Ascension of the elder

Chapter 18: You're never to young to drink

Chapter 18: You're never to young to drink

"I need better tools."

Looking over the furnace Kyle had some ideas to improve its performance and functions. He turned to Randall and said.

"I'm going to make some alterations to this furnace, can you also bring a mould to produce ingots and I also need an anvil and hammer like the ones you use to form the edge of the claymores."

Saying his orders Kyle turned again to inspect the formation. Randall was surprised by the sudden orders he was given but seeing Kyle being this serious he became curious about what may happen. Nodding to his men several ran off to grab an anvil and bring it closer while another went to one of the stores to get the hammer.

Kyle was looking at the array on the furnace and was trying to decide the best way to do what he needed. He could make a very complicated array and have the settings be part of the array. However this may make it difficult for the present blacksmiths to use, instead he decided to make a multi-glyph circular array which could be rotated like an oven switch for heat. He'd also create 2 additional arrays of this type, one of these would control a mixing speed so the metals could bond properly in their liquid form and the other would be a mana infusion control. This last array would further enhance the metals and remove impurities during the creation process.

Deciding on how to continue Kyle looked at the existing formation attached to the furnace. This was a cast formation made from bronze in a triangular shape which was fixed at the three different points. The formation contained three arrays these being heat, contain and cool. Pulling the array from the furnace Kyle shocked everyone as these furnaces are extremely expensive and take a long time to be made. Randall almost blew a blood vessel when he saw this as it was his responsibility to care for these tools. As he was going to take a step forward and give this kid a beating something caused him to freeze in his tracks.

Kyle looked at the array in his hand and used his array projection to cast a single glyph array to come out. The core of this array was 'shape' which can be used to alter the layout of objects below a certain level of density. As bronze was a low enough density Kyle could alter this easily, so while not caring about what was going on around him he started working. Randall froze when he say the array Kyle projected, while his men were just shocked Randall was more versed in the strengths and abilities of array masters so he knew the level of this ability, as well with the ease and speed it was cast almost broke his little brain.

Kyle using the 'shape' array moulded this bronze into 3 solid circles with simple markings showing the numbers 1-10 indicating the heat, mixing speed and level of mana to be infused. The control he used when 'shaping' these using the array was far beyond what was theoretically possible and this was why array masters didn't use this means themselves.

Once the dials were completed Kyle started to infuse the arrays he'd decided to use into them. As Kyle was using array projection he didn't need to shape the dials into the shape of the arrays which should also help to hide how he did this keeping it a secret to boost his family's prestige. When the dials were complete he put them on the spindles already on the furnace from the array that was once on there. Looking over his shoulder Kyle saw Randall looking at him with an expression on his face looking like he'd just eaten ten lemons then licked salt. Not worrying about the giant dwarf he saw the men bringing over the anvil and hammer. He directed them to put them beside furnace. He then proceeded to cast a few arrays on these, the hammer had 'durability and shaping' placed on this as Kyle knew he would need to shape the metal on the anvil without relying on the quenching to give it its distinctive form. The anvil had separate arrays one for heating and the other for cooling as he needed the metal to be hot but not molten for him to fold the steel.

Once he was ready Kyle turned the furnace on to its highest heat and threw in the adamantine as this had the highest melting point. The furnace heated almost instantly although none of the blacksmiths could feel this as the heat was all contained behind a barrier and there was no light visible. This is different than other arrays of it type as most masters associate heat almost unconsciously with fire so due to this perception there would always be visible light when the furnace was activated.

Thinking Kyle may have broken the equipment he was responsible for, Randall took a step forward as Kyle tossed the adamantine ore into the furnace. The ore immediately started to glow and become molten and liquefy. Making Randall stop once again, seeing the first metal had turned molten Kyle the turned the temperature down to 5 and then tossed in the iron and set the mixing to 3. As the iron broke down and began to mix with the adamantine the blacksmiths could see how evenly it was mixed surprising them as this process usually takes a long time with repeated re-heating and even then it couldn't fully mix the metals.

Once the iron was evenly spread Kyle turned the heat to 1 and threw in the mithril, everyone held their breath as this should be where the metal fails, but as they waited there was no adverse reaction and the mithril mixed through the molten metal making Randall question what he has been doing with his life. Watching the mix with interest Kyle waited for a moment more and then turned the mana infusion to 2. Nobody knew what these controls did but they now believed this was how he was preventing the metal from breaking down and as the mana started to be infused they could see the metal start to glow in a purple-blue hue.

When the mana was fully infused into the metal Kyle turned the mixing to 7 and the heat to 6 and added the copped and orichalcum simultaneously. They broke down easily and mixed freely with the other materials with no problem. At this step Kyle Lowered the temperature to 1 and the mana infusion to 10. As the heat was pulled from the steel and the mana increased the metal took on a blue-green hue and then began to fluctuate in different colours.

Kyle left the metal in this state for a few minutes allowing it to fully saturate in the mana field. Kyle had started sweating during this process as he alone knew that if he got this part wrong this would be where it failed. After successfully passing this hurdle he was ready for the next stage. Pouring the steel into the ingot mould Kyle set it to one side for a moment letting it settle before double checking the arrays he installed in the hammer and anvil. The surrounding blacksmiths edged closer trying to see this new alloy which nobody had ever successfully created before this kid turned up out of nowhere and created.

This metal looked like a silver oil spill as it was made up of bright silver with various colours swimming through it which gave it an almost hypnotic effect. Once the metal had set Kyle upended the mould and the ingot fell onto the anvil. Seeing the metal was ready Kyle activated the heating array on the anvil and brought the hammer up, ready to start forging his first sword. Activating the array on the hammer Kyle brought it down with a crash on the ingot. There was a reverberation from this impact which shook him so Kyle started channelling his mana into his nodes reinforcing his body while making him appear to glow.

