Ascension Through Skills

Chapter 240: Fourth Return, Earth (7)

Chapter 240: Fourth Return, Earth (7)

Kim Hwiyeon wrapped her head around the personnel placement and strategy formulation. After praising her efforts, Taesan stepped outside.


“The great spirit!”

Then, people bowed their heads in respect to Minerva and Barkaza.

A thick aura of reverence and worship emanated from them.

Minerva and Barkaza had each safely guided people from their assigned areas to Seoul. The power they demonstrated in the process was literally a marvel in itself.

It was no wonder that those who came with them showed such reverence.

The aura of worship flowed from Minerva and Barkaza to Taesan.

“Since we have a contract, does this mean it’s entering me?”

“Isn’t it? There’s no point in making a contract without such conditions.”

Taesan passed by the worshiping crowd and grasped the overall situation.

As discussed in the meeting, the relationship among the people was positive. Residents of Seoul were actively sharing the food they had grown in makeshift cultivation.

“It’s vegetables. And very fresh.”

“Wow… I wondered, but it’s really possible…”

The volume of vegetables was so large that people from other areas couldn’t help but marvel.

They had heard about makeshift cultivation in the Labyrinth. However, in the Labyrinth, the minimum conditions necessary for seeds to sprout weren’t met, so they couldn’t learn it.

People eagerly devoured the vegetables. Although those who learned makeshift cultivation in the Labyrinth shared their food, various personnel issues prevented them from eating freely.

A man skilled in makeshift cultivation clapped his hands.

“Anyone who wants to learn makeshift cultivation, please come this way! I’m not sure if we have the time, but I’ll teach you!”

People rushed over.

The condition to learn makeshift cultivation was to wait for the sprouts after sowing. It took three to four weeks, but it could be learned without much difficulty. More than half of the people received seeds to learn makeshift cultivation.

And people from other regions could see it. The atmosphere in Seoul was completely different from other regions.

The atmosphere in other regions could not even be said to be good in jest. Immediate survival was difficult, and there was no guarantee they would survive the next return.

That’s why those who returned to Earth were always gloomy, and part of them was facing death.

But Seoul was different.

Here, everyone was bright. It wasn’t just the foolish hope of those who couldn’t see the future. It was filled with belief that they were aware of reality and still could survive, that they could make it.

In fact, Seoul had achieved such results. Many more people were surviving here compared to other regions.

The difference was made by none other than Taesan.

Reverence towards Taesan deepened further.

With divine power rising endlessly, Taesan said grimly.

“What happens if this reaches 100%?”

“Uh… I don’t know?”

Even Minerva, who had said it was impossible, trailed off her words.

“It’s not that there are no cases of reaching transcendence just through worship, but it literally needs to be at the level of the world’s worship. Practically impossible, but I don’t know. This is.”

Unlike at the beginning, she did not give a definitive answer.

Taesan passed by the people and went to find Lee Taeyeon and Kang Jun-hyeok.

The two were sparring with each other. From their looks, it seemed they hadn’t stopped since they arrived here.

As Taesan approached, they stopped sparring. They greeted Taesan with sweaty faces.

“Brother, you came?”


“You’re working hard?”

“Still feeling inadequate, huh?”

Lee Taeyeon smirked.

The path they needed to take was still long and high. There was no time for rest if it was for the sake of becoming stronger.

Taesan looked into their eyes and nodded.

“Not bad.”

At this moment, both were mentally fortified. The days of being weak and fearful were nowhere to be found.

[Not bad at all.]

“Hmm. These are the two going down into the Labyrinth? Honestly, there were many regrets with the others… but this is fine. They are still weak, but that’s due to a lack of experience and time, not because they’re missing any fundamental elements.”

Minerva and Barkaza seemed to approve as well, as they praised the two. Kang Jun-hyeok and Lee Taeyeon bowed their heads in gratitude.

Taesan opened his mouth as he looked at the two.

“C-class monster. You met one?”


“How was it?”

“It was strong.”

Lee Taeyeon murmured. The monster was stronger than any she had faced before, even stronger than all the monsters she had encountered in the Labyrinth.

Each incoming attack was a powerful blow that significantly reduced her health, and the monster’s tough skin made it immune to her attacks.

But she had won.

Lee Taeyeon clenched her fist. Quietly, with flickering eyes, Taesan smiled.

“Good. Ambition. And the will to fight. These two things are essential. Don’t forget this mindset.”

Taesan drew his weapon.

“Ability Sword. Are you handling it well?”

“More than enough. Without it, I would have died long ago.”

“Both of you, draw your weapons. I’ll train you once more.”


The two seriously drew their weapons.

Taesan rolled his foot.

They did not retreat.

Stepping forward, they continued to fight Taesan.

As a result, their proficiency noticeably improved. While actual ascension was blocked on Earth, it would be distinctly felt once they entered the Labyrinth.

A day passed.

The quest had begun.

“Has everyone gathered?”

Everyone waited for Kim Hwiyeon’s words with serious eyes. She frowned as she scanned the people.

“Lee Juhyeok…”

“I told you. I’m going alone.”

Behind him stood players from Daejeon.

Lee Juhyeok raised a finger.

“I’ll take care of the east. Don’t meddle.”

“Tch. Damn it.”

Kim Hwiyeon clicked her tongue but said no more. She turned her attention to the people.

“Alright. I’ll guide you all to your positions and roles.”

Kim Hwiyeon began explaining one by one to each group. People followed her neat and rational judgments without grumbling. Lee Juhyeok, looking annoyed, walked away.

As all arrangements were completed, Kim Hwiyeon spoke in a calm voice.

“Everyone, survive. We can do this. Surviving and seizing the future is our goal.”

