Ascension Through Skills

Chapter 200: 45th Floor (1)

Chapter 200: 45th Floor (1)

Taesan looked up at the sky.

The sky still bore a huge rift torn open in it.

Yet, nothing emerged from there.

The unidentified giant monster he had witnessed in his previous life remained absent.

This marked the end. Aphrodias trial had concluded.

However, he had not yet returned to the labyrinth.

What are you doing?


Lee Taeyeon approached him and inquired. Taesan responded calmly.

She offered a faint smile.

People are quite noisy.

Thats to be expected.

The power Taesan had demonstrated was utterly unlike anything he had shown before. It was only natural for people to be bewildered and confused.

And that includes me.

Lee Taeyeon regarded him with a complex gaze.

She understood. The power Taesan had displayed was akin to that of the demons she had encountered in the labyrinth.

Do you think

What do you think?

Taesan interjected. Her pupils dilated significantly.

I wondered if it was so, and it seems I was right. This was correct.

She nodded silently.

Yes. That was correct.

Her smile was tinged with melancholy.

Can I ask which time this is?

If youre counting, its the second.

Previous life and current life. Easy Mode and Solo Mode. Merely two instances.

The second just that.

Lee Taeyeon laughed, though it lacked genuine mirth.

For now thank you. I survived because of you.

She sat down on the ground, appearing despondent, and hugged her knees.

Actually, it was a monster I was supposed to defeat.

Taesan had taken down two S-class, while she was tasked with one apostle. That was their division of labor.

And Taesan, after defeating two S-class, came to assist Lee Taeyeon.

But she failed to launch a proper attack against the apostle.

I am a coward.

She bit her lip.

Her inability to triumph over the apostle stemmed not only from a lack of ability but also from a deeper issue.

She avoided taking any risks.

She always opted to fight as safely as possible. Thats why she couldnt execute the moves she needed to and constantly hesitated. This hesitation eroded her power.

I try to pass it on to others. To be honest, I was so glad when you came. Because I thought I wouldnt have to fight the apostle. Putting off rewards, not taking what should be mine, and only pursuing my own life.

She poured out what she had been holding deep in her heart.

What if our situations were reversed?

If she had been the one in Easy Mode, receiving no expectations and it being natural to be protected.

And if Taesan had been in Solo Mode. If he had been stronger, possessed more exceptional power.

It would have been a perfect picture.

Indeed, Taesan, who chose Solo Mode, had even acquired black magic that she hadnt, and succeeded in defeating the apostle. There was evidence, so her feelings darkened even more.

Everyone expects a lot from me, but I cant meet their expectations. Just look at you. You effortlessly defeated a monster I thought I could never overcome. It means everything Ive done was meaningless. Whats my worth, really?

She gave a bitter smile.

Sorry. This must be awkward for you. Its just nonsense.

Its not really that awkward. I knew it.


That you have those feelings within yourself.

Taesan spoke indifferently.

After all, Ive been the one youve talked to the most for the longest time. How could I not know?

Ah, what?

It seems like you tried to hide it, but thats not something that can be hidden.

Lee Taeyeons spirit was weaker than the power she possessed.

Her deep-seated self-loathing. The pressure of expectations. Her desire to drop everything and run away, yet being unable to do so.

She couldnt confide in anyone because she was considered one of the strongest and most exceptional Solo Mode players. Everyone had high expectations of her.

Likewise, she couldnt tell Taesan. She was afraid he would be disappointed in her, despite the fact that he was strong even though he was in Easy Mode; that he might despise her.

She was concealing it behind a collection of flashy decorations, as if to declare she was fine, that she had the luxury to amass such items.

Yet, those emotions kept surfacing in her conversations with Taesan.

Now I understand.

Why Lee Taeyeon had handed him the Ouroboros Stone.

She was terrified.

Returning to the past multiple times to descend in Solo Mode, to meet everyones expectations once more.

But she couldnt simply opt for Easy Mode either. Without her in Solo Mode, Earth would face doom. She couldnt be that selfish.

She yearned to escape.

But she couldnt just abandon everything.

Under relentless pressure, Lee Taeyeon made her choice.

Not for herself, but for Taesan.

She, who feared death, entrusted the serpents stone to the one who could save Earth.

Taesan chuckled upon seeing the bewildered Lee Taeyeon.

I didnt know I was capable of saying something like this.

In his previous life, he lacked the leisure. Thus, he wouldnt have recognized her feelings accurately, and even if he had, he wouldnt have cared.

