Ascension of the elder

Chapter 20: Welcome to the team

Chapter 20: Welcome to the team

"And now here comes the training montage." Kyle thought with a grin which if the other 2 saw would really make them worried.

While cultivating to repair and improve their muscles and recover their stamina, Kyle thought about the strength disparity that was already present between the three of them. Bruno having the highest cultivation should in all reality be the strongest and have the most stamina. Facts however proved otherwise, Kyle believed this was due to their different cultivation techniques.

With their nodes already being cleared Kyle and Miranda's bodies had already started to strengthen and evolve without any training or assistance. This means that with training they would continue to get stronger at a faster rate, similar to how their mana would continue to grow even without cultivation however when they cultivate they would get far better results.

Kyle was the first to fully recover again due to his body now being more efficient. As the other 2 were still cultivating Kyle went to each to inspect them. Looking at Miranda's spirit realm first Kyle was pleased to see the progress she was making, her nodes were clearing at a visibly rate and it wouldn't be long until her nodes were completely clear and he could start training her by letting her hold her mana in her sub-nodes like how he'd done previously.

He also noticed that while her main channel wasn't as wide or as reinforced as his was, it was however a little wider and stronger than previously. This may not have been totally accurate as the channel may strengthen at early stages on its own, so Kyle moved onto Bruno and he could see the same effect was occurring in his spirit realm. This was a good situation as it meant that he may be able to strengthen his channel without forcefully controlling it. Turning his sight inwards Kyle inspected his own channel and found that it was indeed strengthening, but unlike the other 2 his seemed to be influenced by his previous level and was already wider and stronger than theirs.

Happy with this new discovery Kyle sat and waited for the other 2 to recover. After another 10 minutes both Bruno and Miranda returned to consciousness. Bruno looked at Kyle with a surprised look on his face before asking.

"That technique is awesome, I can already feel myself getting stronger where did it come from?"

"The master combined some existing techniques and changed them to what they are now."

Miranda responded to Bruno before Kyle could even speak with a prideful look on her face as if it was her who created this technique.

"Yes it is my private technique and it must be kept secret so you can't tell anyone about it even within the family without my permission. Do you understand?"

Not fully comprehending why it couldn't be shared with the family, as they were one and everything that can strengthen the family is helpful. But Bruno was nothing if not loyal so he just nodded his head and swore in his heart that he would take this to the grave if needed.

With the rest period over Kyle got the others moving again. The next stage he chose to try was some yoga as the stretching and flexing would help with their dexterity and their flexibility making them better able to fight when needed. When they started Bruno couldn't help but pipe up.

"Hey I like this new training, this is easy."

However this didn't last long as after 20 minutes of this Bruno was down again. Miranda kept up with Kyle until the end as she had better flexibility than Bruno to start and this range of motion didn't tire her out as much. Once this training was done they sat and cultivated again before moving on.

This time Kyle selected some weights in the 20kg range and began a selection of weight training exercises. This was Bruno's time to shine as he already trained with weights, but Miranda had to tap out early and Kyle himself almost didn't finish this set as it must be said that his body was still only 8 years old regardless of the cheats he's got. Once this set was complete they once again cultivated before Kyle set up some circuit training for them. Lunges, step up, squats push ups, crunches and anything else he could pull out from his memories were included. Some things he couldn't do as they needed equipment to do but there was enough to carry on with.

30 minutes later all three were sprawled on the floor breathing heavily and too tired to sit up. Even lying on their backs looking up like they were they could still cultivate it's just due to convention that people sit up to cultivate. Laying down and looking at the clouds Kyle began thinking about the future and became curious.

"What do you guys want to do in the future, any plans?"

"Well I want to join the guards. Maybe become a captain and marry a pretty girl so I can have a son to continue the family name."

Bruno responded almost like he'd been programmed, which thinking about it probably wasn't far from the truth. While Kyle didn't think this would be a bad life, it lacked imagination and drive and seemed more like the path others had walked before. Turning his head slightly, Kyle saw Miranda in profile. She was looking straight up with a faraway look in her eyes and took another minute or two before she spoke.

"I've always wanted to explore and see the world, but as a maid I can't do as I please and I don't want to let my parents down."

Realising who she was talking to Miranda quickly started to panic trying to turn towards Kyle even though she was exhausted, but seeing Kyle looking at her with a pleased look on his face Miranda was surprised.

"It's good you think big and have an ambition or dream greater than you currently reach. If you don't try to reach for the stars you may as well be in the dirt."

He didn't know where he got this quote from but it was probably from one of those cheap motivational posters with a cat hanging onto a clothes line. Deciding that break time was about over all three struggled to their feet and brushing themselves down.

Looking at the light Kyle judged it to be about 3 in the afternoon, so he decided they should quickly grab some sandwiches before continuing to the part he was looking forward.

"Okay we'll grab some sandwiches before continuing."

"I'll go and get them master."

With this Miranda sprinted off towards the Kitchens. Seeing her sprint off Bruno was surprised at her stamina as he thought she should have been too tired to run like that. Looking towards Kyle he just responded with a laugh and shook it off.

"Bruno would you be good enough to show me your martial training? I need an idea of what you know and what I need to adapt to suit you."

Kyle had a rough idea as to what martial arts he wanted Miranda and Bruno to learn, but it would be best to check Bruno's habits as he has already been trained to a certain extent and Kyle may need to break some bad habits. Bruno immediately went and took a large cleaver from the rack and executed a couple of moves. These were basic stabs and overhead swings, while these were powerful they weren't executed with any finesse or precision, Kyle was once again disappointed with the martial arts available.

Once Bruno had finished his sequence of strikes he looked towards Kyle expectantly.

"Do you know any unarmed combat and is there separate footwork for your fighting techniques?"

"No we train wrestling for unarmed combat and what do you mean footwork?"

Kyle face palmed at this and decided he would need to start at the beginning for both Miranda and Bruno. Miranda arrived a few minutes later as Kyle was still contemplating and took a sandwich when Miranda offered before she stood to one side. Coming out of his contemplation Kyle saw Miranda off to the side and pointed to the seat next to him opposite Bruno.

"Miranda when we are training and away from others you are one of us, so you eat, drink, laugh and curse with us. We are now a team and we need to watch out for and protect each other regardless of the situation, so sit and eat."

Miranda hesitantly took a seat and began to eat a sandwich. Bruno being the simple and straightforward guy he is didn't think too much about this and just laughed while saying.

"Welcome to the team."

Miranda smile at her newfound friends and teammates hoping they could stay together and explore the world. She was shaken from her fantasy when Kyle told them what was next.

"Okay once we've finished the sandwiches I'll be training you in some martial arts and then the fun begins."

Kyle had a sadistic grin on his face when he said this cautiously Bruno asked.

"What's fun?"


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