Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 19. Flor’s Decision.

Chapter 19. Flor’s Decision.

"You… How did you become so strong so suddenly!?"

The Thornstride leader, who had arrived after feeling the large energy fluctuation, looked at Flor with terror in his eyes.

Flor looked over, her aura entirely different from what it was just a few moments ago. "Froorar. Retreat with your people. However, know that from now on, it is war."

Flor didn't want to fight by Liu Shu's side unless she was forced to. If anything happened to the World Tree Sapling, she would be saddened enough to take her own life to atone for her mistakes.

As such, Flor decided to give up the chance to kill Froorar right after her power boost, with the sole intention of protecting Liu Shu.

Naturally, Flor knew that after reaching Level 3, Liu Shu was not a weakling. Her stats were half between an F+ tier Level 10 and a Level 9. So, on a one-against-one, Liu Shu was in an awkward spot where no Level 9s could probably hope to defeat her, but a Level 10 was still able to defeat her relatively easily.

Moreover, Froorar and the Thornstride had already realized Liu Shu's specialness. If they fought, Flor was sure that Froorar and the rest would attempt to fight close to Liu Shu so that the Rose Fairies would need to be careful while they could be more reckless.

In such a situation, Flor wasn't sure she could protect Liu Shu with 100% confidence.

"Froorar, today, I'll let you go. However, if you keep bothering us, I'll make sure you pay dearly. Leave!"

With her shout, Flor released a terrifying gale that pushed some lower-level Thornstride back.

Froorar's eyes moved toward Liu Shu, but the second he did so, Flor rushed forward and used a big chunk of Wind Aether Mana.


A powerful wind blew up, smashing against Froorar and pushing him back several steps. Even with his powerful body, he could do nothing to resist the sudden attack.

Flor snarled. "This is the last chance, Froorar. If you decide to fight here and something happens, my life's objective will be exterminating your race from the face of this planet!"

The Thornstride leader looked at Flor while baring his fangs, feeling highly frustrated. However, he knew his limits.

That surprise attack had sliced around 200 Phoer Shards from his reserves. And while it sounded little compared to his 8000 Body Shards, with his natural regeneration, that would take around 7 hours to heal.

After a few tense moments of looking at each other, he finally roared. "Return!"

All the Thornstride that were standing around rushed away, disappearing into the dense forest.

Clavel arrived by Flor's side with a grim expression. "Leader, do we follow them?"

Flor looked at their retreating back for a few seconds and shook her head. "No need. There are some bugs that want to take advantage of the situation."

She lifted her hand and pointed sideways, her red eyes turned over, and said coldly. "Disappear."

Several wind crescents rushed over rapidly and managed only to slice a few branches while bisecting a pair of giant ants standing there.

Clavel's eyebrows came together as she grumbled. "Even the ants are here?"

Flor looked around and sighed, extending her arms to release her <Rose Fairy Queen's Embrace>. A gentle aura enveloped the area, healing plants at the cost of Aether Mana Shards and a bit of Phoer Body Shards. 

Then, Flor returned to the now four-meter-tall tree's side and caressed her trunk with gentle and compassionate eyes. "Tianlian Liu Shu, how are you?"

Our Liu Shu, who had been observing everything, couldn't help but focus her <World Tree Eye> on Flor. 'How did she call me!? She learned my name!? How!? System, please tell me~.'

The system decided to pamper the curious World tree.

[System Hint: Flor has recognized you as a World Tree. Being the first being to notice consciously, she has received many benefits.]

'Oh!' Liu Shu exclaimed. I'm so happy! They finally learned my name~.'

The Rose Fairies were confused when their leader named the tree. After all, Liu Shu had shown evident rejection time and time again toward being named in the past.

Clavel commented. "Leader, didn't we agree not to…" Clavel paused and looked incredulously at Liu Shu. "…Why is she so happy!?"

The fairies looked speechlessly at the tree, which was quite clearly dancing in joy. The movement was not overly noticeable, but her aura and thin, dropping, long branches, unique to willow trees, were clearly moving when there was no wind.

Clavel pouted. "Why did she like your name and not mine?"

Flor chuckled. "That's her name, not one I came up with on a whim."

Clavel blinked, looking at her leader confusedly. "What do you mean, leader?"

Flor shrugged. "I mean it literally. This little one's name is Tianlian Liu Shu."

Clavel blinked two times. "How did you know?"

Flor smiled. "The system told me."

Clavel felt speechless for a while and then pouted. "Leader, can you stop speaking in riddles and tell us what happened?"

Flor laughed aloud, but she didn't answer. In her head, she was considering that letting these little ones know that Liu Shu was a World Tree would be more harmful than good.

Amapola flew over to their side and asked Flor. "Leader, now that you are Level 12, why don't we go attack them? We have enough strength if you lead us to take down an entire race."

Flor commented in the passing. "Not only have I leveled up two times, but my tier has also crossed over from F+ to E-. My strength is probably enough to fight three or four of my previous selves."


