Apocalypse Tamer

Chapter 9: Man vs Evolution

Chapter 9: Man vs Evolution

Of all the things Basil disliked about his university days, the terrible nights spent studying boring subjects had topped his list.

Alas, history always repeated itself. Basil struggled to focus as he skimmed through pages after pages of useless information. A pile of books stood on his table like an ominous mountain and the coffee in his cup shrank with each passing minute.

He would have found the information he was looking for already if the goddamn internet still worked! Couldnt the apocalypse spare his wifi connection? When Plato walked into the main room with a triumphant look, Basil welcomed the interruption.

Yo dog, we recovered the server, Plato said. Bugsy is moving it to the garage.

Wonderful. Maybe it would offer Basil more insight on Dismaker Labs than the books.

What are you reading? Plato leaped on the table. You look bored to death.

Because I am. These are tourism books and my old history-geography school manuals. They were the only works mentioning Malta and India in Basils private library. Im trying to find more info on the company that created the server.

Any success so far?


Plato leaped onto his owners lap. If you have time to complain, then you have time to cuddle me!

Platos words brought a smile to Basil's face and he started scratching his pets ears. The cat purred in response. It made Basils research less boring as he skimmed through the text. He didnt find anything interesting, at least until he caught the word Trimurti on a page.

History of India: the hundred faces of the Hindus, Basil read the chapter with renewed attention. Although the Hindu faiths sects and gods are beyond count, most recognize the existence of three deities embodying the universal cycle: Brahma the Creator; Vishnu the Preserver; and Shiva the Destroyer. The three form the supreme triple deity: the Trimurti.

What were the odds? Basil didnt believe in coincidences.

Other popular Hindu deities include Ganesha, the elephant-headed son of Shiva the Tridevi goddesses called Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati the dreaded Kali

Unfortunately, school textbooks rarely went into depth about important subjects. Basil couldnt find any other mention of the Trimurti besides the occasional Hindu festival picture.

The System had said that the server channeled the power of the Trimurti to alter reality. Did it mean that it harnessed the power of Hindu gods? Did they even exist?

As an Orthodox Christian, Basil respected other faiths but he couldnt bring himself to believe in the existence of multiple gods. It went against everything he had been taught in his life.

Perhaps he should revise his beliefs. The Bible never mentioned the Systems arrival and a goblin invasion.

Plato looked up at his owner. Youve found something?

A potential lead, but not much.

Then find a bigger book.

We would have to go to Dax or Bayonne to find the nearest library. Dax was the closer city, but Bayonne was bigger. Alternatively, they could go to Mont-de-Marsan or Biarritz.

Basil was half-tempted to visit one of them. It would let him check on how the rest of civilization was faring and he needed medical supplies to fuel his crafting.

There were risks to consider. Cities made for larger targets than isolated houses lost in the woods. Monsters could have turned the nearest towns into nests unless the army or police managed to fend them off. Basil couldnt leave the house undefended either. A wandering beast would break through the fence and eat all of Basils animals.

If only they could recruit an immobile security force

Basil shelved the thought in a corner of his mind and snapped his book shut. Plato squealed as his owner rose up and held him in his arms.

Are we going on an adventure? the cat asked, his tiny paws dangling in the void.

Yes, were going to the garage. The one place even dustier than a dungeons basement.

Bugsy had beaten Basil to the room. The centipede exhaled after pushing the servers wreck into a corner of the garage, right between shelves full of tools and the shiny Renault Kangoo. Basil noticed a small piece of Megabugs flesh stuck in the forefront wheel. The hours he had spent washing the car hadnt been enough to clean everything.

Its heavier than it looks, Boss. Bugsy coughed in utter exhaustion. Much heavier.

Ive got pills against fatigue in the basement, Basil replied. His crafting experiments with medicine other than paracetamol had produced a wide array of different results: anti-paralysis drugs, poison antidotes, even a potion healing SP rather than HP. Thanks for your work, Bugsy.

Youre welcome, Boss Bugsy said before collapsing on the floor. Nothing to report

We havent met any monster in two days, Plato said with a look of disappointment. Not even silly birds. I fear they may have fled south.