When the blacksmiths saw this they were shocked once again as Kyle's whole body glowed, usually when people reinforce their bodies they are only able to reinforce a few key points in accordance to whatever skill they were using. For example Randall would reinforce whichever arm was striking and both legs but this wasn't at the strength Kyle used as he hadn't cleared his nodes.

Kyle continued to flatten the ingot which was still soft at this point due to the heating from the anvil. Once the metal was flat Kyle bent the metal back on itself and started to flatten it again. This process was aided by the 'shaping' array in the hammer which let him direct what was happening much easier than he would otherwise be able to do. Again and again he did this confusing the blacksmiths as they had never seen a process like this before.

This continued for an hour and a half but no one moved as they were captivated by this process. Miranda had a blush on her face as she watched Kyle work, everyone around could see she was enamoured by this mysterious young man. They knew he must be someone important in the family as he had a personal maid but they couldn't remember who he could be.

Kyle eventually finished the tempering of the metal and began to shape it to his preference. The blade gradually took shape. The blade itself was 94cm long with a small section without an edge to go into the hilt. Colours swam over the blade when light hit it making it look more like a piece of art rather than a weapon. When he was completed with the shaping of the blade Kyle asked from a block of wood and some leather strapping to be brought over so he could make the hilt. Several of the junior blacksmiths scrambled to grab what he'd asked for while Kyle took some of the left over metal to fashion a guard for the handle. This was a simple round guard made from the same material so it had the same strength and ethereal feeling as the sword itself.

By the time Kyle had finished this simple shaping the juniors had returned with a few different materials for the hilt. Kyle selected a black timber and red leather to make the handle. As these were much softer he was able to shape them to his preference. Once again the surrounding people were impressed with his skills. When this was completed Kyle put the ensemble together, the blacksmiths were confused as nothing was fixed together and would just be loose but their confusion was short lived as Kyle released a different array. This array was 'meld' which was different than 'shape' as what meld did was bond things into one meaning Kyle's katana was a single piece, so it wouldn't break or come apart on impact.

The final phase to complete was just to sharpen the blade. This would have been a problem as the new alloy was much stronger than almost anything that came before and as it absorbed the mana of the user it would only become more ridiculous, but Kyle wasn't stupid and he thanked god that he could use arrays. Casting an array into the blade, this one being 'sharpen' the blade took on a dangerous glint. Again this isn't done because fixing an array to a weapon isn't done as it would either weaken the weapon or prevent additional functions the user wanted to be attached. This was due to the limit of arrays which could be attached to a blade from etching. Kyle used array projection directly into the blade so this was a modification at the molecular level and it can be sharpened with a burst of mana and the regeneration of the weapon could be increased just to both mithril and adamantine being alloyed together.

Finally Kyle took another piece of the dark wood which had a good amount of strength for being timber and 'shaped' it into a sheath. Walking over to a workbench Kyle took some lacquer and coated the sheath and cast a 'dry' array on the lacquer while thinking if arrays can do all this why do humans struggle so much. He didn't even think that the way he used them was abnormal but to everyone else this was amazing and impossible.

Happy with his creation Kyle walked over to Randall who was now starry eyed and dying to ask how he did all this, but upon remembering what happened previously took on a stoic face and said.

"Not bad I'll give it 7 out of 10."

Everyone face palmed at this as this blade was beautiful and made of an alloy which didn't exist before and they all thought that if it was used this would be a deadly weapon. Miranda was almost apocalyptically angry at this but seeing Kyle's grin held herself back. For his part thought Randall was great fun as he previously dealt with people like this, prideful men who wouldn't admit defeat until you left them no other option.

"Well I still need to test the blade so why don't you bring out your best blade."

This was probably the best way to bring Randall to heel and he wasn't disappointed as Randall started huffing finally shouting.


Hearing this Kyle paused for a second before turning to the sound of someone running. They were carrying a massive bastard sword almost 6 feet long. This was "Daisy" and it was Randall's pride and joy. This was forged by a master blacksmith from the capital and was considered one of the best swords in the city and certainly the best sword in this workshop.

Taking up his sword Randall looked at it with affection before standing in a mid double handed stance and said.

"Okay kid let's see what you can do."

Everyone noticed the change in voice from Randall as he didn't speak to him as an inferior or as a superior but as an equal. From Randall this was the highest form of praise he can give as people can employ him but it didn't mean he respected them. This included most of the elders in the family and the number of people he respected could be counted on one hand.

Taking a quick draw stance Kyle focused, drew his sword, slashed and sheathed all in one quick motion. The speed and skill this took shocked them all but none more than Kyle as he would never be able to do this previously. Looking at Randall he was surprised as he was still stood in place but only holding a hilt with only a few inches of blade left while the rest was on the floor.

Yes Kyle had cut straight through his sword with no resistance. This was how sharp the blade had become. Everyone was quiet for a moment but the surrounding erupted into cheers, nothing like this had been seen before and it may mean a new means of forging. Kyle felt sorry for Randall who was still looking at the hilt of his prided sword.

"You know I still have some more stuff to make if you want we can re-forge your sword."

Hearing Kyle, Randall came out of his stupor and looked at him like he was his favourite child.

"Really when can we start how about now."

"I'm sorry it'll have to be tomorrow I'm already late for another appointment."

Kyle remembered he was training with Bruno and was already running behind. Hearing this Randall was a bit disappointed but let it go but then said.

"Okay but tonight you're having dinner with us and I'll drink you under the table."

"Uhh you do know I'm too young to drink?"

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