded: "That's right. There is only one way that will make me trust you like her ..."

"Hm?! "Tell me..." Laylah looked at him with some interest.

"I have a list of beautiful outfits. If you wear one every day, I can rethink the matter of trusting you."

As soon as Hikaru finished speaking, he took out a servant outfit from Panara's space. Of course, this outfit was nothing like a normal maid outfit.

This kind of outfit could only be worn in the bedroom, for one person to see only.

Laylah saw the maid outfit that Hikaru held in his hand, and her face turned red.

Even though she  was over 30 years old, this was the first time she had seen outfits like this.

You must know that Laylah's first kiss was with Hikaru.

"Huh! Laylah, let's go, we don't need to talk to someone like that." Future Laylah spoke up: "What a lustful dog in heat, it makes me feel nauseous."

Present Laylah then stood up, and  future Laylah was happy, as she thought that present Laylah had clearly seen Hikaru's true nature.

However, Laylah's next action made future Laylah want to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Laylah stood up, reached out and grabbed the clothes in Hikaru's hand, then blushed and said shyly: "I... this is the first time I've worn this type of outfit, you... I'm just wearing it for you to see."

Hikaru was also surprised by Laylah's actions. He thought Laylah would get angry and go back to her room, or use her fist to talk to him.

Laylah performed far beyond what he had ever thought possible. Even her expression was like that of a girl who has just fallen in love, she was filled with shame but she still wanted to taste the forbidden fruit.

Hikaru felt a headache, he never thought that Laylah would change this much.

Laylah's character setup almost collapsed, what role does she play now? The female lead in a romance novel?

He didn't understand, nor did he want to understand. However, if Laylah made an invitation and he did not respond, then he was not a man.

"So…" Hikaru smiled and said: "I'll see you after 10pm."

At this time, Laylah pouted and said: "You are going to meet Velys before coming to see me?" Aren't you afraid of being tired to death?"

"Hahaha… you should prepare yourself well, otherwise, I'm afraid the first one to die of fatigue will be you."

"HuH! I also want to test who will surrender first." After Laylah finished speaking, she hugged the embarrassing maid outfit and left.

Hikaru sat on the chair, looked at Laylah's back, and thought about many things.

"Rika, don't you think Laylah is strange?"

[Heh?! Really? I feel she's normal.]

Hikaru: "…"

"Normal? Is this normal?"

[Sigh, master, all girls are like that. Women are like a book, the next page is not the same as the previous page, the speed of turning the book is also very fast.]

"What do you mean… Laylah is still normal, it's just that her mentality has changed?"

[That's right. Besides... she is gradually becoming your ally, she's giving up her status as the main character, so her personality changing is also normal.]

Hearing that, Hikaru nodded, then continued to enjoy the food on the table.

After eating, Hikaru returned to his room and bathed in the hot tub. It could be said that his life was comfortable now.

Currently, there are probably many people facing terrible cold and food shortages.

But nothing seemed to have changed in Hikaru's life. He could still eat food, take hot baths, and he even lived with 3 girls as beautiful as angels.

If he didn't have the status of a villain, he felt that his current life would be very good.

In this villa, Velys also possessed extremely powerful super powers, and she could protect him.

Velys could also create water and heat easily with her super power.

In other words, Hikaru's current life was no different from that of a king.

After showering, he took out a clean set of pajamas from Panara's space, then sat on the bed, waiting for someone.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

A knock sounded on the door, and Hikaru knew who was knocking.

"Come in!" Hikaru spoke up.

The door opened and Velys entered. Hikaru was surprised when he saw her.

Velys was now wearing a pink JK uniform, with white cat ears on her head, and a white cat tail on her back.

Velys stood in front of him, she looked extremely shy, and her face was red.

In fact, he wanted to make Velys wear cat ears and a cat tail to make their fun even more fun. But he didn't think she would coordinate her cat ears and tail with her JK uniform.

Great, excellent, wonderfull.

Too cute.

100 points, nothing to criticize.

Velys said shyly: "I... I dressed like this, do you like it?"

Hikaru took a deep breath, then... The next thing that took place was the tense battle between him and Velys.

The two fought for more than 3 hours, of course, the victory belonged to Hikaru.

Thanks to Velys' outfit, their 'fight' is even more interesting and awesome.

Lying on the bed, Velys hugged him tightly as if she was afraid that he would disappear. Her face was red, and it was filled with satisfaction and happiness.

"Hikaru, since this mansion is constantly lit, in the night sky, it is like a blinding torch. The survivors kept coming towards this place so… I killed all the intruders."

"Is it wrong or right for me to do so? Would… would it be too cruel for me to do so?"

Hearing that, Hikaru felt a bit amused: "No, like I said, you need to do that. In this world, anyone can endanger us."

"Um…" Velys nodded, pressing her face against his chest: "I understand. I only need you, it doesn't matter whether other people exist or not."

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