Gee, I wonder why, Basil replied with a deadpan tone as he examined the server. It proved a fools hope. Basil knew little about computers and the System refused to help repair the device. He couldnt even use the salvage option.

Did he lack the right crafter class? Or did the servers creators put in safeties to prevent people from identifying where it came from?

Basil decided to keep the server intact in the garage just in case. Guys, why didnt you store it in your inventory instead of carrying it around?

Uh, because we cant? Plato replied with a shrug. We dont have a pocket treasure dimension.

Basil raised an eyebrow in surprise. You guys dont have an inventory of your own?

No, Boss. Bugsy had recovered enough to rise up again. I dont even have your crafting option in my menu. Just Status, Party, Logs and Settings!

Monsters had access to half a Players menu? The other features were probably meant to give humans an advantage over the inherently stronger monsters.

If none of his party members could craft, then Basil couldnt scale up his production. He had hoped to teach Bugsy or Plato how to make medicine in case they faced an emergency. How disappointing.

Since Basil had run out of paracetamol pills, he would have to harvest the few medicinal plants growing in the greenhouse. It would let him check on how Rosemarine fared with her new home too.

Basil walked into the garden. His chickens and rabbits wandered freely among the grassy terrain without fear of goblin invaders. Although Bugsys presence spooked them at first, the animals had grown used to his presence. The centipede coiled into a half-circle shape when he crossed paths with the chickens.

His action made Plato curious. What are you doing?

Dont you recognize the gesture? Basil chuckled. Hes doing the C for Chicken sign.

Im honoring Major Chicken, Bugsy replied with big nave eyes. Last nights TV night had converted him to the cartoon religion. The way he threw Spinach Lord into a volcano to counter his regeneration after realizing chicken fries at a higher temperature That was so smart, so brave! I hope the chicks will grow as strong as Major Chicken one day!

Basil almost replied that Major Chicken could never exist in real life, but his thoughts came to an abrupt stop first. His mind struggled to process a detail his eyes had just noticed.

Plato? Basil asked.

Yes, Basil?

Why does this rabbit have a horn? Basil pointed at one of his pets eating grass near the fence with his chin.

Plato squinted at his fellow animal and noticed the tiny yellow horn growing on its forehead. It was so small Basil almost missed it.

Dont rabbits grow horns naturally? the cat asked innocently. Like cows?

Whats a cow? Bugsy asked. It sounds delicious.

Basil locked eyes with his cat. Are you kidding, Plato?

No, of course not, Plato replied with a tone that implied otherwise. Does it matter? You arent supposed to understand me either and centipedes dont grow two-meters long. Just go with the flow. Thinking too much will give you headaches.

Ill manage. Basil stared at the rabbit. Can you understand me?

The rabbit looked up at his owner, but it didnt say a word.

Since I cant understand it, that rabbit mustn't fully count as a monster yet, Basil said. But hes clearly transforming into one.

Even after we blew up the dungeon? Plato raised his chin at the clear skies devoid of magical auroras. The area returned to normal.

Bugsy suggested an interesting theory. Maybe the rabbits had started to change before you destroyed the dungeon, Boss? Youre only noticing now.

Maybe, Basil conceded his point. The Systems magic could work like ambient radiation. We destroyed the local nuclear reactor, the dungeon, but its influence has already mutated the wildlife.

Plato tensed up in his owners arm. He looked up at Basil with his big, fearful yellow eyes.

What? Basil asked.

Do you think I could lose my tail?

Basil smiled smugly.

H-Hey, dont joke about this! Plato hissed. It happened to other cat breeds! Im an Earth animal too, I could be mutating as we speak!

Just go with the flow, Basil echoed Thinking too much will give you headaches.

Plato spitefully wagged his tail in his owners face, which only made him laugh.

Basil worried a bit about the implications though. If a rabbit could grow a horn in less than a week, how would he have looked after a year of exposure to the dungeons influence? Basil dared not to imagine the resulting abomination. For all he knew, his pet rabbits could have mutated into murderous plushies.

