Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 190. Preparations.

Chapter 190. Preparations.

Liu Shu looked at the people standing at the base of her body with a confused gaze. They were all people who knew her real identity, so she didn't bother hiding her voice and asked aloud. "Um… What's wrong?"

Flor looked up and asked. "Explain."

"Huh? Explain what?" 

Hearing Liu Shu's honest confusion, Flor rubbed her temples and asked. "What do you mean that you want to Level Up four or five times? Do you not understand how crazy this sounds?"

Liu Shu looked at her Accumulated Experience Points and said. "Well, I recently gained a lot of Experience Points, so I want to use them to Level Up. I was balancing whether it would be best to Tier Up my skills, but after pondering for a while, I decided that Leveling Up was better for now. The higher my level, the more Experience Points I gain, so if I Level Up first and then accumulate Experience, I will be able to Level Up everything else quicker." 

Tempestria asked, curious. "How many Accumulated Experience Points do you have?"

Liu Shu answered happily. "158,485!" 

Everyone listening almost choked with their own saliva. Terra asked, incredulous. "Wait, 150 thousand Experience Points is only enough to Level you up four or five times?"

"Yes! It is very nice, isn't it?" Liu Shu's happy answer made them doubt themselves. If that amount of Experience Points were to be invested in any of them, it would probably be able to Level them eight or nine times. 

Ignatia asked the important question. "What will happen while you Level Up? I can guess that everything will Level Up with you, and the changes will be tremendous, right? Are you ready to go public as a World Tree just two months after being hidden as a Life Tree?"

Everyone paused and considered. However, Liu Shu answered differently than they expected. "Why do I have to reveal myself? I can keep myself hidden during the Level Up. Also, as I increase my levels, my skills will strengthen, my camouflage included." 

The World Tree said soothingly. "And about the town's change, just be honest."

Verdantia asked, confused. "Liu'er, how do you want us to be honest?"

Liu Shu laughed. "While you all have hidden that I am a World Tree, you have not really tried to make me look like a weak Life Tree. My auras, the houses, the terrain, the energy density… Everything is quite telling that I am anything but ordinary. You just need to warn everyone that I have completed a <Sylvan Quest> thanks to all of them and tell them that the <Golden Sap Town> will go through a significant change."

Everyone was stunned on the spot, feeling that they had been slightly close-minded. What Liu Shu said was the truth. They had hidden her as a Life Tree, but they never made people think that she was an ordinary one. 

Some people might doubt Liu Shu's origin or whether she was a Life Tree. Yet, they would find nothing. After all, if they hadn't discovered her real self until now, they would never do so after Liu Shu became stronger. 

Still, the Sylvans, Flor, and Ignatia felt conflicted. 

Cinderielle looked at the giant tree and sighed. 'Tiantian is advancing so quickly. I am already at Level 16, but will she overcome me now? We had a lot of Level advantage, but it took just three years for her to pass us.'

Verdantia frowned deeply, thinking similarly. 'I need something to gain Experience Points quicker. I am eating Liu'er's berries and even going to hunt in nearby forests from time to time. Moreover, compared to other people in my class at Fortuna Academy, I am several levels ahead. Yet, it is not fast enough.' 

Tempestria, on the other hand, felt slightly excited. 'So this is a World Tree. Shu'er is indeed incredible. Experience… How do I increase my Experience Point earning speed even further? Ah~, I am feeling excited to follow you, Shu'er.'

"Liu Shu," Flor spoke, her voice calm and gentle. Then, she continued when she felt the pressure of the World Tree's gaze falling on her. "Go ahead, but try not to take too much time, okay? Without you, I am unsure if I can lead this place." 

Ignatia looked at Flor and sighed internally. 'Why not show your real feelings? You are sad that the time you feared is going to arrive soon. But instead, you smile and try not to make Liu Shu worry.' Ignatia looked at the silent World Tree and smiled. 'Well, it's not like you can hide from her.'

"Flor, why are you sad?"

Liu Shu was a bit confused. She could sense that Flor was happy for her. However, the eyes of the Rose Fairy were melancholic. "Um… Did I do something wrong again?"

Flor felt her throat tighten, but she took in a deep breath and flew upward, landing on one of her branches and leaned against her trunk. "Not at all, Liu Shu. I am very happy for you, but I wanted to keep being able to protect you for a bit longer. When you Level Up, this time, I will become weak in comparison."

Liu Shu listened and answered softly. "As I said in the past, Flor. I don't care how strong you are. I am happy you are with me, and I will always trust you." Liu Shu moved one of her thinner branches and coiled it gently around Flor. "From now on, I will protect you and other Rose Fairies like you did when I was weaker." 

The Rose Fairy Queen laughed and rubbed her face on Liu Shu's smooth bark. "Okay."

Liu Shu spoke to all of them. "According to the system, my Level Ups will take two or three months to complete. Mainly because I need to increase not only my level but the level of every single building in the town."

