Ascension Of The Immortal Asura

Chapter 76 - Variant Body Types

The crowd immediately exploded in an uproar at the information that Barden just revealed.

"What? Does he really have an Innate Variant Body?"

"How is that possible? Aren't Innate Variant Bodies supposed to be extremely rare?"

"Obviously he was born lucky. It would help explain that power he unleashed."

"That Miko Varis has an Innate Variant Soul, and now this Fenix Clan boy has an Innate Variant Body. Just what the hell is going on lately?"

The crowd was conversing nonstop about this shocking revelation. Miko Varis was already considered a one in ten thousand year heavenly genius due to his Innate Variant Soul that not only helped him cultivate faster, but gave him frightfully shocking soul powers. Now John was thrown into this mix as well, which was almost too much for the crowd to believe.

Warren Gildar had an extremely miserable expression as he shouted out in protest. "While he may have an Innate Variant Body, it still doesn't explain how he was able to use that much body power. Innate Variant Bodies increase body strength sure, but not to the level that John just revealed. His body power is much stronger than his essence power, which is something I have never heard of in an essence cultivator, even with an Innate Variant Body."

There were written records of some lucky cultivators being born with Innate Variant Bodies over the last several thousand years. Each of those cultivators became heavenly geniuses of the continent, but none of the written records indicated that any of them had bodies that were naturally stronger than their essence cultivation power.

Innate Variant Body cultivators took two paths depending on when they discovered their variant bodies. If they discovered it before cultivation started, then most would opt to pursue body cultivation to make the most of their natural gifts. On the other hand, if a cultivator started essence cultivation before finding out about their variant body, they would continue on the essence pathway, but their naturally powerful body would be something they would use on top of their essence power to overwhelm their opponents in the same realm.

However, there were absolutely no records of someone having an Innate Variant Body that by itself was stronger than their essence cultivation power, at least not any that Warren was aware of.

Another factor for Innate Variant Bodies was just how unique and powerful they were. There were many common types of Innate Variant Bodies that provided a decent increase in natural strength over a normal cultivator, and these would show up every few decades to a few hundred years in this part of the Yuan Continent. However, above Common Innate Variant Bodies were King Variant Bodies, Emperor Variant Bodies, Sovereign Variant Bodies, and lastly Heavenly Variant Bodies.

Cultivators born with King and Emperor Variant Bodies were incredibly rare, and almost all of them ended up being cultivators that stood at the peak of power on the Yuan Continent, including the Yuan Continent Holy Land. Beyond that were Sovereign Variant Body cultivators, and these were so rare that the Yuan continent had never had one despite its tens of thousands of years of cultivation history. Finally, Heavenly Variant Bodies were so rare as to only be myth, and no one truly knew if these body types existed or not.

Because of this, Warren couldn't help but call out in protest. He could tell that John had an Innate Variant Body, but even his Innate Variant Body wasn't enough to explain the level of power he exploded out with, as he assumed John could only have a Common Variant Body.

Barden scoffed at Warren and responded loudly. "That may be true for almost all Innate Variant Bodies, but when you inspected John, did you not pay attention to the quality of his body? Even a decrepit old fart like you could surely tell that John's Innate Variant Body is something extraordinary, something none of us have ever seen in our lives. Even someone like you must know that there are tiers of Innate Variant Bodies, ranging from a common Innate Variant Body all the way to Heavenly Innate Variant Bodies."

Barden paused for a moment to let the information sink in for everyone listening.

"So what? Are you suggesting that John has a King Variant Body or a Emperor Variant Body? Who would believe such a thing?" Warren couldn't help but interrupt Barden and preempt him on his conclusion as to what body type John had.

"Do yourself a favor and inspect John's body once more, but carefully and thoroughly this time. I'm sure that even you will understand the truth then." Barden responded to Warren.

When Warren and the rest inspected John, they were shocked to find that he indeed had an Innate Variant Body, but they didn't deem it necessary to look closer as almost every single Innate Variant Body belonged to the Common Variant Body type. Only by carefully inspecting John's body could they truly see the intricate profundities of his body.

Warren scoffed and once again sent his divine sense out to inspect John. John felt an even more powerful wave of divine senses pass over him when compared to before, but even this was not enough to shake his will.

Warren continued to scan John for over a minute, and his initial dismissive attitude soon turned to surprise, and then complete and outright shock.


Not only Warren, but the other Core Formation elders that inspected John carefully this time had all come to the same conclusion. The conclusion that John's body type was so profound that even they couldn't begin to understand exactly what tier it belonged to. From the muscles, tendons, bones, blood, and subtle Qi fluctuations that flowed through his body, John's body was unlike anything they had seen or thought possible. It was like the heavens themselves had blessed every single cell of his body to be a true, perfect creation. Although they could also sense a hint of a sinister aura emanating from his body, they assumed it was due to his specific Variant Body Type.

From what they could tell, John's body was so profound that they had no idea what power potential John would have in the future, but the only word they could describe it as was "limitless."

In the crowd, Cade, Orren and Rodi were all shocked speechless, as they too could hardly believe what their divine sense was telling them.

Barden watched the powerful elders of all the powers become shocked into complete speechlessness, and a large smile appeared on his face. He coughed once before he once again addressed the crowd.

"That's right. Although none of us can be one hundred percent certain, I believe that John's Innate Variant Body is of the Sovereign Variant Body Type, or even….the Heavenly Variant Body Type."

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