Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Then Ill go straight to the Academy, and you can finish packing.

Yes, as you wish, Young Master.

Philippe nodded with his usual smile.

Bye, Young Master!

Be careful out there. Master.

Kersey said with a wave of her hand, and Riche bowed politely.

And with that, I was off to the Royal Academy.

The academy wasnt too far from the mansion on the royal road, so it didnt take me long to reach it by foot.

As I approached the guard on duty at the gate, he looked at me and was momentarily speechless.

Huh Are you giving me that look? Is it so strange that Im going to school?

There was a lot I wanted to say, but I didnt see the point, so I handed over my student ID without saying a word. The guard looked back and forth between the photo of my student ID and me.

His expression was as if he was wondering if I was about to give up my dream.

Yes, yes. Youre confirmed.

Hes stammering in disbelief that Im going to school normally.

I really thought I was used to that reaction.

Isnt this just going to get worse once I get inside the school?

[Goddess of Destiny cant wait to see the students reactions].

I feel like I see the future Forget it, its something Ill have to deal with eventually.

I take the student ID card that is handed to me with a trembling hand. I slip it back into my subspace, and step through the door. The Royal Academy in front of me is unlike any school Ive ever seen.

Most of the universities Ive seen so far are just rows of skyscrapers, but the Royal Academy has a lot of European-style buildings, like a university from a movie.

Its strange to see something Ive only seen in games.

For some reason, I felt more like a tourist in a foreign country than a student at school.

I walked into the auditorium, feeling a bit out of place.

Hey. Isnt that Kane?

What? Crazy. It is. What is it with him and how is he not late?

Dude Its not just that, hes not drunk. Is this true or what, is today the end of the world?

the end of the world?

What the f, Shiva! The world is ending, p*icks, and if youre going to gossip about me, do it behind my back!!!

[Goddess of destiny shares their reaction].

I get it, but why are you so pissed?

Of course, the Kane they saw was probably drinking every day, being late to class, and even acting like a jerk.

To them, its not a stretch to think that its unbelievable that Im going to school normally.

So its understandable that they would do that.

But. Did I do that too loud?

I stopped walking, frowned, and glared at the guys who were talking behind my back. They caught my eye and scurried away.

Just as I was about to resume my leisurely pace.

Wowyou really didnt hear. Kanes not late for school today, and guess what? hes not drunk. Sober and sober today!!!

No longer able to talk back, they just try to kill me with words.

I turned my head to see who the hell was trying to kill me with words.

My eyes met with an unexpected figure.

It was none other than Eileen.

Our eyes locked and there was an awkward silence for a moment.

And just like that, a cold chill creeps over the three of us, me, Eileen, and her best friend Jenny.

[Goddess of Destiny asks what the hell is that b*tch looking at you].

Oh Thats right, Constellation, she wasnt around when I broke up with Eileen, was she?

Well, that doesnt matter, but now that I think about it, I havent seen her since. Is that natural?

When I think about it now, I honestly feel a little sorry for her. I cant help it because my life and points are on the line, but it pricked my conscience that I spoke so harshly and just left.

But what can I do? The look in her eyes scared me, and if I hadnt run away, I would have been beaten to death.

After making eye contact with me, she suddenly flinched away. But unlike her, Jenny, who was next to her, smiles sweetly and says hello.

OhKane! If the rumours are true and youre really not late? Youre not even drunk?

Judging by the way shes treating me, she didnt have a bad relationship with Kane to begin with.

.Or maybe not.

As I recall, Jennys setting is usually cheerful. So there is no guarantee that she would have been friendly with me.

So, lets just go with the flow.

Shouldnt that be a given?

Do you know how awkward it is for me to hear you say that, but.. did something happen between you two? Why is it so awkward?

Jenny looked back and forth between me and Eileen. She continued.

No, I mean, its always been a little awkward, but this doesnt feel like the kind of awkwardness I know? Did you guys break.

Jenny is about to say broken up. Eileen clamped her hand over Jennys mouth.


Were going to leave now, have fun.

Eileen bowed her head, her face crimson as she remembered what had happened, and then quickly grabbed Jenny by the arm and hurried off.

I tried to stop to apologize to her, but she was already out of my line of sight with a different physical ability than me.

Tsk, tsk, I can apologise later.

I glared at all the students around me, who looked like they were watching a morning soap opera. They looked at the distant mountains to avoid my eyes.

[Goddess of Destiny. I say, so whos that b*tch].

Why is she so curious again?!

I didnt think it would do any good to tell her, so I ignored the message as usual and walked towards the auditorium.

Huf, Huf, Huf!

Eileen ran at full speed with Jenny at her side, and when she turned her head to look behind her, she couldnt see a single person.

She stopped running and threw Jenny to the ground with a vengeance. Jenny stuck her tongue out in apology and squinted one eye.

Ahahahahaha, sorry, sorry. I didnt realise you two had broken up.

Whoa never mind, its my fault I didnt tell you.

But Kane, hasnt he changed a lot? Hes obviously late and drunk, and he doesnt seem to have the same heavy mood that he used to have What do you think?

At Jennys question, Eileen shook her head in bewilderment.

Sure enough, Jane was right. The Kane she saw today didnt have the same dark aura as when hed gone rogue.

He wasnt drunk. He wasnt late to school. and he was in better shape.

I thought he was sick.

No! What am I thinking!