At least none of the greenhouses flowers had transformed since Basil had last visited it. A sweet aroma filled his nostrils upon passing through its glass gate. Shrubs, vegetables, and flowers grew in rows of pots and small fenced enclosures. Basil mostly cultivated tomatoes, peas, lettuce, and strawberries to cook with, but he had also tried his hand with medicinal herbs like ginseng and urtica.

And then there was Old Man Rens special weed although Basil had never consumed it himself, he could never bring himself to get rid of it. Too much nostalgia.

As for Rosemarine, she had made her nest in a pot. To Basils astonishment, a perfect copy of her minus the pot stood next to her.

Hello, Mr. Who-Feeds-Me! Rosemarine and her double clapped with their vines. Welcome, welcome!

Basil struggled to tell them apart, as did his pets. Plato leaped from his owners arms to smell the two flowers closely. The cat then swiped the one on the left. The false Rosemarine instantly vanished in a shower of colorful sparkles.

Easy peasy, Plato said with pride. This one smelled fresher.

Was that your seed decoy Perk? Basil petted Rosemarine on the head. The flower wriggled in pleasure, but Plato brooded over the lack of acclaim. It was beautiful!

When I evolve, I will fill the world with my brood! Rosemarine chirped.

Aww, she wanted to become a mommy!

A brilliant idea suddenly crossed Basils mind. He had found the perfect solution to the houses security problem, the ultimate defense that would allow him to hunt far from home without worry.

Pure genius, Basil whispered.

Oh no. Plato sighed. He knew his best friend too well. Oh please no.

Were going to build a flower hedge of plant monsters all around the house! Like every confident visionary, Basil ignored all skeptics. They will protect the household when we leave and we can harvest their pollen for medicine!

No invader would dare to step on his lawn ever again!

While Plato sighed in surrender and Rosemarine yipped in happiness, Bugsys faith proved lacking. Boss, are you sure this is a good idea? How are we going to find so many plants, let alone feed them? That sounds too ambitious a plan

Are you doubting my wisdom, Bugsy Alphonse Venture? Basils tone turned colder than ice and sharper than a kitchen knife.

N-No, Boss Bugsy immediately submitted to his owners authority. Youre always right

I love democracy. Basil felt proud of his open-mindedness. I love unanimity.

Yay, new friends! Saliva dripped from Rosemarines maw. New food!

Must we really pick flowers in the wild, Basil? Plato didnt hide his utter lack of enthusiasm. Dont you know Im allergic to work?

I can craft a cure, Basil replied with a deadpan tone. Give me time to figure it out.

Bugsy lowered his head. Boss, uh can I ask you something?

His embarrassed tone made Basil frown. What is it, Bugsy?

I have two extra levels, but I cant use them before you assign yours. Bugsy shrunk as if scared. I know you said that we shouldnt pursue experience for its own sake, Boss, but I still want to get stronger, Boss. Im...

The centipede didnt dare finish his sentence.

Basil tried to coax the last words out of his mouth with a reassuring tone. Bugsy, you dont have anything to fear. Im not going to hit you if I dont like your answer.

Im tired of losing!

The greenhouse trembled from the strength of Bugsys voice.

Im tired of losing, Bugsy confessed, his voice lower and weaker. His antennae pointed down and he avoided Basils gaze. You beat me and then Mr. Megabug when we fought him, you you and Mr. Plato didnt hesitate to charge where I froze in fear. I didnt know what to do.

Hey, dont beat yourself over it, Plato comforted the centipede. Basil is a grumpy bear in human form with the temper to match, and Im a cat. We were born to win.

Basils jaw clenched at the bear comment, but he didnt say a word. It was rare for Plato to have kind words for anyone.

If I had acted immediately, you wouldnt have lost a life Mr. Plato, Bugsy protested, tears forming in his eyes. The cats words had only worsened his mood. Everyone must pull their weight in a swarm and I didnt. Miss Rosemarine healed everybody, but I couldnt even slow Mr. Megabug down!

Please dont cry, Rosemarine whispered before spraying Bugsy with healing pollen. Here, your wounds will heal!

