As the Minor Gay Rival in Het Novels

Chapter 2.2

Chapter 2.2

After finishing filming that days guest segment, Fan Yuan diligently acted the part of chauffeur and went to drop Fang Xu off at home. Heaven only knows why this manager is only paid one salary when he has so many jobs.

Fan Yuan stopped the car when they came to a red light at an intersection and looked out the window. It was already dusk and the sky was full of red clouds. The eastern clouds were painted with a gorgeous golden color. He didnt know why, but it suddenly brought to mind the time when Gu Qi drove him home in the previous world.

Unlike Fang Xus sophistication and steadiness that no one could see nor break through, Gu Qi, although seemingly mature and experienced, still had a purity to him that had not yet been tainted. If one were to look carefully, they could still read the emotions in his eyes.

It doesnt matter. It doesnt matter even if Im disappointed. As long as you are you, Ill just keep loving you.

The moment when Gu Qi said those words, his clear, smooth young voice deepened and instantly turned husky.

Reflecting back on it now, that was first sign that something was wrong with the male lead, but Fan Yuans reaction was too slow. He didnt immediately correct it and as a result, the more the plot advanced, the more intense things became. In the end, they progressed past the point of no return. When Xiao Wu said that he was the responsible party, it really had spoken the truth.

He also didnt know what happened to Gu Qi after he left, didnt know if he blamed himself or if he was depressed for a long time. But regardless of how sad Gu Qi felt, he would eventually get over it one day. After all, he was so young and had all the luck in the world. He would surely be able to succeed in business. Things would surely go smoothly for him.

Fang Xu, who was dozing in the passenger seat, suddenly spoke: Tang Yuan, the lights already turned green.

Fan Yuans musings were abruptly cut off as he focused back in to hear the cacophony of beeps coming from behind their car. He hurriedly accelerated forward.

Fang Xu opened his eyes and tilted his head. His languid voice was sleepy but his eyes were exceptionally bright. What were you thinking about?

Fan Yuan sucked in a quiet breath, not knowing why he felt guilty all of a sudden. He didnt bat an eyelash as he said, I was just thinking about how unusual you acted today, thinking about why you would help an unfamiliar woman.

The corners of Fang Xus lips tilted up as he lazily replied, Whats there to think about? Cant I be nice once in a while? Besides, that young woman was pretty interesting.

Fan Yuan wanted to press him for more information and continue to ask about his feelings towards the female lead, but Fang Xu closed his eyes, looking for all the world as if he didnt want to chat with him anymore.

Xiao Wu, do you think the male lead looks like hes been moved by the female lead? Why do I feel like it doesnt seem that way.

Ding. This can still be considered a normal situation. In the original work, the male lead didnt become interested in the female lead right from the start. He gradually became attracted to the female lead over the course of their interactions. Today is their first meeting. Theres still a lot of plot to develop. Master, please dont slack off. Keep working hard.

Fan Yuan nodded his head over and over. In a voice laden with self-confidence, he said, Relax. I definitely wont let you down.

When they arrived at Fang Xus house, Fan Yuan personally brought him upstairs then went to the supermarket on the first floor. He carefully picked out ingredients and bought a large amount of fruits, vegetables, and meats. Laden down with bags, he carried them up to the male leads house.

Thats right! He not only moonlighted as a personal assistant and chauffeur, but as a housekeeper as well.

On more than one occasion, Fan Yuan had seriously doubted whether the original host had masochistic tendencies. Indeed, the male lead was a superstar who radiated a glorious halo on the outside, but not only was he incredibly incompetent in his private life, he was also extremely fussy and nitpicky. Who else but a masochist could ever fall in love with such a man?

Every time he used a thermos to drink water, he would need to wash it seven or eight times. The male leads mother had definitely never told him when he was little that a little dirt never hurt! And as for fruit platters, if the color of the fruit wasnt good, he wouldnt eat it. If the shape wasnt good, he wouldnt eat it. If his mood wasnt good, he wouldnt eat it. He was even worse than a spoiled child!

Could it be that the original host had only taken a shine to his looks Thats why they say unnatural fixation with beauty needs to be treated!

Fan Yuan roasted him in his heart for a good while. His entire body felt light and free of any troubles while his mood was clear and pleasant. But it was no f*cking use. He had to go wash vegetables, cook for the male lead, and then clean his room while he was at it. Additionally, he had to behave as if he was perfectly happy to do these things and as if he took pleasure in doing them.

Fine. Seeing as how the male lead was obediently moving along the plot, he will continue to endure!

After finishing dinner, Fan Yuan rolled up his sleeves and tidied the dishes while the male lead-daren leisurely lounged on the couch, eating fruit and watching the news on TV.

Fan Yuan couldnt help but heave a sigh. As expected, different people have different fates. Just then, a seed of delusion from the previous world sprouted and took root once again.

He thought for a little bit and suddenly earnestly said, Xiao Wu, I still want to go for it and set my goal to be a senior law enforcement consultant. Ill keep striving toward it!

Xiao Wu did not answer him. Fan Yuan didnt repeat himself either and conscientiously starting doing housework.

After he more-or-less finished cleaning up, he walked out of the kitchen and immediately spotted a feature story on Tan Ling on the TV screen.

This was a follow-up story on todays episode of 1, 2, 3! Look to the Stars! Because of the abnormal behavior of the male lead Fang Xu, the lively little Z-list actress Tan Ling began to enter the public consciousness.