Cory, one of the management leaders, asked. "Liu Shu, the trees will grow with you, right?"

Liu Shu hummed in affirmation. "Mhm." 

Cory asked. "Can you prevent the trees from producing the new houses until you awaken? As they grow in size, they naturally create new rooms, right?"

"Yes. Why do you want me to hold them back from adding more housing? Isn't that a nice thing to do?"

Cory answered. "It is to have more control over the town's economy until everything stabilizes. We are already feeling a bit overwhelmed as the market changes daily. If new houses pop up unannounced, there can be complications."

Liu Shu exclaimed. "Ohh! I see."

Eric, the person who had been doing the shard exchange, supported the idea. "That's a good idea. However, we have two options. First, as Cory is suggesting, we can delay the changes in pricing until everything is done and then increase everything together with the new town. This would allow us to keep the people who are currently living with us for a few more months, creating a sense of belonging."

Cory nodded. "Yes, that's the main reason I suggested this."

Eric smiled and said, his eyes flashing with cunningness. "What if we made all changes before Liu Shu completed the changes? We can tell people the new pricing, which will be quite absurd considering what we have now. This will make us lose quite a few people." 

Flor flew down and asked. "But?"

Eric suggested. "When everything is completed, and people realize how much of a change there has been, they will come back en masse. It will be like a second town opening ceremony, and our town's name will spread further than before. Surpassing expectations is always a good way to sell things for a better price." 

Verdantia liked a more stable growth path, so she counterargued. "Liu Shu's growth is basically unstoppable. It is better if we continue our low-profile rise, becoming stronger by the day without the people around realizing it. That way, if someone tries to attack us, they will be in for a greater surprise. Your second method is good, but only if our main objective is to become more popular, which it is not."

Eric crossed his arms and got thoughtful, not denying Verdantia's words. 

Tempestria liked adventure and taking risks, but this time, she was more agreeable with Cory's and Verdantia's suggestions. "I also think the same. Liu Shu's advantages are for all to see. Just the <Summoning blessing> was enough to give us a foothold almost anywhere. If we add <World Tree Town> to the mix, then we have enough advantages for people to beg us for a place here."

Cinderielle interrupted. "Hey. How about a point in the middle?"

They looked at her, and Cinderielle spoke. "How about we slowly increase the prices as Liu Shu Levels Up? Making everything a bit more expensive by the day and reaching our objective price when Liu Shu finishes her Level Ups." Cinderielle continued. "A slow increase is usually harder to notice. When people start noticing that the prices have increased a lot, changes will be made, and the reason behind them will be clear. Even if some people complain, we will be on the 'Good side' of the story, so to speak." 

Everyone felt that it was a nice proposal, so they turned to look at Flor. She was the City Lord and the person who had the most authority. Flor didn't have to think much before agreeing. She still added. "I will need guidance during these months, and we need to inform Wert as well to see if he has any better ideas." 

The Rose Fairy Queen looked at Liu Shu and asked. "Can you do this, Liu Shu?" 

"Of course I can!" 

Her confident answer was quite lovely to hear. With it, everyone moved out and started preparing for the big changes. First, Flor contacted Wert and explained her plans. 

Wert listened to everything in silence. After listening to everything, he smiled and answered, "Thank you for informing me, Queen Flor. I find nothing wrong with that plan; my Explorer Association will support this. I want to ask you about something, though."

Flor nodded and paid attention. Wert started. "You know that my Explorer Association's main income comes from Monster Hunting and resource gathering, right?"

Flor answered. "I know." 

Wert noticed that Flor wasn't offended and smiled. "I want to ask, will the monster quality increase with Liu Shu's Level-Ups? Usually, Life Trees have a much more difficult time influencing their surroundings compared to World Trees, which is one of their main limitations. However, Liu Shu feels a bit different, so I wanted to ask if that would happen. With that information, I can plan how my Explorer Association will develop much better."

Flor smiled. "Don't worry. The surroundings will evolve as Liu Shu grows. The thing with her is that her roots are quite extensive compared to other Life Trees. Therefore, while she doesn't directly affect her surroundings like World Trees would, she indirectly makes everything in the forest have more vitality." 

Wert looked at Flor for a few seconds, and then he smiled. "That's all I needed to hear. Thanks for being honest with me, Queen Flor." 

Flor blinked twice, feeling that Wert's words were a bit more profound than they appeared to be. Still, she didn't feel any malice coming from him. Hence, she didn't dwell on it too much. 

When Flor was about to leave, Wert added. "Oh, right. I almost forgot. Delia will be visiting our town in three months or so. She seems to want to give us time to develop before visiting us. She is a <Second Energy Cycle> powerhouse that even I don't dare underestimate, so be prepared." 

The Rose Fairy Queen acknowledged and flew out. 

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