Thank you, Bugsy replied, even though the pollen couldnt heal emotional scars. I want to win fights like you, Boss. Or like Major Chicken. I need to become stronger, to get more levels.

Basil, who had listened in respectful silence, finally answered. Bugsy, levels will help make you stronger, but strength isnt your problem. What you need is more self-confidence. Youll start by asserting your ideas, even to me.

But Boss, you said if I questioned your wisdom

It was a joke. Well, sort of. Basil intended to go hunting for flowers no matter what, but he wouldnt force anyone to come along. I was teasing you, nothing more. If you think Im doing something wrong or stupid, you shouldnt hesitate to call me out on it.

I do it all the time. Plato nodded in confirmation. Of course, Basil never listens to reason, but thats on him.

Basil ignored the jab. Im confident enough to know what I want, but sometimes I listen. Next time, I want you to assert yourself and stand for what you believe in. Eventually, youll do so naturally.

I Bugsy wiped his tears. Alright, Boss. Ill try.

You wont try, you will, Basil replied as he opened his status screen. And to honor your resolve, Ill grant your wish.

Basil considered investing in his Alchemist and Tamer classes for their utility, but with the rifle broken he had to rely on his axe to defend himself. Assigning his two last levels into Berserker to obtain a new combat-oriented Perk sounded wiser when preparing for a monster hunt.

Berserker Level 2 & 3 Stat Gains: +4 STR; +2 AGI; +1 VIT; +1 MAG; +2 CHA; +2 LCK. You gained 70 HP and 25 SP.
New Active Perk: Warp Spasm I: Technique, 10 SP. You can apply the [Berserk] ailment to yourself at will for 5 minutes. While under a [Berserk] effect, you relentlessly attack the closest target in melee with no regard for your safety, friend or foe, and cannot cast [Spells]. In return, your strength is greatly enhanced and you feel neither pain nor fear.

Basil shivered as the System empowered him. He sensed his muscles turn to steel and his breathing strengthen. His enhanced stats improved his body and mind both. The rush lasted mere seconds, but it brought Basil immense pleasure.

It felt like a drug. Basil briefly wondered how many would grow addicted to levelups before the sight of Bugsy combusting brought him back to reality.

Bright red flames covered the centipede in the blink of an eye. From his mandibles to his tail, a mantle of smokeless fire obscured every inch of his carapace. His antennae became two bright rods.

Bugsy! Basil shouted in alarm. Yet the centipede uttered no scream of pain nor fear. The flames consuming him didnt spread to the greenhouses flowers nor raise the temperature. Plato hissed in surprise.

Hes evolving! Rosemarine alone rejoiced. Hes evolving!

Bugsy grew. He grew larger and larger until his head hit the greenhouses roof and broke through it. Basil and the rest of the crew stepped back to avoid falling glass shards.

Only when Bugsy reached over three meters in length did he finally stop growing. The flames cleared on their own to reveal a beast of legend. The new Bugsy retained the vague shape of a centipede with a crimson exoskeleton and hundreds of legs, but the resemblance with an insect stopped there. Lava flowered through the natural armors chinks. The antennae had transformed into long blue whips and the tail ended with blades of bone.

As for the head Bugsy still had mandibles, but his yellow mouth and slit eyes belonged to a reptile rather than a bug. Flames burned behind rows of sharp fangs. When the maw opened, Basil faced a fiery gullet that could swallow a man whole.

Congratulations! By reaching level 7, Bugsy Alphonse Venture metamorphosed into a centimagma ([Bug/Elemental])! Bugsy Alphonse Venture learned the [Firebreath] Active Perk!

Im sorry, Im sorry! Bugsy apologized, his whiny voice now a thunderous roar. His mighty skull accidentally shattered a glass panel when it moved. Ill repair the roof Boss, I swear! I swear!

Basil was too shocked for anger. Only Rosemarine welcomed the strange event with applause.

Do you think he can fit inside the Kangoo now? Plato asked at Basils side.

We will have to find a trailer.

And widen the doors too.

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