He couldnt convey this to the current Lee Taeyeon either. Because she was navigating the labyrinth with Taesans assistance, with his guidance. It was different from the outset, so his words wouldnt resonate with her.

Only now, to the her present before him, could these words be spoken.

The Lee Taeyeon before him now, brought forth by divine intervention in time, might be somewhat artificial, but Taesan still wished to tell her.

Youve done well. More than enough. Youve guided us here. Without you, it would have been impossible.

That was no fabrication. Taesans exceptional skills were suited for defeating a few monsters but faltered against many. Without Lee Taeyeon, they would have either perished or significantly fewer would have survived.

So, have confidence in yourself. Dont reproach yourself.

Lee Taeyeon opened her mouth in astonishment. She stammered as she inquired.

Do you, do you not resent me? For transferring the responsibility onto you?

Not really?

Taesan shrugged. Lee Taeyeon burst into laughter.

What? I was the only one worrying, deciding by myself, choosing by myself

She lowered her head and laughed. Then, lifting her head, small tears were in her eyes.

Thank you, Taesan.

With those words, the world distorted.

When he came to, he was back in the labyrinth.

[Have you finished what you wanted to say?]

Aphrodia asked softly.

Have you been waiting for me?

[It seemed you had quite a lot to talk about with her. It looks like I was right. Are you satisfied?]

I cant say Im satisfied but its alright.

He had many questions for her. About how she acquired the stone, which iteration she was on, among other various questions.

He had yet to hear the answers to those.

[Secrets hold their value when hidden. Those who attain omniscience succumb to boredom and die.]

Aphrodia spoke leisurely.

[Not knowing can also be enjoyable. Besides, maintaining more than that was difficult. The length of time after capturing the apostle was forcibly extended as a reward for what you've shown. Be satisfied with that.]

I am grateful for that.

[And this may not be the only opportunity. There may come a day when we meet again.]

Aphrodia was right. Gods could twist time itself to summon things.

It meant he might meet that Lee Taeyeon again.

Aphrodia laughed.

[That was very interesting.]

His voice full of laughter echoed.

[So, this is the flow. Good.]

Didnt you know, Aphrodia?

[I knew you had traveled back in time, that you used what the serpent spat out. But I didn't know what happened there.]

A pleasant laugh continuously came from Aphrodia.

[I see. That's why they were interested.]

The gaze of the god turned to Taesan.

[You are special. Very much so, to a degree that even we are surprised.]

Is that so?

[First, I should give you a reward.]

The power of the god spread thickly throughout the room.

[You have perfectly cleared my trial. You have conquered your own despair. So first, I'll give you this.]

Divine power from Aphrodia flowed into Taesan.

[It has settled within you, storing itself.]

[Your special activation skill [Apostle Transformation [Lakiratas]] has been upgraded to [Apostle Transformation [Myriad Spirits]].]

[He might dislike it... but that's not my concern. I've enhanced the apostle power you possess. You will be able to use it for longer periods and with greater strength than before.]

Thank you.

Taesan bowed deeply.

Apostle Transformation was a skill that would be crucial in future battles. The mere extension of its duration justified undergoing the trial.

[And take this as well.]

A purple core from Aphrodias fingertips flowed into Taesan.

[You have obtained the special activation skill [Seed of Despair].]

[It has settled within you. When the time comes, it will bloom. You will likely be satisfied.]

Aphrodia didnt stop there but clenched his fist. When he opened it, there was a small arrowhead.

[You have obtained the Arrowhead of Despair.]

[Arrowhead of Despair]

[An arrowhead that gathers much despair.]

[Attack power + 60]

[The one struck will be afflicted with a random status abnormality and a mental judgment. Without a certain level of mental strength and power, overcoming this judgment is impossible.]

The arrowhead seemed perfectly suited for Taesans arrows.

The attack power was impressively high, and the additional effects were invaluable. Considering it a reward worthy of a god, Taesan carefully stored the arrow.

[This should satisfy you.]

Very much so. Thank you.

He hadnt anticipated being granted Apostle Transformation. Enhancing just that skill was far more valuable than receiving dozens of pieces of equipment.

[I saw something good. It's the least I can do.]

Satisfaction resonated in Aphrodias voice.

[Honestly, I was surprised when my domain was drastically reduced... but witnessing something this entertaining, I'll accept it.]

He suddenly chuckled.

[The monsters of the high gods possess a level of soul that mortals cannot approach. The level you call 'apostles' are merely beings who have stepped slightly out of mortality. Amusing. A being who was merely mortal managed to somewhat stand against such beings.]