Everyone nodded seriously.

[Quest begins.]

“Then move out!”

She shouted. People quickly leaped into action.


Outside, purple cracks appeared rapidly. And monsters assigned to guard the cracks also made their appearance.


Humans and monsters collided.

Taesan watched this scene quietly from inside the city hall.

He had assigned the west to Minerva and the north to Barkaza. With those two in charge, there should be no problem handling the monsters. If there were any issues, they would contact Taesan immediately, so he didn’t need to worry about those directions.

That left only the east and south to concern him.

Taesan looked towards the south.

“It’s, it’s strong!”


The monsters guarding the cracks were strong. Though they were broadly classified as B or C grade, there was a clear distinction even within the same grade.

The monsters that appeared now were at the top strength of D grade. Even Hard Mode players had to focus on defense against them, and for those in Easy or Normal Modes, they were completely outmatched.

“Why are they so strong!”

That’s why people from other regions were astonished. They had never faced monsters this powerful before.

While they hesitated and panicked, the people from Seoul stepped forward.

“Don’t be afraid, everyone! Do what you are tasked to do!”

Players from Seoul’s Easy and Normal Modes rushed to both sides.

Leveraging the fact that they wouldn’t die as long as their health wasn’t depleted, they acted as shields. Hard Mode players seized the opportunity to pressure the monsters with their numbers.

And yet, when victory seemed out of reach, Lee Taeyeon and Kang Jun-hyeok stepped forward.

The people of Seoul had experience—experience in battling overwhelmingly strong monsters. Inspired by their lead, individuals from other regions began to step forward, one after another.

Despite the precarious stability, people fought against the monsters.

‘I don’t need to step in.’

But what about the people from Daejeon?

Taesan looked eastward.

A few minutes before the cracks appeared, the people from Daejeon had moved east. A man, following Lee Juhyeok, cautiously asked,

“Uh, Mr. Juhyeok, is this really okay?”

“What is?”


He glanced towards the city hall.

There, many people were following Kim Hwiyeon’s instructions.

Lee Juhyeok, visibly annoyed, responded,

“Then go that way if you want.”

“No, that’s not what I mean.”

The man quickly shook his head. As he observed the people, they averted their gaze. Lee Juhyeok clenched his teeth.

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

He had always been a leader, even before the world fell apart.

From his high school days as class president to leading groups in college.

Even in the military, he was a leader. Everyone relied on him and trusted his judgment. He wielded power akin to that of a king.

This didn’t change even after he entered the workforce. Unable to tolerate any authority over him, he founded his own company. With daring and bold strategies, he propelled his company to notable success.

He had always been a leader; there was never a time he wasn’t.

Yet, even as the world changed, this remained unchanged. As he ventured into hard mode, he aspired to be a leader. Through bold decisions, he earned the trust of the people and advanced.

However, he did not become a leader.

“What good is such a coward?”

Kim Hwiyeon, unlike Lee Juhyeok, chose stability.

She minimized risks and strategically planned her moves.

Lee Juhyeok scoffed at her approach.

Chasing safety like that, nobody really liked it. People preferred those who were bold and fearless. He believed that. Indeed, he became the leader in Daejeon

But in Hard Mode, people trusted and followed Kim Hwiyeon more.

Naturally, Kim Hwiyeon became the leader of hard mode.

Lee Juhyeok couldn’t stand it.

He always had to be the leader, always at the front, leading people.

But he wasn’t just a fool obsessed with power.

Believing it unprofitable to pick a fight with Kim Hwiyeon, he did not confront her directly.

He thought even if he handed over the leadership of Hard Mode, he could still become the leader of Korea. He believed Kim Hwiyeon would find the burden of leadership too heavy and pass it on to him.

But that was not the case.

She volunteered herself as the leader, and the Hard Mode players supported her.

“Damn it all.”

Lee Juhyeok spat out in disgust.

It was unacceptable. He had to be the leader of Korea.

So, he planned to prove his worth.

“Everyone, get ready.”

“Are you sure it’s okay?”

“It’s fine. Don’t you trust me?”

Lee Juhyeok frowned and thumped his chest.

“I’ve saved more people than anyone else outside of Seoul. It’s only possible in Seoul because they have the monster Kang Taesan. It’s not because I’m any less capable.”

He would cover the entire east with the people of Daejeon alone. By doing so, he aimed to gain their admiration and trust, and grow his influence to challenge for the leader’s position again. That was Lee Juhyeok’s plan.


Time passed, and the cracks opened.

Lee Juhyeok shouted with a serious face.

“Everyone, get ready!”

The monsters appeared.

Lee Juhyeok charged.


With a shout, he wielded his sword, planning to boost morale by taking down a B-grade monster first.

The monster turned to face him.

Lee Juhyeok harbored one misconception. He believed he had saved many people due to his superior skills.

While not entirely untrue, a crucial piece was overlooked.

The High Gods were intent on killing Taesan.

Consequently, they were investing significant efforts in Seoul. This wasn’t limited to dispatching formidable monsters; it also involved amplifying the monsters’ overall strength.

The monsters in Seoul were noticeably stronger than those in other areas.

And now, everyone had converged in Seoul.

The High Gods could concentrate all their power there, making the monsters in Seoul far stronger than before.

Lee Juhyeok had made his plans based on the monsters he had previously encountered.

The monster’s arm swung.


Danger. The instincts that had guided him to the Labyrinth thus far issued a warning. Instinctively, Lee Juhyeok lifted his sword to fend off the monster’s blow.



The impact forced Lee Juhyeok back, the sensation jarring him through the sword’s handle.

The monster advanced.

“Uh, uh.”

A player, dazed and bewildered, was crushed to the ground.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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