Eileen thought about the changed Kane for a moment, then shook her head urgently.

Come to think of it, what was it like the last time he broke up with me?

At the time, I didnt look at it too closely because I was thinking, How can I break up with him without hurting him?


Youre right. It was similar then to now.

As Eileen pondered, Jenny spoke up next to her.

Eileen, we can think about Kane later, were going to be late for the first day of school. Lets go.

Ugh! No, Im not thinking about Kane!!!

Okay. Okay. Anyway, lets go.

As much as she wants to deny it, she knows shell be late for the first day of school. The two of them ran quickly to make it to the auditorium on time.

Arriving at the auditorium, I look around. People from the student council were directing the students. I walked up to one of the people whose name badge said Student Council.

When he saw me coming, he looked at me and was startled.

Im sick of this. Yeah, just dont be that surprised.

Excuse me, where do first years sit?

Huh?! Oh over there! There! You can sit there!

He pointed to the far left of the auditorium, where students with name tags that said first year were sitting.

Okay. Thanks for letting me know.

Ugh, huh?! No, its obvious.

I bowed my head to thank him. His eyes widen to the point where his pupils dilate in shock at my gratitude. There is even a cold sweat running down his forehead like crazy.

I ignore his reaction and go to where the first years are gathered. Just as Im about to sit down in an empty seat.

Suddenly, the students around me moved to another place.

Whats going on? Is this the new kind of bullying? Is there some kind of disease that kills you if you sit near me? Why are you guys looking at me like that?

[Goddess of Destiny says youre being bullied].

No, I know, without you telling me.

I sat back in my seat, pretending not to notice the stares. The students around me stare at me in disgust.

Excuse me, do they really have to be? Anyone looking at me would think Im a drunk right now, or smell, eh?!


Still, I sniffed at my school uniform, just in case.

Nope. Its just the image of Kane from the first semester, goddamn Kane . You sure put me through a lot of shit.

I get my ass kicked by the games protagonist. I get my ass kicked by Birg. I get killed by a saint. I get nearly captured by the stubborn Eileen, and now what? Bullying on the first day of school?

What else? Eileen is going to sit next to me?

And so, while I continued to wonder at the absurdity of my situation, it was almost time for the opening ceremony, and all the seats were taken except for those on either side of me.

-And so, before the Royal Academy opening ceremony begins.


Jenny interrupts the student who is about to conduct the opening ceremony.

She grabs Eileen and bows her head in a quick apology, then rushes off to where the first years are gathered.

As they search for an empty chair, they lock eyes with me.

What the hell, is this some kind of warning from the system that Im not done with the Death Flag yet, or is this Constellation pulling some kind of trick again?

[Goddess of Destiny asks if you were aiming for this].

No. Why would I aim for this?

I dont think she knows about my relationship with Eileen yet, but if she did and saw the situation now, shed probably laugh her head off.

For some reason, I cant help but think of Kerseys smirk.

But the good news is that Riche isnt looking at this right now.

If she had, she would have sure to

The thought of it sends a chill down my spine.

Thank God.

In any case, judging by Constellations reaction, she seems to be feeling the absurdity of the situation as well.

The two of them turned to each other and sat down on either side of me for now.

Eileens ears turned red, not expecting to run into me like this after running away earlier.

A cold sweat trickled down my face as I felt equally embarrassed that my fianc, whom I had broken up with three weeks earlier, was sitting next to me.

And so the first day of school began, ignoring our situation.

The opening ceremony ended with the same routine of a man who looked like a principal.

I stood up from my seat and turned to look at Eileen.

She had already left, and the seat next to me was empty.

That was really fast. Well, its an apology. No need to rush it.

With that thought, I walked to my assigned class.

Are you sure its a dung beetle?

As far as I can recall, he barely appeared in the game. Im pretty sure there was an extra who was a thief who messed up with Kim Soo-yong on the first day of school, and I think Eileen and Jenny were classmates.

By the way, that extra is probably getting beaten up by now.

Its a shame that even if he doesnt have anyone to rob, he is picking on Kim Soo-yong.

In fact, Kim Soo-yong is the strongest in his grade at the academy, but it seems that he is not a third-class extra for nothing.

Then again, Kane is no different.

I walked forward, ignoring the stares. It wasnt too far from the auditorium, so I didnt take long to get there.

I opened the door without hesitation, and the eyes of the students in the lecture hall were all on me.

Eileen and Jenny were among them.

[Goddess of Destiny admires your aggro].

No. I just pushed open the door.

I turned away from all the eyes on me. I sat down in a suitably empty seat.

And, as expected, all the students in the vicinity scurried away.

Yeah. Get the f-k out of my sight, you b*st*rds!

Id rather have them think Im crazy and avoid me than be bullied by them.

Just touch me, huh? Try me! Even if I die, I wont die, you b*st*rds!

[Goddess of Destiny bursts into laughter at your mad behavior].

I dont know what kind of face Im making right now, but judging by her reaction, it must not be a good one.

Eventually all the students who were looking at me turned their heads away, not wanting to be caught stepping on shit for nothing.

As they looked at me and bowed, suddenly the door slammed open again.

Everyone in the class, including me, turned towards the sound of the door opening.


I blinked, unable to comprehend what was happening.

The extra who was supposed to have been beaten by Kim Soo-yong in the original script had opened the back door and appeared.

Why did you come out of there?

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