It seemed he was referring to Taesans previous life. He had fought an apostle then but was quickly defeated.

[It was enjoyable, Kang Taesan. You've got something to brag about to them. It's a bit odd to call it a reward... but ask something. I'll satisfy your curiosity.]

Several thoughts raced through Taesans mind, eventually narrowing down to one.

Where did she acquire the serpents stone?

The Ouroboross stone. An item that turned back time.

Given that even the ghost didnt know about it, it must be something that could only be obtained from the depths.

[You're asking that?]

Aphrodia smiled lightly.

[Truly remarkable humans. A human we deemed worthless obtained something we thought impossible to acquire. Honestly, I'm surprised. At your potential.]

He was referring to Lee Taeyeon.

Aphrodia said,

[Floor 91. The world swallowed by the serpent. You'll find out when you get there.]

With those words, Aphrodias presence began to fade.

[By the way.]

As if suddenly remembering, Aphrodia spoke,

[Valencia. The madman pursuing a great mind. You're undertaking a quest from him?]

Taesan nodded.

[Madmen always fail to discern and act rashly. Keep that in mind.]

Im aware.

With those words, Aphrodia disappeared.

Taesan gazed at the altar for a moment before sitting down.

Aphrodias words raised several questions, but they werent something he could resolve now. Hed have to meet the gods directly.

For now, there was something else he needed to do.

He had gained and received a lot by breaking the trial. He needed time to organize each one.

First was the change in Apostle Transformation.

[Special Activation Skill: Apostle Transformation [Myriad Spirits]]

[The power bestowed by the god of struggle and death for the first time since his birth. That power was mixed by another god. For 1 hour, you obtain a part of the power possessed by the apostles of the gods. This skill cannot be used again for a day after activation.]


Taesan couldnt help but express his admiration.

Previously, Apostle Transformation was only usable for 20 minutes, meaning that for opponents where Apostle Transformation was necessary, the battle had to be concluded within that timeframea significant limitation.

However, now the duration of Apostle Transformation has been extended to an hour.

This meant there was no longer a need to rush battles due to time constraints.


[It seems Aphrodia has really changed it for you. She must have taken a liking to you.]

The ghost, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up.

Taesan quietly observed him. The ghost twirled around.

[Well... I have a rough idea. About what happened, how that trial came to be.]

The ghost spoke calmly.

[But I won't ask first. Once everything is sorted out, and you feel like you can talk about it, let me know. I'll wait.]

Got it.

The ghost surely had many questions.

Who Lee Taeyeon was, whether the information she provided about Solo Mode was accurate, how time was mixed up.

But he refrained from asking.

Probably out of consideration for Taesan. Taesan inwardly appreciated it and checked what Aphrodia had given him.

He fitted the given arrowhead into an arrow endowed with a will.

[Self-Willed Arrow of Despair]

[An arrow that moves on its own to protect its master. It possesses a will and cannot move beyond a certain range.]

[Current Master: Kang Taesan]

[User's rank is insufficient. Attack Power: 1]

[Equipped with the Arrowhead of Despair. Attack Power +60]

[Afflicts the struck enemy with a status abnormality and a mental judgment.]

Now, three out of four arrows had been enhanced with attack power and effects. With this, significant changes could indeed be brought about in combat.

And the activation skill he received.

[Special Activation Skill: Seed of Despair]

[Mana Consumption: 50]

[Proficiency: 1%]

[As enemies feel despair towards you, this emotion feeds the seed, allowing it to grow. When the time comes, the seed will bloom.]

A growth-type skill, huh.

It seemed to have no immediate effect. It would be a skill usable after descending the labyrinth and increasing its proficiency.

He had checked all the rewards given by Aphrodia.

Now it was time to check the skills acquired from clearing the trial.

[Special Constant Activation Skill: Mental Separation]

[Proficiency: 1%]

[Allows for observing, acting, and thinking about many things simultaneously. Currently, there is a limit to the number of tasks.]

A multitasking skill.

The description was exactly that. He tried moving both hands to do different tasks as a test. The hands moved much more smoothly than before, as if belonging to another body.

It seemed like a useful skill to have.

[Special Activation Skill: Spreading Branches of Curse]

[Proficiency: 1%]

[Materializes your soul to spread the branches of a curse that swallows the world. If the level of the soul is too low or the total amount is insufficient, life force is used as collateral for the skill's activation.]

This is unusable.

Taesan immediately dismissed the skill.