Too bad that this was not a particularly auspicious beginning. Netizens held differing opinions on why only her clothing had a problem out of over ten dancers in the programs opening dance number and why the God of Cinema Fang Xu would go out of his way to help an unknown little artist.

Many netizens were unafraid to speculate maliciously about artists and performers. They were accustomed to attributing all accidents to sinisterly concocted conspiracies. Various conspiracy theories proliferated and bred like flies in innumerable succession.

Of course, there were also some normal people who saw no reason to clutch onto a young woman in her early twenties, but many people had already lost their reason and were hurling abuse until their eyes turned red. This was especially true for the Great God Fang Xus crazy fangirls. They felt that their godlike idol had been desecrated by that woman, so she must be driven out of the entertainment scene.

The female lead was a complete and utter victim, but was instead smeared as a scheming b*tch. Her company already planned to put her on ice.

Watching this unfold, Fan Yuan pushed up his glasses. Revealing an incomprehensible and enigmatic smile, he silently left the male leads home.

When he reached the first floor, he was unable to hold back the joy in his heart and happily exclaimed, Seeing the female lead vilified so miserably, I can finally relax now!

Xiao Wu:

The next time the male and female lead meet is next week. For now, theres no need to advance the plot. We can take a break and relax.

Ding. Although theres no need to further the plot, can Master please not roam around aimlessly? Master mustnt meet the male and female side characters, the female lead, and other characters or else youll have to shoulder the plot-related consequences of your actions.

Okay. Was he really so unreliable? _(:)_

One week later.

Fan Yuan rose first thing in the morning to buy the breakfast that His Highness, the male lead-daren, imperiously demanded and drove over to his apartment building to wait for him. God only knows what kind of craziness came over Fang Xu to go so far as to make his impeccably attired, suit-and-tie-wearing neat-freak agent go line up at a food stall to buy him breakfast. It was so inhumane! So tragic and brutal! So shameless!

After waiting for about ten or so minutes, the really, really, really, ridiculously good looking male lead-daren leisurely got into the car. Fan Yuan handed over the soy milk and youtiao that he had spent all morning running around buying. Fang Yu spared him a single, slightly disgusted glance and leaned back in his seat, frowning. He said, Forget it, I dont feel like eating it anymore. Remember to buy me another portion next time.

Fan Yuan: Dont think that just because youre handsome you can get away with being so unreasonable!

#The male lead-daren is poisonousssss, my heart is so tired Orz#

Even as the Emperor of the Silver Screen, Fang Xu hardly filmed any dramas and the number of movies he starred in was similarly small. He had only acted in around ten movies since he came onto the scene seven years ago, yet he had won awards and smashed box office sales for each one. That guy was really picky. He wouldnt film movies he didnt like. He wouldnt film with directors he didnt like. He wouldnt film with producers he didnt like. In short, he was all kinds of fussy.

His management company treated him as if he were a god to whom they gave offerings and made sacrifices. Of course, they tried their very best to satisfy his requirements and gave him good screenplays from which to choose. This time, he chose a wartime spy film called Hidden Edge and made an appointment today to sign a contract with Tian Xing Pictures.

Because the problem of the male leads breakfast had wasted a lot of time, the agreed upon meeting time with the producer and director was almost upon them. In the end, they managed to hurry to Tian Xing Pictures, Inc. The entrance was completely blocked and many people were screaming a name and waving signs. There were also a lot of entertainment reporters chasing interviews. Presumably some popular idol had appeared in the area.

Fang Xu usually took Tang Yuans car when he went out to work to avoid being encircled and trapped by his fans. He never thought the day would come when he would be walled in by anothers fans. He was somewhat impatient and had a cold expression on his face as he said, Go see who it is.

Fan Yuan rogered that and was about to go out to see when he saw a man and a woman squeeze out from the crowd. From a glance, he saw that it was the male love rival Min Zihang and the female lead Tan Ling. From the looks of things, it seemed that they were currently following the plot.

Fang Xu narrowed his eyes, the corner of his mouth curving down: I was wondering who it was. Turns out it was Min Zihang.

Min Zihang was a pop superstar who enjoyed popularity all over Asia these past two years. His looks were a 10 out of 10, he had the voice of an angel, and he was also proficient in many different types of music. He was a man of many talentshe simply overflowed with them. He quickly gained a following amongst young people. At present, he already had his own record label.

Tan Ling and he had been raised in the same orphanage. Their relationship was once very good, but Min Zihang was later located and taken in by relatives. Tan Ling was able to get to where she was today based on her own hard work. The two had once called each other brother and sister, but nowadays one had ascended to heaven while the other crawled in the dirt. The past few days, the incident with Tan Ling had set the web abuzz. It was then that Min Zihang finally recalled that little girl who had followed behind him, calling him gege. For a moment, he was thoroughly and deeply moved, making a firm resolution to lend her a hand.

He had come to Tian Xing Pictures today to help Tan Ling break her contract and to help her pay the associated penalty fee.

He now faced the pack of reporters and the jostling pack of fans. In a powerful and resonant voice he declared, Tan Ling is my meimei. Everyone, please treat her well from now on and dont make things too difficult for her.

Having said his piece, he brought her over to his car and they drove off in a puff of dust.

Fan Yuan watched this scene with shining eyes, an otherwise impassive expression on his face. This times male lead was just too awesome! It seems that this mission will be suitably completed with a HE!


#My Master is always planting flags#

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