All the fairies exclaimed.

Flor coughed and returned toward the problem at hand. "No need to hunt anyone down yet. We have to at least help Liu Shu become Level 5. If we can make her reach that level, we'll be able to begin our counterattack. Until then, we are on the defensive."

Amapola titled her head. "Level Five?"

Flor nodded. "With her growth pace, she should be able to fight a Level 10 and hold her own at Level 5."

Amapola and other fairies blurted instinctively. "Ridiculous!"

Hearing her, the 45-centimeter woman smirked. "Yeah? Look at her stats. You have yet to see them after she leveled up, right?"

The Rose Fairies looked over and saw this.


Level: 3

Aether Mana Shards: 1013/1013

Phoer Body Shards: 1499/1499

Anima Energy Shards: 1044/1044


Amapola, a level nine with similar numbers, felt her heart constricting in pain. 'I understand that as a tree, they need more resistance. Therefore, I never bothered about a tree's Aether Mana or Anima energy… However, what are these numbers!?'

Amapola seriously pondered and tried to recall. 'What were my numbers then…? Ah, right!


Level: 3

Aether Mana Shards: 138/138

Phoer Body Shards: 65/65

Anima Energy Shards: 66/66


When those numbers resurfaced in her mind, Amapola looked at the sky, almost shedding a tear. 'So… unjust.'

Flor saw similar looks on many fairies and almost burst into laughter. 'I mean, if, as a World Tree, her attributes were lacking, it would not make sense.'

With that sorted out, Flor began planning their defensive routines. Because Rose Fairies usually lived in one tree and protected it, they were accustomed to planning defensive battles.

Meanwhile, Liu Shu focused on her new skill called <Woodcrafter>.

<Woodcrafter (E- Rank Level 1 [0/3900])>: The World Tree can create tools and similar items with basic effects. It costs Aether Mana and Anima Energy if there are materials. If the World Tree wants to use itself as material, it will also cost Phoer.


[System Hint: Humanoid creatures, and even trees and other non-human beings, can all utilize items, treasures, or other types of crafts to increase their strength.]

After that, the system spoke again.

[System Hint: Here is the blueprint for one item; please check it. It's the reward for upgrading <Woodcrafting> from Level F to Level E.]

Liu Shu was filled with confusion. 'Upgrade? But I never used it.'

[System Hint: As a Tree, you have innate control over wood, which helps you learn this profession rather quickly. You've gained a bonus because you skipped the <Basic Rank> and reached the <Low Rank>.]

Our cute little tree finally understood. 'I see!... Basic, low?'

[System Hint: Ranks can be called F Rank, E Rank, etc. However. There is a more general way to call them. Basic (F-, F, F+) -> Low (E-, E, E+) -> Medium (D-, D, D+) -> Advanced (C-, C, C+) -> Profound (B-, B, B+)…]

Liu Shu read it and ignored it. 'So complicated. I'll call them by the letter! It's much easier~.'


Then, Liu Shu refocused on the skill again. 'Hm… I need materials, but it says that I can also use myself as a material. Should I try once?'

Tianlian Liu Shu first took control over her Aether mana and Anima Energy. Then, she slowly poured them toward a branch and began thinking, only to realize. '… What shapes are tools? Tree shape? Flower Shape?'

Liu Shu couldn't help but stop to ponder. 'Hm… Perhaps they are human-shaped because humans use them?'

Standing by her side, the fairies were confused when the energy gathering toward one of Liu Shu's branches dissipated like nothing.

Clavel asked. "What was she about to do?"

Aster shrugged. "Let her be. It's not like she will suddenly attack us."

Agreeing with her friend, she asked. "Shall we go? It's our turn to guard."

Aster nodded and sighed. "Such a non-fun job…"

Clavel rolled her eyes as she flew away with Aster.

On another place, near Liu Shu, Flor was sitting in front of a rock that had a somewhat inaccurate but at least usable map. "Hm… We live in quite a good spot. I guess we are lucky. While this place is an open forest, once Liu Shu grows, she will need space to spread her roots."

Her eyes moved outside the Golden Sap Forest, where they lived, and she looked deeply at the small cities she remembered about and marked on the crude map: "Sirol City, Fortuna City, Marefol City…"

Of all of them, Fortuna City worried Flor the most. "That place also has a World Tree, and she is decently matured. Compared to our little sapling…" Flor looked at the four-meter-tall tree and shook her head. "Fighting Lady World Tree, if we need to fight her, will probably be impossible. At least in the short term."

Flor's eyes landed on one of the berries growing on Liu Shu's branches. "However, not all hope is lost. Those berries are strong, especially the one that gives Experience Points. Using them will allow many fairies to cross boundaries they never thought of before… But… Even if everyone became Level 10, I still feel that we wouldn't be able to take down a power yet."

With that and many other complicated thoughts, the day finally passed, and night arrived.

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