Using twisted soul tuning was already a burden; this skill explicitly mentioned consuming life force.

Likely, one would die before seeing any proper effect.

If ever used, it would be much later, after acquiring sufficient spirit strike in the deeper layers.

As he overcame the trials, his skill proficiency significantly improved. Skills such as the Ability Sword, Airak Martial Technique, and Magic proficiency saw meaningful increases, with the content of several skills undergoing changes.

[Special Continuous Activation Skill: Battle Continuation]

[Proficiency: 80%]

[Allows for prolonged combat without accumulating fatigue. You can fight in peak condition for much longer. There's no limit to how long your stamina can last. You can keep moving without stopping.]

Battle Continuation reached 80% proficiency. The change was exactly as described by the skill.

Now, he would no longer feel fatigue in battle, nor would physical limits hinder him. It was a subtle yet decidedly positive change.

The proficiency of Flow was also gradually approaching the 90s. It wasnt long until it would reach 100%.

And the content of Counter also changed.

[Special Activation Skill: Counter]

[Mana Cost: 5]

[Proficiency: 60%]

[Counters the enemy's attack, dealing significant damage. Can counter attacks that normally can't be countered, including projectiles.]

Frequent use in various battles allowed it to reach 60% proficiency much faster than expected.

Its effect included the ability to counter projectiles. According to Taesans memory, if a counter was activated against an incoming arrow, it would send it back at the attacker with the same speed and force.

In itself, it was a useful skill, but combined with the effect of the Ability Sword, it was bound to become an even more superior skill.

The content of Continuous Attack and Strong Blow also changed.

[Special Activation Skill: Continuous Attack]

[Mana Cost: 3]

[Proficiency: 22%]

[The next attack is used twice. The damage is slightly increased. Not limited by time or space.]

[Special Activation Skill: Strong Blow]

[Mana Cost: ?]

[Proficiency: 23%]

[Makes the next attack stronger.]

Everything that had been accumulating exploded into change. He had definitely become stronger than before, having cleared the trials.

Taesan, satisfied, continued to explore the floors.

He followed the path Valencia had shown him to gather the cores of emotion. Then, he collected the secret rewards and dealt with the boss.

Next, he ascended a floor and handed the cores to Valencia.

Good, good! Not much left now! Bring me stronger emotions!

He exclaimed, his eyes rolling back in excitement.

Valencia seemed to be going mad as Taesan brought him more emotions.

[It might be a good idea to be careful.]

I know.

Taesan answered and descended the floors again.

The rewards on the 44th floor were mostly related to black magic. Since there was nothing suitable for Taesan to wear, he offered them to the Demon God.

[With this, I can give something next time.]

Despite the significant offerings, the Demon God did not grant any new skills. However, Taesan remained hopeful. If this was still not enough, it meant that he was expected to receive a really good skill eventually.

Taesan arrived at the 45th floor.

[Already halfway there.]

Despite the divine trials in the middle, his progress was incredibly fast.

[45th Floor Quest Start.]

[Defeat the boss of the 45th floor and pass through.]

[Reward: Green Vine Root]

[Secret Reward: ???]

The monsters on the 45th floor were spirits left with only the emotion of powerlessness.

Taesan moved forward. First, he secured the core Valencia had mentioned and found the secret room.


He bypassed a trap and collected the secret rooms reward.

[A Statue Made Entirely of Gems]

[Extremely precious and its value is exceptional. It seems like it would sell for a very high price at the shop.]

Although he had collected the secret rooms reward, Taesan did not leave immediately.

[You have activated Reconnaissance.]

Reconnaissance swept through the room. However, nothing out of the ordinary was visible.

It must be true then.

Lee Taeyeon had mentioned that there was one secret room on the 45th floor. And inside it, another hidden room existed.

She explained that it was concealed in such a unique way that it couldnt be detected, even with skills.

Lets see.

Taesan recalled her words and examined the walls. Soon, he spotted a small imperfection.

He pressed it with the tip of his sword.


A clicking sound echoed. Taesan scrutinized the walls once more and discovered another imperfection that had appeared.


Upon pressing it, the clicking sound resonated again.

After repeating this process more than five times, Taesan let out a hollow laugh.

How did she even find this?

It was undetectable by Reconnaissance, indicating she had meticulously found and pressed every flaw.

Lee Taeyeon might have been considered a coward, but she was exceptionally skilled at uncovering various tricks and methods.


The clicking sound was heard once more. At the far end of the secret room, a passage creaked open.

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